Lieberman ahead in polls, Kerry slams him


So as an independent.. Joe Lieberman is ahead in the polls .... yet Kerry is slammin Lieberman for running as an independent ..saying that he is out of touch with the people of Ct.
I guess Kerry doesnt consider anyone outside the Democratic Party people...
Joe Lieberman is suppose to represent the people of Connecticut...connecticut will decide....

If lieberman wins, then the Dems will be kissing his rear Congress...
So as an independent.. Joe Lieberman is ahead in the polls .... yet Kerry is slammin Lieberman for running as an independent ..saying that he is out of touch with the people of Ct.
I guess Kerry doesnt consider anyone outside the Democratic Party people...

guess you missed that lamont is catching up to LIEberman anyways.... LIEberman isn't a democrat so why is Kerry going to support him?
funny how all y'all throw katherine harris under the bus but none of you wanna talk about that eh klaatu??
funny how all y'all throw katherine harris under the bus but none of you wanna talk about that eh klaatu??

Who's me all Dawg ... I have nothing to do with Harris .... Once again ...Im not a Republican .. I do not vote in republican Primaries ...

Read my print ... Just because I do not agree with all the Dems talking points ... it doesnt make me a Republican ....
Besides .. comapring Harris to Liberman is assinine, comparing apples to oranges ... Harris is a Congresswomen running for an open seat ... Lieberman is an 18 year Senator .. and one time VP candidate ..
Who's me all Dawg ... I have nothing to do with Harris .... Once again ...Im not a Republican .. I do not vote in republican Primaries ...

Read my print ... Just because I do not agree with all the Dems talking points ... it doesnt make me a Republican ....

didn't know you voted in democratic connecticut ones!! where you been hiding lets do lunch soon!
Besides .. comapring Harris to Liberman is assinine, comparing apples to oranges ... Harris is a Congresswomen running for an open seat ... Lieberman is an 18 year Senator .. and one time VP candidate ..

So youre against choice?? it would seem he is on the wrong side of the issue no?? i mean the war is hugely unpopular, and so is bush so why is it some sort of shock that he lost the primary...

besides the independents will carry him through to victory in november, but that won't ever change my opinion of him being a sore loser, and ill never vote for him again.
On the War .. at this point in juncture ... as far as the people of Ct. .yes he is on the wrong side of the issue ...

Everything else ... Dawg ... Liebrman is not a Republican .. we've gone through this before .... his voting record is barley close to Moderate ...

My point in this point was really a jab against Jaws .. ..
yeah but don't you find Lieberman to be kinda a sore loser, in 2000 and again now in 2006....

i don't think ill ever vote for him again b/c he looks at his seat like a fiefdom owned by him, and its not.
I wonder how it makes Lieberman feel that if he wins it will be because Republicans elected him. He will get more votes from registered Republicans than Democrats.
funny how all y'all throw katherine harris under the bus but none of you wanna talk about that eh klaatu??

Yep the repubs are not discussing throwing the current republican governor of KY under the train as well and not back him for re-election.
I wonder how it makes Lieberman feel that if he wins it will be because Republicans elected him. He will get more votes from registered Republicans than Democrats.

not true... CT is like MA it s a bunch of INdependents.. we have the most popular governor, who in fact is a republican.
guess you missed that lamont is catching up to LIEberman anyways.... LIEberman isn't a democrat so why is Kerry going to support him?

Just exactly how does one "catch up" to someone who is out of touch with the voters of the state? Seems to me, he should already be ahead, not behind, catching up. No?

Lieberman lost the Democratic primary because George Soros poured millions of dollars into the Lamont campaign and convinced a few nutball Independents to vote for his guy. That will not happen in the general election, Liberman will win as an independent, and the Democrats will lose a key leadership seat in the Senate. I hope it was worth that, to raise a little cash for the party, because in the end, that was what this was all about... fundraising.