Lobbyists on a Roll: Gutting Reform on Banking, Energy, and Health Care

"brainwashing"? That's pretty generalized....yeah, I guess you can accuse any type of campaign as brainwashing....but what I fantasize here is that people putting in their dollars and getting receipts would be more animated should they smell BS....and show up in front of campaign headquarters raising hell.

But you're probably right, it'll never fly. Corruption is too deep and Americans are not about confronting the powers that be...yet.

The problem with America is Americans.
yep, we have the best legislators money can buy

but, the rats have not had enough time in bho's admin to defect ...yet

between the reps and the lobbyists, it is a wonder that anything adverse to the big boys ever gets through

Members of Congress have to start running for office again just one year into their term every year their in office.

Those who don't bend over and stand against this corrupt system AND have to courage to speak truth to power are often easily defeated.

That's the game.
Rubbish. Ignoring how lobbyists were directed to have their wives donate the money and knowing that spouse donations are not tracked, you continue to prove your partisanship protecting a candidate who willfully was bought, who "suggested" it be done in a way that couldn't be tracked. Reality closes in, and it isn't what the pretty picture in your mind suggests.

They hate President Bush; but since Obama is "Bush-lite", they're happy.
Rubbish. Ignoring how lobbyists were directed to have their wives donate the money and knowing that spouse donations are not tracked, you continue to prove your partisanship protecting a candidate who willfully was bought, who "suggested" it be done in a way that couldn't be tracked. Reality closes in, and it isn't what the pretty picture in your mind suggests.

From your slate article...

That's not to say there isn't a distinction between Obama and McCain. "The McCain campaign, you can't spit without hitting another lobbyist there," says David Donnelly, director of the Public Campaign Action Fund.

Likewise, Obama has kept lobbyists at arm's length all along, while McCain's campaign only instituted its ethics policy last week after two embarrassing departures. (Regional campaign manager Doug Davenport and Republican convention chief Doug Goodyear had both represented the military government in Burma.) "I believe he now understands that it is going to hurt him," says Holman. "That’s why he's taken this new ethics pledge. He recognizes Obama has gained the high road."

We just ended 8 years of the most incompetent administration in our history. Like I said, the proof's in the pudding...
From your slate article...

That's not to say there isn't a distinction between Obama and McCain. "The McCain campaign, you can't spit without hitting another lobbyist there," says David Donnelly, director of the Public Campaign Action Fund.

Likewise, Obama has kept lobbyists at arm's length all along, while McCain's campaign only instituted its ethics policy last week after two embarrassing departures. (Regional campaign manager Doug Davenport and Republican convention chief Doug Goodyear had both represented the military government in Burma.) "I believe he now understands that it is going to hurt him," says Holman. "That’s why he's taken this new ethics pledge. He recognizes Obama has gained the high road."

We just ended 8 years of the most incompetent administration in our history. Like I said, the proof's in the pudding...
Which again ignores the fact that he promised not to take their money, crowed about how he didn't and we find out that he took it on the down low. The reality doesn't mask that the promises were not carried out. He works hard at appearances vs. reality. But the appearance breaks down when the reality is stated. The "perfection" you dream of is not there. The candidate was bought and paid for in a way that attempted to mask reality but was discovered. We found out that the promised One was just a mask, and underneath lives just another politician.
Which again ignores the fact that he promised not to take their money, crowed about how he didn't and we find out that he took it on the down low. The reality doesn't mask that the promises were not carried out. He works hard at appearances vs. reality. But the appearance breaks down when the reality is stated. The "perfection" you dream of is not there. The candidate was bought and paid for in a way that attempted to mask reality but was discovered. We found out that the promised One was just a mask, and underneath lives just another politician.

Damo...WHERE do keep coming up with this "perfection" bullshit? You're being an ass...

I have hope Obama will follow through on what he says he wants to do; health care, energy and education...I agree with what his agenda, but I will wait to see what he does...

I am optimistic America is in MUCH better hands than the last 8 years...but I am not unrealistic or believe Obama is "perfection...

Maybe being a cynic
Nate Silver did an interesting statistical analysis on the effect of lobbying money on health care reform:


Special Interest Money Means Longer Odds for Public Option
by Nate Silver @ 5:45 AM
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As I lamented yesterday, health care is one of those areas where both popular opinion and sound public policy seem to take a backseat to protecting those stakeholders who benefit from the status quo. But can we actually see -- statistically -- the impact of lobbying by the insurance industry on the prospects for health care reform? I believe that the answer is yes.


More at link...
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Which again ignores the fact that he promised not to take their money, crowed about how he didn't and we find out that he took it on the down low. The reality doesn't mask that the promises were not carried out. He works hard at appearances vs. reality. But the appearance breaks down when the reality is stated. The "perfection" you dream of is not there. The candidate was bought and paid for in a way that attempted to mask reality but was discovered. We found out that the promised One was just a mask, and underneath lives just another politician.

Damo, when has any Democrat on this site acted anything like Obama's the messiah? Your peoples obsession with this concept is bizarre and off-putting, because so little of it is based in reality. Again, Damo the pretend-moderate is just does the best to mask the extremists in his party so they can get what he really wants done.
Damo...WHERE do keep coming up with this "perfection" bullshit? You're being an ass...

I have hope Obama will follow through on what he says he wants to do; health care, energy and education...I agree with what his agenda, but I will wait to see what he does...

I am optimistic America is in MUCH better hands than the last 8 years...but I am not unrealistic or believe Obama is "perfection...

Maybe being a cynic
I come up with it because each piece of evidence presented to you was dismissed with the "they do it worse" argument and just by simply ignoring it. Each time you do it you suggest that it's okay because McCain did it more openly, or Bush did it more openly and ignore that it was promised not to happen while it was done right under you nose.

Instead of it not happening we find out that it happened in a way to attempt to hide it, most likely to give people like you excuses and to keep the "perfect" on that shiny picture in your head. Having hidden masters is not better than openly being bought. Neither is good, but the "hidden" thing certainly doesn't make it better.

BTW - The "they do it too" or the "they do it worse" defense is a confession, and not an actual defense.
Damo, when has any Democrat on this site acted anything like Obama's the messiah? Your peoples obsession with this concept is bizarre and off-putting, because so little of it is based in reality. Again, Damo the pretend-moderate is just does the best to mask the extremists in his party so they can get what he really wants done.
This guy in this thread has acted like he is. I am talking directly to him. The pretense the guy has to use to get to the point where is, is quite astounding. While at the same point, you too ignore what was in those articles. Obama took their money, but he did it through their spouses because it is untracked, they speak how "astounded" they were to hear that request. Being better at hiding it doesn't make it better at all, it just means that it is a "secret" that he is bought and paid for.
Oh uscitizen if we could all be so precient as you sir. Your claim as a "thinking folk" is what brings mockery upon you sir when you are not even a good hack.

quit stalking. I thought you had me on ignore?

I picked the 3 laws I would like to see that would do the most to clean up congress and reduce big money influence on our government.
Apparently the political commentators read my posts, because lo and behold they start writing about the same thing..


Nothing supernatural, I just understand the bigger picture better than most.
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That is about the only rationale that gives him credibility. "At least he's not McCain."

But even if one assumes that posture, shouldn't they still be calling him out when he goes wrong or follows the very same policies people elected him to get rid of?

Yes they should.

If that rumor of executive order on indefinite detainment of terror SUSPECTS proves to be true. He sucks political ass big time on that.
I come up with it because each piece of evidence presented to you was dismissed with the "they do it worse" argument and just by simply ignoring it. Each time you do it you suggest that it's okay because McCain did it more openly, or Bush did it more openly and ignore that it was promised not to happen while it was done right under you nose.

Instead of it not happening we find out that it happened in a way to attempt to hide it, most likely to give people like you excuses and to keep the "perfect" on that shiny picture in your head. Having hidden masters is not better than openly being bought. Neither is good, but the "hidden" thing certainly doesn't make it better.

BTW - The "they do it too" or the "they do it worse" defense is a confession, and not an actual defense.

Damo...I completely "get" your angle. I'm not defending Obama or his campaign for saying one thing and doing another. BUT you're missing MY point. That's why I take umbrage to your "perfect" comment...

The proof WILL be in the policies and actions of Obama...Time will tell. We KNOW what Bush did...it manifested itself in HIS policies and actions. Bush showed contempt for the hard working middle class, our brave troops and the average citizen...only corporations, the wealthy and the elite mattered; they would regulate themselves and leave enough bread crumbs for the suckers...the patriotic "little" guy...

IF Obama turns out to be another Bush, I will level even MORE criticism at him...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
"brainwashing"? That's pretty generalized....yeah, I guess you can accuse any type of campaign as brainwashing....but what I fantasize here is that people putting in their dollars and getting receipts would be more animated should they smell BS....and show up in front of campaign headquarters raising hell.

But you're probably right, it'll never fly. Corruption is too deep and Americans are not about confronting the powers that be...yet.

The problem with America is Americans.

Or, as that famous Louisiana Bayou rodent once said, "We have met the enemy, and they is us! ;)