Lobbyists on a Roll: Gutting Reform on Banking, Energy, and Health Care

Continued by the Promised One's "most transparent Administration in History". Good stuff.

I think the WH guest records should be released for investigations by a legal authority. But otherwise the WH is a private residence.

I refer back to the Abramhoff investigation. Bush did not seem to know the guy. Not did he know Kenney Boy either :D

Now official meetings attendees should be published.

And yes you cousin Bill can give you political advise when he visits you too.
But that is irrelevant.

As long as Obama keeps the official stuff open I will be happy, but I doubt that he will fully do that either.
You know that pesky national security song.
I think the WH guest records should be released for investigations by a legal authority. But otherwise the WH is a private residence.

I refer back to the Abramhoff investigation. Bush did not seem to know the guy. Not did he know Kenney Boy either :D

Now official meetings attendees should be published.

And yes you cousin Bill can give you political advise when he visits you too.
But that is irrelevant.

As long as Obama keeps the official stuff open I will be happy, but I doubt that he will fully do that either.
You know that pesky national security song.
What you think "should" be, we agree, what the promised One's doing is different. The official stuff is not open, and ironically the meeting was about energy... same subject, same activity, same excuse the "most transparent Administration" is as transparent as mud. From NSA listening in on calls originating from the US, to hiding who comes to give advice at energy meetings.. Yup. Love that "Transparency"...
Methinks you have a picture in your head of an imaginary perfection that no amount of truth will dispel. It doesn't matter that he hires them. It doesn't matter that he "works around" the reporting requirement by telling them to get their spouses to donate for them, nope. "Nothing to see here" it says on the poster in your head and that is what you rely on.

I am the one that SAID we don't live in a perfect world Damo...that means we don't have perfect people or perfect presidents...I agree with the policies, agenda and changes Obama has put forward...energy, health care, education...I want our president to succeed ...I am skeptical he will be able achieve those goals because of the pressure and money of special interests in Washington, the ones that try to subvert the free market and pass their loses on to taxpayers...THAT is exactly what a polluter is...

We all need to follow the Lee Iacocca's Charlie Beacham rule.

Lee Iacocca
"When I was a young guy just starting out in the car business, one of my first jobs was as Ford's zone manager in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. My boss was a guy named Charlie Beacham, who was the East Coast regional manager. Charlie was a big Southerner, with a warm drawl, a huge smile, and a core of steel. Charlie used to tell me, "Remember, Lee, the only thing you've got going for you as a human being is your ability to reason and your common sense. If you don't know a dip of horseshit from a dip of vanilla ice cream, you'll never make it."

All lobbyists are not equal...from YOUR Washington Times link...

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama declared that, "lobbyists won't find a job in my White House." Now President Obama takes a different view of lobbyists.

The Senate is expected soon to approve anti-tobacco lobbyist William Corr for the second-highest post at the Department of Health and Human Services. He is the former executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and, until recently, a registered lobbyist.

The Obama team has said Mr. Corr will recuse himself from tobacco-related matters.

Here's an article you missed...

All Lobbyists are Not Created Equal

The rules miss the distinction between lobbying that's good for democracy and lobbying that perverts it.

Essentially, you'd need a man of principle who gets into office and says to everyone, "Okay, we're going to do the right thing....and if you don't like it you don't have to finance my re-election".

Then, that person would go to the American people and say, "Here's the deal folks...if you like what I'm doing for you.....send my re-election campaign one dollar a week for the next 4 years....that should give us enough money without lobbyists."

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy...but then again Howard Dean opened the door with using the internet to get grass root support. I say, kick the door all the way open.
Not a bad idea, but it would never fly.

Reason is that the money would just be directed towards the people to brainwash them.
I am the one that SAID we don't live in a perfect world Damo...that means we don't have perfect people or perfect presidents...I agree with the policies, agenda and changes Obama has put forward...energy, health care, education...I want our president to succeed ...I am skeptical he will be able achieve those goals because of the pressure and money of special interests in Washington, the ones that try to subvert the free market and pass their loses on to taxpayers...THAT is exactly what a polluter is...

We all need to follow the Lee Iacocca's Charlie Beacham rule.

Lee Iacocca
"When I was a young guy just starting out in the car business, one of my first jobs was as Ford's zone manager in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. My boss was a guy named Charlie Beacham, who was the East Coast regional manager. Charlie was a big Southerner, with a warm drawl, a huge smile, and a core of steel. Charlie used to tell me, "Remember, Lee, the only thing you've got going for you as a human being is your ability to reason and your common sense. If you don't know a dip of horseshit from a dip of vanilla ice cream, you'll never make it."

All lobbyists are not equal...from YOUR Washington Times link...

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama declared that, "lobbyists won't find a job in my White House." Now President Obama takes a different view of lobbyists.

The Senate is expected soon to approve anti-tobacco lobbyist William Corr for the second-highest post at the Department of Health and Human Services. He is the former executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and, until recently, a registered lobbyist.

The Obama team has said Mr. Corr will recuse himself from tobacco-related matters.

Here's an article you missed...

All Lobbyists are Not Created Equal

The rules miss the distinction between lobbying that's good for democracy and lobbying that perverts it.

Again, it is the magic perfect poster of the mind.
Not a bad idea, but it would never fly.

Reason is that the money would just be directed towards the people to brainwash them.

"brainwashing"? That's pretty generalized....yeah, I guess you can accuse any type of campaign as brainwashing....but what I fantasize here is that people putting in their dollars and getting receipts would be more animated should they smell BS....and show up in front of campaign headquarters raising hell.

But you're probably right, it'll never fly. Corruption is too deep and Americans are not about confronting the powers that be...yet.
Yeah I think I was the only one on the 3 laws thread that wanted to ban lobbyists.

Lots of republican lawmakers turned lobbyist out there.

Billy Tauzin(R-Louisiana) leads the way for the medical industry. He was working for and paid by the group he now heads even before he left Congress.
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Oh uscitizen if we could all be so precient as you sir. Your claim as a "thinking folk" is what brings mockery upon you sir when you are not even a good hack.
Again, it is the magic perfect poster of the mind.

So, everything is either jet black or bright white? If Obama has 10 lobbyists in his administration, and Bush has 100, it's a wash...I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that...

No comment on environmental votes by the two parties?
So, everything is either jet black or bright white? If Obama has 10 lobbyists in his administration, and Bush has 100, it's a wash...I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that...

No comment on environmental votes by the two parties?

With all due respect sir I am a partisan hack and yet I cannot even wish to be in your league. You sir should be on Obama's payroll. If you are not as a capitalist and entrepreneur may I represent you sir?
With all due respect sir I am a partisan hack and yet I cannot even wish to be in your league. You sir should be on Obama's payroll. If you are not as a capitalist and entrepreneur may I represent you sir?

Well IF you had done some research, you would see that I am not a hack...

If YOU "sir" believe that somehow Obama and Bush are "equal", then you are not a just a hack, you are a PEA brain...

Bush installed more than 100 top officials who were once lobbyists, attorneys or spokespeople FOR the industries they oversee.

Translation: he appointed the fox to guard the hen house...

Bush had the most criminal and irresponsible environmental record since Richard Nixon created the EPA... Bush, Cheney and the current right wing led Republicans have given every polluter the green light to rape OUR planet...

EPA investigators quit the EPA over Bush's policies...these investigators estimate that over 100,000 Americans will DIE prematurely because of Bush's criminal policies...but, they won't all die on one day in September, so pea brains will remain obtuse...
yep, we have the best legislators money can buy

but, the rats have not had enough time in bho's admin to defect ...yet

between the reps and the lobbyists, it is a wonder that anything adverse to the big boys ever gets through
So, everything is either jet black or bright white? If Obama has 10 lobbyists in his administration, and Bush has 100, it's a wash...I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that...

No comment on environmental votes by the two parties?
Rubbish. Ignoring how lobbyists were directed to have their wives donate the money and knowing that spouse donations are not tracked, you continue to prove your partisanship protecting a candidate who willfully was bought, who "suggested" it be done in a way that couldn't be tracked. Reality closes in, and it isn't what the pretty picture in your mind suggests.