"Lipstick on a pig" McCain

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of McCain painting himself as a change agent, "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." ... "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Obama continued, "it's still gonna stink after eight years. We've had enough of the same old thing! It's time to bring about real change to Washington. And that's the choice you've got in this election."

Hold on a second.

Did Obama call McCain or his running mate Peggy(Sarah)Hill a pig?
He was talking about McCain painting himself as AN AGENT OF CHANGE!
He was talking about the stale and self serving Rebublicon policies wrapped in a new package, but its still the same old failed and anti-American Republicon ideology.

Do you radical right wing lemmings not understand this? Or are you so brainwashed you can't understand a simple sentence?

Hey, if I'm wrong about this please tell me.
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of McCain painting himself as a change agent, "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." ... "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Obama continued, "it's still gonna stink after eight years. We've had enough of the same old thing! It's time to bring about real change to Washington. And that's the choice you've got in this election."

Hold on a second.

Did Obama call McCain or his running mate Peggy(Sarah)Hill a pig?
He was talking about McCain painting himself as AN AGENT OF CHANGE!
He was talking about the stale and self serving Rebublicon policies wrapped in a new package, but its still the same old failed and anti-American Republicon ideology.

Do you radical right wing lemmings not understand this? Or are you so brainwashed you can't understand a simple sentence?

Hey, if I'm wrong about this please tell me.

They understand it. They're just lame and desperate.
I want them to tell me I'm wrong.

Come on diddo heads, tell me I'm wrong or admit that this has become an issue so we dont have time to talk about important issues.
I want them to tell me I'm wrong.

Come on diddo heads, tell me I'm wrong or admit that this has become an issue so we dont have time to talk about important issues.

No you are absolutely right. They will never admit it. I stopped even reading the rest of this thread, because they are so full of shit. They use Libertarians as enablers and for moral cover, because Libertarians are ideologically and emotionally invested in the "they're both the same, only me, I'm better" narrative. It's a big game that has gone on forever between Republicans who are hacks but don't want to be covered in the slime that is the Modern day republican party, and Libertarians.

And the slime band plays on.
you forgot to mention the ever critical issue of how many homes McCain owns.... Obama is all for talking about that as well.

You two are acting like pointing out hyprocrisy and character traits that show an inability to lead this country is off limits.
You two are acting like pointing out hyprocrisy and character traits that show an inability to lead this country is off limits.

When you are running your campaign on the charge that your opponent is an elitist, you better believe not knowing how many homes you own is an issue. Too bad the hacks will never admit it.
Waiting for a neocon response on this is like watching grass grow, paint dry or corn grow. You guys are just whipping a dead horse. It's time you stopped viewing your candidates thru rose colored glasses. I guess since they cant stand the heat they got out of the kitchen. I think my argument is sound as the dollar and they know theirs is queer as a 3 dollar bill. This whole 'issue' is dumb as a stump and they know that the truth will come down on them like a cow pissin on a flat rock. I usually turn a blind eye to neocon propaganda but this one takes the cake.
I could go on, but I'd like to get back to the real issues, like, what color lipstick are we talking about?:gives:
Waiting for a neocon response on this is like watching grass grow, paint dry or corn grow. You guys are just whipping a dead horse. It's time you stopped viewing your candidates thru rose colored glasses. I guess since they cant stand the heat they got out of the kitchen. I think my argument is sound as the dollar and they know theirs is queer as a 3 dollar bill. This whole 'issue' is dumb as a stump and they know that the truth will come down on them like a cow pissin on a flat rock. I usually turn a blind eye to neocon propaganda but this one takes the cake.
I could go on, but I'd like to get back to the real issues, like, what color lipstick are we talking about?:gives:

Hey jerk off, go read the other thread. You come across like a pompus ass and no ones going to respond to you..
Truth is you neocons have made a mountain out of a mole hill. Ahhhh I cant stop!

The way you've twisted what Obama said is the issue.

He never implied that Palin was a pig, he stated that neocon policies in a new wrapper is still the same old stinking ideology. You know it and your false outrage is as old as the hills. You lemmings know you've been caught in a lie and you're sweating like a whore in church. Ahhhhh I cant stop with the colloquialisms!

Truth is you neocons have made a mountain out of a mole hill. Ahhhh I cant stop!

The way you've twisted what Obama said is the issue.

He never implied that Palin was a pig, he stated that neocon policies in a new wrapper is still the same old stinking ideology. You know it and your false outrage is as old as the hills. You lemmings know you've been caught in a lie and you're sweating like a whore in church. Ahhhhh I cant stop with the colloquialisms!


From someone who usually hates cliches, that earlier post was pretty funny! :p (and right on).
Garbage from the pols again. He didn't call her a pig.

Move along folks, nothing to see here, move along....
Garbage from the pols again. He didn't call her a pig.

Move along folks, nothing to see here, move along....

Based on their reaction, his audience was smart enough to know what he was referring to. His body language: his hand covering his forehead and eyes, along with his verbal hesitation, confirms it.
Based on their reaction, his audience was smart enough to know what he was referring to. His body language: his hand covering his forehead and eyes, along with his verbal hesitation, confirms it.

Nice, more body language experts. Hell, this board is full of them. You nutters should go into business together.
I must be dead on, since your response is a mere insult. :cof1:

Nah; there isn't any intelligent person who thinks anymore that Obama was referring to Palin, or that McCain labeling the comment "Obama on Palin" wasn't a lie.

Even Rove basically called it a lie.