Lindsey Graham Throws Joe Biden a Lifeline Because the GOP Has Learned Nothing

Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits

Voted out? I think we should hang them.
The democrats are even worse just look at inflation and the border. Gas has went up here 20 cents in the last 2 weeks

It did not go up here. But I suppose you think we should use your local station for a standard. In fact, gas is down a buck in the last year or so.
Do you even try to be honest? Fetterman is a short-term thing. If he does not improve, he will be gone. Boxer is soon gone. And you typed that statement? You should not wonder why we laugh at you.

Fetterman should never have been on the ballot
This guy is one of so many illustrations of how shit has long rose to the top in Washington....the place is a shit hole.

The people allowed this, and now Old America is over....our freedom has been stolen from us.
As it does every summer after Memorial Day.

Most Gasoline companies switch over to gasoline without ethanol at this time. They say ethanol evaporates to readily in the summer.

But gasoline without the ethanol is going to be more expensive, so the price naturally increases this time of year.

Do not expect Opie Dopey to understand common sense!

Do not even expect him to even be capable of reasoning!

Opie only has one game- Heads I win- Tails you lose! :laugh:

All he wants is to burn Biden to the stake for beating his Hate Idol in the election- Donald Trump!

Nothing else matters.
Your problem is the vast majority of Americans have no idea what you are talking about. Seriously, what scandal? We had 8 years of claims that Obama was going to have a huge scandal, any day now, and it never happened. Then, trump had so many scandals it is hard to keep track of them.

Graham refused to destroy America for a fantasy scandal that does not exist.

While insanely stupid, I have to acknowledge that the Reich media fraud of pretending reality doesn't exist does work at times.

the whole


thing you fascists do...
Saudis are saying the gas price is too low and they are cutting back production by a million barrels a day. That will raise pump prices. You will blame Biden.
While insanely stupid, I have to acknowledge that the Reich media fraud of pretending reality doesn't exist does work at times.

So you point at the last year of the trump administration, and call it a success, but the first year of the Biden administration is a failure?
So you point at the last year of the trump administration, and call it a success, but the first year of the Biden administration is a failure?

No, I point to the criminal activity of the Biden crime syndicate which you are trying to pretend "no one knows about" while you dance like a monkey with it's tail on fire in you desperation to distract from the criminal acts by Quid Pro.
No, I point to the criminal activity of the Biden crime syndicate which you are trying to pretend "no one knows about" while you dance like a monkey with it's tail on fire in you desperation to distract from the criminal acts by Quid Pro.

But you can find no evidence of any of this for a court? How do we know it even happened?
But you can find no evidence of any of this for a court? How do we know it even happened?

Still thinking that the Big Lie is a the best lie?

Hunter sure fucked up when he got so stoned that he left his laptop. Oh, you lied - the FBI lied, "50 intelligence officials" lied - but the metric tons of evidence still came out.

Now you still sit their playing in your own feces thinking your flaccid lies will somehow defeat reality. Sure, Biden is a Reich member and not subject to laws - but you can't stop the exposure at this point - too many people know too many facts. Your cover up failed. AND the reality of obstruction of justice is just fucking glaring....