Life on the fringes of U.S. suburbia becomes untenable

you can be making minimum wage and commuting to, take a look at the average commuter.

If you are making minimum wage and commuting you are losing money.

Unless you have a short commute or a very fuel efficient car, minimum wage won't keep you afloat.
Boyle and his wife must drive nearly an hour to their jobs in the high-tech corridor of southern Denver. With gasoline at more than $4 a gallon, Boyle recently paid $121 to fill his pickup truck with diesel.

He's a techno-geek. He needs a diesel pick-up why? To take himself and his lunchbox to work?

My jackass brother in law has a 4x4 that he needs all of two times a year - once to take his boat, which he does not need, down to put in the water in the spring, and once in the fall to take home for winter storage. He drives the 4x4 the rest of the year and bitchs that it's Cheney's fault he's broke. He's divorced and the kids are grown and out of the house, so he has no NEED.
you figure the battery pack will last about 4 years ?
It is made up of thousands of smaller Lithium packs.
Probably, and because it's made of of smaller sub-units, if a cell fails it can be replaced as an individual cell, not a full replacement.
He's a techno-geek. He needs a diesel pick-up why? To take himself and his lunchbox to work?

My jackass brother in law has a 4x4 that he needs all of two times a year - once to take his boat, which he does not need, down to put in the water in the spring, and once in the fall to take home for winter storage. He drives the 4x4 the rest of the year and bitchs that it's Cheney's fault he's broke. He's divorced and the kids are grown and out of the house, so he has no NEED.

Well, let him bitch and moan. If he wants a 4x4 truck and is willing to pay for the vehicle and the gas (he does, despite his bitching), then let him have it.

I never liked the whole idea of berating people for buying something they don't need. We all have stuff we don't need.
we are def going to go through a culture change.
My wife's ex bought the step son a $50,000 pickup while he was a college junior replacing his 25,000 used SUV. Kid hasn't started his first job yet and he's bitchin about the price of gas. Of course like a lot of conspicuous consumers high earning dad doesn't have a lot of wealth built up for his income level.
Well, let him bitch and moan. If he wants a 4x4 truck and is willing to pay for the vehicle and the gas (he does, despite his bitching), then let him have it.

I never liked the whole idea of berating people for buying something they don't need. We all have stuff we don't need.

I didn't say he should not have what he wants, and I'm not berating him for having it. He knew the alternatives, but made that choice nonetheless. I don't need to hear the bitching. I don't need to hear the blame laying like he's 5 years old; he's in the AARP for Christ sake!
most people dont need SUV's based on where they live. they could do fine with a 2wd van or station wagon for hauling kids around.. but lord knows they wouldn't want to be seen in mommy van.

I cant get out of my driveway/town in the winter without AWD or 4wd. having a 900ft long driveway near a salt free lake in a small town tends to be difficult in a new england winter. I drive a camary during all months but in main part of the winter i take my pickup.
most people commuting are making way more than average salary


I know people that drive 15 miles each way to work at wally world, and one that drives 25 miles each way to work at sams.

What is the definiton of commuting, how many miles ?
There is NO gas crisis on this nation. Absolutely not, zero, zip, nada!

I have decided to take the commuter bus. I kept hearing from people how bad it was, and the system doesn't work, etc. They all knew this because none of them had never used it... It takes me an extra 30 minutes to get to work, but since I don't have to drive through the worst parts of traffic, I don't feel halfway wiped out by the time I get to work. (I use the time to read or do paperwork.)

When I look out the window, I notice that the SUVs that pass the bus have only one occupant the vast majority of the time. In addition, they are traveling at about / above 80 mph. Even at $4.00+ per gallon, these people will not change their behavior, except... to bitch about the cost.

Even with the added time to travel, I get more time with my kids. Having to make a bus schedule means I don't stretch the days later. When I have to go, I have to go. The big cost saver is that I can cancel my parking permit / paid parking.
There is NO gas crisis on this nation. Absolutely not, zero, zip, nada!

I have decided to take the commuter bus. I kept hearing from people how bad it was, and the system doesn't work, etc. They all knew this because none of them had never used it... It takes me an extra 30 minutes to get to work, but since I don't have to drive through the worst parts of traffic, I don't feel halfway wiped out by the time I get to work. (I use the time to read or do paperwork.)

When I look out the window, I notice that the SUVs that pass the bus have only one occupant the vast majority of the time. In addition, they are traveling at about / above 80 mph. Even at $4.00+ per gallon, these people will not change their behavior, except... to bitch about the cost.

Even with the added time to travel, I get more time with my kids. Having to make a bus schedule means I don't stretch the days later. When I have to go, I have to go. The big cost saver is that I can cancel my parking permit / paid parking.

Be glad you have a job that allows you to use the public transit systems. And that there is one available.

Public transit wouldn't help me at all. And even if I worked closer to home, there is no public transit to the boonies.

But my wife and I were smart about our vehicles. Rather than buy a new car, we bought two used economy cars and a Jeep Wrangler. No car payments and we have the fuel economy we need and the ability to get to all the fun places that are off the beaten path.
There is NO gas crisis on this nation. Absolutely not, zero, zip, nada!

I have decided to take the commuter bus. I kept hearing from people how bad it was, and the system doesn't work, etc. They all knew this because none of them had never used it... It takes me an extra 30 minutes to get to work, but since I don't have to drive through the worst parts of traffic, I don't feel halfway wiped out by the time I get to work. (I use the time to read or do paperwork.)

When I look out the window, I notice that the SUVs that pass the bus have only one occupant the vast majority of the time. In addition, they are traveling at about / above 80 mph. Even at $4.00+ per gallon, these people will not change their behavior, except... to bitch about the cost.

Even with the added time to travel, I get more time with my kids. Having to make a bus schedule means I don't stretch the days later. When I have to go, I have to go. The big cost saver is that I can cancel my parking permit / paid parking.

when i was working in boston i would drive to the closest commuter rail. (20min).. pay to park $3 a day stand in rain/snow cold or heat for 15min for the train.. get on and pay $220 a month for my ticket.. wind up getting stuck in a smaller then airplane sized seat with people hacking and cauging all over the place. go 45min into city.. get out and have to walk 10min to my building.

It sucked. Alternative tho was $30 a day parking and serious traffic problems.
when i was working in boston i would drive to the closest commuter rail. (20min).. pay to park $3 a day stand in rain/snow cold or heat for 15min for the train.. get on and pay $220 a month for my ticket.. wind up getting stuck in a smaller then airplane sized seat with people hacking and cauging all over the place. go 45min into city.. get out and have to walk 10min to my building.

It sucked. Alternative tho was $30 a day parking and serious traffic problems.

I walk 7 min. to the commuter rail stop, take the train for about 25 min. and walk 10 min to work. I pay $150 pre-tax for the monthly pass.

Sure the train is crowded and is delayed sometimes but I don't have to sit in traffic, don't have to pay for gas and don't have to pay for parking.

It's pretty sweet.
when i was working in boston i would drive to the closest commuter rail. (20min).. pay to park $3 a day stand in rain/snow cold or heat for 15min for the train.. get on and pay $220 a month for my ticket.. wind up getting stuck in a smaller then airplane sized seat with people hacking and cauging all over the place. go 45min into city.. get out and have to walk 10min to my building.

It sucked. Alternative tho was $30 a day parking and serious traffic problems.

While I am staying in your fine city I walk 5 minutes to the T, take the train 2 stops, and walk 5 minutes to the Pru building. Not bad at all.
well when u live out in the blackstone valley its more of a haul to get to work.. but on the flip side. people come to vacation in my town so its like living in a vacation spot.
most people dont need SUV's based on where they live. they could do fine with a 2wd van or station wagon for hauling kids around.. but lord knows they wouldn't want to be seen in mommy van.

I cant get out of my driveway/town in the winter without AWD or 4wd. having a 900ft long driveway near a salt free lake in a small town tends to be difficult in a new england winter. I drive a camary during all months but in main part of the winter i take my pickup.

I have an SUV and definitely don't need one where I live. I do, however, need a large vehicle as I have toddler twins (and all their baggage lol), 2 large dogs, and lots of traveling to family. I find that mommies are more than happy driving a station wagon or minivan, but it's their counterparts that are so opposed to them. That was the case here anyway.

I so enjoy, though, that I have a never ending "I told you so" argument when he bitches about money :)
I wonder will the terms "station wagon" and "mini van" come back into fashion now ?

Or are we stuck with "crossover" and "Maxi crossover" or something ?
I have an SUV and definitely don't need one where I live. I do, however, need a large vehicle as I have toddler twins (and all their baggage lol), 2 large dogs, and lots of traveling to family. I find that mommies are more than happy driving a station wagon or minivan, but it's their counterparts that are so opposed to them. That was the case here anyway.

I so enjoy, though, that I have a never ending "I told you so" argument when he bitches about money :)

lol but your not alone. thtas the point.. I go down to my sisters region in Richmond VA area and its like suburban hell. Tons of PUds where u know someone income level based on there neighborhood. In the driveway of each home is a giant SUV. they haven't had accumulating snow or ice in years.

keeping up with the jones in suburban America.