"Lipstick on a pig" McCain

The only pig in this race is Old Man McCain himself. This reminds me so much of this scene in Angel (the tv series), where they are put in charge of an evil law firm, Wolfram & Hart, and they get this client who is a woman senator. She comes in because she is being challenged by a young guy, and she wants them to turn put a spell on him to cause him to believe he is a pedophile and to publically confess to it. And she says that he is polling good with the chicks, and “I had the chicks, the chick vote was mine”, and she is just pure evil.

And that is what this entire campaign reminds me of. Pure evil disguised as the chick-friendly candidate.

Old man mccain has always been a dirty old man, and he started out as a dirty young man. With his rape jokes, and his serial fucking around, and his jokes about young girls, that's all he has ever been.

He picked Palin because his dick got hard, or at least, moved (let's face it at his age, and in his condition, if it moves it's like, an epic event), and he thought that the dicks of a lot of other old men might get hard or move too.

For an example, take a look at Dixie's posts. His dick hasn't gone down since he got the news.

Excuse my bluntness, but let's at least put the cards down on the table, one time. We're talking about hard dicks here. It needs to be said and not just implied like Limbaugh does when he says "we've got a babbbbbbbbe on the ticket folks". Let's just spell it out.

In the meantime, the planet contiues to careen towards crisis level. Actually, when I think about it, it really comes as no surprise to me that hard dicks will end up dooming the planet. It really doesn't.
Here's a somewhat more comprehensive approach to this; it really puts the whole "lipstick on a pig" issue in perspective and to me casts further doubt on everything else that's uttered by the McCain campaign.

of course it should and does. as a matter of fact it should for anyone who's a reasonable voter. take a look at onceler's thread about the ad that McCain put together. his core isn't going to budge on this.
of course it should and does. as a matter of fact it should for anyone who's a reasonable voter. take a look at onceler's thread about the ad that McCain put together. his core isn't going to budge on this.

actually if you read the thread you see about four or five people who have right leaning political beliefs speak out against the ad.
Here's a somewhat more comprehensive approach to this; it really puts the whole "lipstick on a pig" issue in perspective and to me casts further doubt on everything else that's uttered by the McCain campaign.


It’s completely phony, but the longer they keep up the attack, the longer the media talks about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs…and doesn’t talk about the Bush years, health care, Palin’s record, McCain’s record, McCain’s policies, etc. Keeping the media distracted with hard dick stories is the only way the republicans can win this election, so don’t expect it to stop.
It’s completely phony, but the longer they keep up the attack, the longer the media talks about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs…and doesn’t talk about the Bush years, health care, Palin’s record, McCain’s record, McCain’s policies, etc. Keeping the media distracted with hard dick stories is the only way the republicans can win this election, so don’t expect it to stop.

You forgot Obamas record (or lack there of) and Bidens record. :)
actually if you read the thread you see about four or five people who have right leaning political beliefs speak out against the ad.

Oh you spoke out against it!

We're all faint with gratitude.

Who gives a shit? You're still voting for him, the media is still "reporting" on this bullshit, and it still works. That's the dirt slime party you vote for, and nobody cares if you "speak out against it".
You forgot Obamas record (or lack there of) and Bidens record. :)

Who wants to talk about issues and who wants to talk about bullshit? The answer to that question, which everybody but hard-core hacks knows, tells you who can't afford to talk about their records, and it's McCain/Palin.
actually if you read the thread you see about four or five people who have right leaning political beliefs speak out against the ad.

right b/c the people in this thread accurately represents the US populace.........:321:
Oh you spoke out against it!

We're all faint with gratitude.

Who gives a shit? You're still voting for him, the media is still "reporting" on this bullshit, and it still works. That's the dirt slime party you vote for, and nobody cares if you "speak out against it".

Ok. And I should vote for Obama because his campaign has been so pure? I can give multiple reasons not to vote for either of them and third party candidates as well.
Oh you spoke out against it!

We're all faint with gratitude.

Who gives a shit? You're still voting for him, the media is still "reporting" on this bullshit, and it still works. That's the dirt slime party you vote for, and nobody cares if you "speak out against it".

Are you voting third party? Or is this just more false outrage. Both sides do it and anyone who does not have their head up their ass knows that.
Are you voting third party? Or is this just more false outrage. Both sides do it and anyone who does not have their head up their ass knows that.

BS, the Republicans are desperate to make this election about this nonsense, while Obama is trying to talk about issues. Don't think for one second I'll be cowed by one of you Libertarian "Your'e all hacks, only I'm above it all" nonsense. Any fair minded person viewing all of this, has seen who wants to talk about issues, and who is desperate to talk about anything but.

Or, as McCain's campaign manager actually said "this election is not about issues, this election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."

Making the faux equivalence, or the false "they do it too!" argument, is exactly what makes republicans feel justified in voting for this slime, but fact is? To a large extent, it is false.
Another thing about this ad is that it shows that the Repubs want to continue the focus on Palin. McCain is boring and a lousy candidate. The Repubs want to make this about Obama vs Palin.
Darla, look at the lies and misinformation left-wing folk are putting out about Sarah Palin. They send 30 lawyers to Alaska to do research on her for what? Democrats are not victims here and they are playing the same game.
Darla, look at the lies and misinformation left-wing folk are putting out about Sarah Palin. They send 30 lawyers to Alaska to do research on her for what? Democrats are not victims here and they are playing the same game.

You are so full of shit. What lies about Palin? And who other than an obscure blog or two has been posting about them? What has been proven to be lies? And of these proven lies, when has the obama campaign ever put those discredited lies forward?

This is shit coming from the MCCain campaign itself. Stop massaging the truth in order to make yourself feel better about your party, and your piece of shit, slimeball candidate.
BS, the Republicans are desperate to make this election about this nonsense, while Obama is trying to talk about issues. Don't think for one second I'll be cowed by one of you Libertarian "Your'e all hacks, only I'm above it all" nonsense. Any fair minded person viewing all of this, has seen who wants to talk about issues, and who is desperate to talk about anything but.

Or, as McCain's campaign manager actually said "this election is not about issues, this election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."

Making the faux equivalence, or the false "they do it too!" argument, is exactly what makes republicans feel justified in voting for this slime, but fact is? To a large extent, it is false.

Yeah, Obama is talking about issues like McCain's "definition" of middle class as those making under 5 million.

You think McCain is slime because of partisanship, not because of dirty politics. Just about everybody is guilty of dirty politics.