Lindsey Graham Throws Joe Biden a Lifeline Because the GOP Has Learned Nothing


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Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits

With Joe Biden in the midst of the biggest scandal of his presidency, one that threatens to end his probable reelection bid, you’d hope his political opposition could rally around sending one of the worst presidents in American history into permanent retirement.

But who am I kidding? This is the Republican Party we are talking about so we get Lindsey Graham doing this song and dance, throwing a flailing Biden a lifeline when he needs it the most.

What makes Graham’s handwaving away of Biden’s criminality ironic is that he is a state-level representative for the Trump campaign in South Carolina. You’d think that would cause him to take some pause before he comes diving in to take a bullet for Biden, the president he ostensibly wants to defeat. But I guess not.

And on that topic, what in the world is Trump doing still palling around with Graham? How can he run as someone who is going to drain the swamp when he’s scheduling rallies with one of the swampiest members of the GOP? It’s clear Graham isn’t going to be willing to fight the good fight anyway so why not dump him?
Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits

Him and most of the others with an R by their name, they are the UniParty, and they despise us.......they have sold their souls to the illiberal WOKE in the promotion of their careers.

Him and most of the others with an R by their name, they are the UniParty, and they despise us.......they have sold their souls to the illiberal WOKE in the promotion of their careers.


The democrats are even worse just look at inflation and the border. Gas has went up here 20 cents in the last 2 weeks
The democrats are even worse just look at inflation and the border. Gas has went up here 20 cents in the last 2 weeks

Nobody who matters in power is on my side.

All of my allies are out of power, most are fellow dissidents.
With Joe Biden in the midst of the biggest scandal of his presidency, one that threatens to end his probable reelection bid, you’d hope his political opposition could rally around sending one of the worst presidents in American history into permanent retirement.

Your problem is the vast majority of Americans have no idea what you are talking about. Seriously, what scandal? We had 8 years of claims that Obama was going to have a huge scandal, any day now, and it never happened. Then, trump had so many scandals it is hard to keep track of them.

Graham refused to destroy America for a fantasy scandal that does not exist.
The democrats are even worse just look at inflation and the border. Gas has went up here 20 cents in the last 2 weeks

If only there was some sort of website that listed average gasoline prices, so we would not have to depend on Ptif's feelings... Oh yeah, there is.

Gasoline prices went up by 4 cents in the last two weeks, after having dropped by 12 cents in the previous two weeks. So the last month has seen an 8 cent drop in prices. A tiny bump is normal around Memorial Day Weekend, but it sure was not 20 cents as Ptif claims.

More importantly, gasoline prices have dropped by 23% in the last year.
Your problem is the vast majority of Americans have no idea what you are talking about. Seriously, what scandal? We had 8 years of claims that Obama was going to have a huge scandal, any day now, and it never happened. Then, trump had so many scandals it is hard to keep track of them.

Graham refused to destroy America for a fantasy scandal that does not exist.

You should watch the news sometime
Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits

I'd prefer to do that by hanging him by the neck until dead.
Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits

If somebody is representing their state well why should he be forced out?
Graham is part of the Washington establishment or if you prefer the swamp

And one of Trump's golfing buddies. He hated Trump until he won, then he became butt buddies with him. Lindsay is whatever he needs to be at any given time to stay near the power.