Literally Milking The System

So your advice is to abstain from voting and bitch about the government and elected officials?

Absolutely not!

Abstain from voting unless you’re religiously studied and honestly and unbiasedly understanding of the strict construct of our Constitution and you’re totally convinced there is a constitutionalist candidate on your ballot to vote for or you plan to vote for “None Of The Above” as a protest against the political election racket being operated by the Duopoly.

And then surge ahead with vigor with what you irrationally identify as “bitching” which is actually ”EDUCATING” the uninformed voters of the fucking political election racket being operated by the Duopoly and the corrupt bastard politicians in the seats of power it produces.

Get a clue BM!!!!!
And then surge ahead with vigor with what you irrationally identify as “bitching” which is actually ”EDUCATING” the uninformed voters of the fucking political election racket being operated by the Duopoly and the corrupt bastard politicians in the seats of power it produces.

How many converts have you saved from duopolian evil, so far?
How many converts have you saved from duopolian evil, so far?

A few I know for a fact have seen the light and countless numbers I can't possibly ever know for sure. Anyhow, its irrelevant. The truth is always the truth no matter how hard the partisan DemoQUACKS and RepubliCONS deny it and allow themselves to be brainwashed and brain-dead Party Worshipers and perfect Ying-Yangs bowing at the corrupt feet of BIG fucking government.

"Occasionally Democrats & Republicans stumble upon the truth, but most pick themselves up, brush themselves off and scurry along their corrupted brain-dead way as though nothing had happened."(Sr. Winston Churchill, paraphrased & revised)

How many converts have you sucked into the abyss of BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT?
I think I can guess why...:rofl2:

Why what? is that all you have? Why no answer to, "How many converts have you sucked into the abyss of BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT?"

Oh! That's right, you're part of the partisan Duopoly that doesn't answer the hard stuff, huh Goober?
Maybe someday those evil Republicans will redeem their souls and realize that the “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)” has no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in and eliminate it at the federal level and let the States worry about regulating or even having such a program, instead of trying to fix all of the Democrats wasteful shit at the federal level, huh? Then you can reduce the size and scope of the Military Industrial Complex, stop Nation Building, remove our troops from over 120 other nations and save so much taxpayer’s loot that you can actually balance a fucking federal budget while you’re in power, huh? I won’t be holding my breath for that anytime soon.

Yeah, feeding the working poor whose wages are low and who can't keep up with inflation, and the republican party has taken away their labor rights to fair wages and refuses to raise the minimum wage....NOT feeding the poor is CERTAINLY a republican value...your god just loves the rich, right?
A few I know for a fact have seen the light and countless numbers I can't possibly ever know for sure. Anyhow, its irrelevant. The truth is always the truth no matter how hard the partisan DemoQUACKS and RepubliCONS deny it and allow themselves to be brainwashed and brain-dead Party Worshipers and perfect Ying-Yangs bowing at the corrupt feet of BIG fucking government.

"Occasionally Democrats & Republicans stumble upon the truth, but most pick themselves up, brush themselves off and scurry along their corrupted brain-dead way as though nothing had happened."(Sr. Winston Churchill, paraphrased & revised)

How many converts have you sucked into the abyss of BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

YOUR alternative to the republican/democrat party system here?
Yeah, feeding the working poor whose wages are low and who can't keep up with inflation, and the republican party has taken away their labor rights to fair wages and refuses to raise the minimum wage....NOT feeding the poor is CERTAINLY a republican value...your god just loves the rich, right?

So you need someone to feed you.......who changes your diaper?
No verifiable numbers, eh?

You show me your "verifiable numbers" of fucking idiots you've converted to neo-con/RINO BIG fucking government, and I'll show you mine Goober.

I guess your campaign is quite a success...

Quite a bit more successful than yours, all you've managed to do is be a part of the problem and furnish the nation with the Bushwhacker and Dick,("we know where the WMD is") Cheney and thereby guarantee the successful election of the fucking commie Obama!

Elected anybody?


Nobody as fucking crooked and stupid as you have Goober BIG government.!!!
Yeah, feeding the working poor whose wages are low and who can't keep up with inflation,

Where in the Constitution have you found the authority and power for the federal government to “feed” anybody and “keep them up with inflation?”

and the republican party has taken away their labor rights to fair wages and refuses to raise the minimum wage....

Where in the Constitution have you found the authority and power of the federal government to regulate the minimum wage?

NOT feeding the poor is CERTAINLY a republican value..

Where in the Constitution do you find the power of the federal government to feed the poor?

your god just loves the rich, right?

What else do you think you know about ”MY” God? How do you know I even have a God?
I never claimed to have converted anyone to anything, did I?

What took you so long to admit failure? By what right do you belittle my success when you can’t even show a reason for breathing?

Then why can't you prove it?

Why can’t you disprove it? By what authority do you demand proof? Have you ever proven that I’ve lied here or anywhere?
What took you so long to admit failure?

When did I ever claim I was trying to "convert" anyone? Link up.

By what right do you belittle my success when you can’t even show a reason for breathing?

Tell me about your success.

Why can’t you disprove it? By what authority do you demand proof? Have you ever proven that I’ve lied here or anywhere?

Prove a negative?

Did I say you've lied?

If you've succeeded, where the proof? :dunno:

If you don't have any, that's OK...:rofl2:
By all means, carry on claiming you have had great success converting people to your views without providing any evidence to support your boasting.


Where did I claim "great success?" Can you link to that, or is lying just another of your BIG GOVERNMENT talents?