Literally Milking The System

But the evil Republicans won't let SNAP recipients get beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco with their cards, will they?
But the evil Republicans won't let SNAP recipients get beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco with their cards, will they?

Maybe someday those evil Republicans will redeem their souls and realize that the “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)” has no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in and eliminate it at the federal level and let the States worry about regulating or even having such a program, instead of trying to fix all of the Democrats wasteful shit at the federal level, huh? Then you can reduce the size and scope of the Military Industrial Complex, stop Nation Building, remove our troops from over 120 other nations and save so much taxpayer’s loot that you can actually balance a fucking federal budget while you’re in power, huh? I won’t be holding my breath for that anytime soon.
Maybe someday those evil Republicans will redeem their souls and realize that the “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)” has no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in and eliminate it at the federal level and let the States worry about regulating or even having such a program, instead of trying to fix all of the Democrats wasteful shit at the federal level, huh? Then you can reduce the size and scope of the Military Industrial Complex, stop Nation Building, remove our troops from over 120 other nations and save so much taxpayer’s loot that you can actually balance a fucking federal budget while you’re in power, huh? I won’t be holding my breath for that anytime soon.

Is this your stance, CL?

Is this your stance, CL?


Not at all! I totally respect those who serve in the military, I served myself. They simply fulfill their sworn duty. As a matter of fact I generously support Wounded Warriors & Paralyzed Veterans Of America.

That in no way means I support the fucking idiot government’s bloated Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force, undeclared unconstitutional wars or America’s international political meddling. I fully support an American ”National Defense,” I oppose American International Interventionist Imperialism.

Our solders are our heroes! Our fucking politicians are the morons and assholes that unnecessarily sacrifice, kill off, maim and mentally destroy our young heroes.

Hope that clears it up for ya BIG Money! Are you also “BIG GOVERNMENT?”
It does.


Well if your promoting the Military Industrial Complex and the fucking idiot Drug War, undeclared unconstitutional wars and voting for the BIG government neo-con RINO RepubliCONS, I'll be a disagreeing with your "no."
Who should I be voting for?

If you don't know, you shouldn't vote! If you truly understood the corrupt Duopoly election system you likely wouldn't even bother to vote for any of the media & corporate selected phonies.

"Don't vote it just encourages the bastards." (P. J. O'Rourke)
I used to support WWP, but they are corrupt. A veteran family member worked for them in a very lofty position and witnessed it. Check it out.
I you can't make a recommendation, maybe you shouldn't criticize the choices the two major parties offer on a political forum...

Why not? The 1st Amendment guarantees my free speech. BTW, there's only the Duopoly Party. They're like the NFL, 2 conferences playing the same fucking game.
Why not? The 1st Amendment guarantees my free speech. BTW, there's only the Duopoly Party. They're like the NFL, 2 conferences playing the same fucking game.

By bitching about the two major parties, you are exercising your 1st Amendment rights.

By your inability - or unwillingness - to recommend an alternative, you're exercising your...
By bitching about the two major parties, you are exercising your 1st Amendment rights.

By your inability - or unwillingness - to recommend an alternative, you're exercising your...

But I always offer the very same recommendation. Acquire a copy of our Constitution, read it honestly, study it intensely then act accordingly. With all honesty you'll discover the fucking political racket the Duopoly bastards are operating, your partisan-ism will vanish, your political intellect will mature and you'll know exactly what political actions to take.
If a constitutionalist appears on your ballot and you're convinced he/she is such, vote for him/her. Good luck with that! Otherwise,

"Don't vote it just encourages the bastards."(P. J. O'Rourke)

Not voting solves your major problem, you're no longer a part of the fucking racketeering problem!