Long-Term in Iraq


This is a really illuminating story, I think.
New Contracts Reflect Continued Presence in Iraq
By Walter Pincus
Monday, June 2, 2008; A11
The depth of U.S. involvement in Iraq and the difficulty the next president will face in pulling personnel out of the country are illustrated by a handful of new contract proposals made public in May.
The contracts call for new spending, from supplying mentors to officials with Iraq's Defense and Interior ministries to establishing a U.S.-marshal-type system to protect Iraqi courts. Contractors would provide more than 100 linguists with secret clearances and deliver food to Iraqi detainees at a new, U.S.-run prison.
The proposals reflect multiyear commitments. The mentor contract notes that the U.S. military "desires for both Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defense to become mostly self-sufficient within two years," a time outside some proposals for U.S. combat troop withdrawal. The mentors sought would "advise, train [and] assist . . . particular Iraqi officials" who work in the Ministry of Defense, which runs the Iraqi army, or the Ministry of Interior, which runs the police and other security units.
The mentors will assist an U.S. military group that previously began to implement what are described as "core processes and systems," such as procurement, contracting, force development, management and budgeting, and public affairs.
Mentors would have to make a one-year commitment, with options for two one-year contracts after that. As a reminder of what they are getting into, the mentors must supply their helmets, protective body armor and gas masks, according to the announcement.
The marshals service would be organized by the State Department's bureau responsible for developing rule of law programs in Iraq. It "has plans to create an Iraqi service to be known as the Judicial Protection Service (JPS), modeled to some degree after the U.S. Marshals Service, that will ensure the safe conduct of judicial proceedings and protect judges, witnesses, court staff, and court facilities," a notice published last month said.
State's plan is to hire a contractor as a judicial security program manager, who would work out details of how such a service could be put together for the Iraqis. That person or group would develop not only the mission, size and structure of an Iraqi JPS service, but also the personnel, budgeting and training materials necessary, plus "all other aspects of creating the new organization so that the project can be contracted out."
In short, State wants a contractor to put together all the elements so the department can contract the project to another contractor.
State also is looking to hire a contractor to provide "100 plus linguists" who would work for a year each, with as many as four one-year options to follow.
Arabic and Kurdish translators are sought. "Native or near native capability in the foreign language and an excellent command of the English language are required," according to the notice. They will work not only at State's Baghdad embassy, but also at regional offices and with Provincial Reconstruction Teams.
Another contract noticed last week previews the opening, apparently in September, of a U.S.-run prison, now labeled a Theater Internment Facility Reconciliation Center, which is to be located at Camp Taji, 12 miles north of Baghdad. The new contract calls for providing food for "up to 5,000 detainees" and will also cover 150 Iraqi nationals, who apparently will work at the facility. The contract is to run for one year, with an option year to follow.
The U.S. holds about 20,000 Iraqis at two facilities today, mostly in Camp Bucca in southern Iraq and the rest at Camp Cropper near Baghdad. Along with the facility at Camp Taji, which is expected to hold Iraqis detained in Baghdad, another new reconciliation center, mainly for Sunnis, is being built at Ramadi in Anbar province, where many of these detainees were captured.
In March, Marine Maj. Gen. Douglas Stone, who runs the detainee program, told reporters that, on average. Iraqi detainees remain in a U.S. facility for 11 months.
But that might not be the case for the roughly 9,000 Iraqis whom he described as having "a very rigorous view of an ideology that we would broadly categorize as al-Qaeda." They are headed to the new reconciliation centers for what could be longer stays.
They keep saying "the surge has worked!" If you listen to McCain, that's all he talks about, and he keeps saying Obama is naive for maintaining that he'll still withdraw our troops when he takes office.

Where is the logic in that? If the surge has worked, shouldn't we just need another 6-12 months? Why would we have to keep extending our commitment? What is their definition of "worked?"
This is a really illuminating story, I think.
New Contracts Reflect Continued Presence in Iraq
By Walter Pincus
Monday, June 2, 2008; A11
The depth of U.S. involvement in Iraq and the difficulty the next president will face in pulling personnel out of the country are illustrated by a handful of new contract proposals made public in May.
The contracts call for new spending, from supplying mentors to officials with Iraq's Defense and Interior ministries to establishing a U.S.-marshal-type system to protect Iraqi courts. Contractors would provide more than 100 linguists with secret clearances and deliver food to Iraqi detainees at a new, U.S.-run prison.
The proposals reflect multiyear commitments. The mentor contract notes that the U.S. military "desires for both Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defense to become mostly self-sufficient within two years," a time outside some proposals for U.S. combat troop withdrawal. The mentors sought would "advise, train [and] assist . . . particular Iraqi officials" who work in the Ministry of Defense, which runs the Iraqi army, or the Ministry of Interior, which runs the police and other security units.
The mentors will assist an U.S. military group that previously began to implement what are described as "core processes and systems," such as procurement, contracting, force development, management and budgeting, and public affairs.
Mentors would have to make a one-year commitment, with options for two one-year contracts after that. As a reminder of what they are getting into, the mentors must supply their helmets, protective body armor and gas masks, according to the announcement.
The marshals service would be organized by the State Department's bureau responsible for developing rule of law programs in Iraq. It "has plans to create an Iraqi service to be known as the Judicial Protection Service (JPS), modeled to some degree after the U.S. Marshals Service, that will ensure the safe conduct of judicial proceedings and protect judges, witnesses, court staff, and court facilities," a notice published last month said.
State's plan is to hire a contractor as a judicial security program manager, who would work out details of how such a service could be put together for the Iraqis. That person or group would develop not only the mission, size and structure of an Iraqi JPS service, but also the personnel, budgeting and training materials necessary, plus "all other aspects of creating the new organization so that the project can be contracted out."
In short, State wants a contractor to put together all the elements so the department can contract the project to another contractor.
State also is looking to hire a contractor to provide "100 plus linguists" who would work for a year each, with as many as four one-year options to follow.
Arabic and Kurdish translators are sought. "Native or near native capability in the foreign language and an excellent command of the English language are required," according to the notice. They will work not only at State's Baghdad embassy, but also at regional offices and with Provincial Reconstruction Teams.
Another contract noticed last week previews the opening, apparently in September, of a U.S.-run prison, now labeled a Theater Internment Facility Reconciliation Center, which is to be located at Camp Taji, 12 miles north of Baghdad. The new contract calls for providing food for "up to 5,000 detainees" and will also cover 150 Iraqi nationals, who apparently will work at the facility. The contract is to run for one year, with an option year to follow.
The U.S. holds about 20,000 Iraqis at two facilities today, mostly in Camp Bucca in southern Iraq and the rest at Camp Cropper near Baghdad. Along with the facility at Camp Taji, which is expected to hold Iraqis detained in Baghdad, another new reconciliation center, mainly for Sunnis, is being built at Ramadi in Anbar province, where many of these detainees were captured.
In March, Marine Maj. Gen. Douglas Stone, who runs the detainee program, told reporters that, on average. Iraqi detainees remain in a U.S. facility for 11 months.
But that might not be the case for the roughly 9,000 Iraqis whom he described as having "a very rigorous view of an ideology that we would broadly categorize as al-Qaeda." They are headed to the new reconciliation centers for what could be longer stays.

Did you all see this?

The surge is working better than anyone could have foreseen, well at least Sullivan and the anti-war crowd. More power to him, he at least has the honesty to say what needs to be said:


Links at site:
Please. Andrew Sullivan part of the anti-war crowd?

L OH fucking L.

That hack was one of the bush sycophants praying for us to invade. Please don't waste our time with this garbage.
Please. Andrew Sullivan part of the anti-war crowd?

L OH fucking L.

That hack was one of the bush sycophants praying for us to invade. Please don't waste our time with this garbage.

You really haven't a clue, but rejoice in your blindness.
meaning you listen to nothing but you want to hear, even if coming from your side of the aisle. Perhaps that explains a lot.

#1) a conservative blogger doesn't constitute as 'our side'
#2) Where did I say no one listened to him?
You really haven't a clue, but rejoice in your blindness.

That's weak.

How effective is the surge, really, if we still have to maintain a long-term commitment in 1 year's time? Because that is what we're really talking about here. Bush has 7+ more months in office. Realistically, even if we began withdrawal immediately after Obama is sworn in, that's still another 6 months before there are truly meaningful reductions in troop levels in Iraq.

Is your contention, and Sullivan's, that this this surge has been SO effective that we need another 1.5 years? Another 2? What does it mean to be "effective" if we still have to stay there for an indefinite period of time?

Enough of this shit. I can't imagine being a family member of someone serving their 4th tour right now. End it, now.
You really haven't a clue, but rejoice in your blindness.

I'm not blind. You, Bush, and Sullivan were wrong about the neccessity of invading iraq. To this day, you can't admit you were wrong.

You and Bush have been predicting victory was just around the corner for five years. How much credibility do you have? Zero. Sullivan is barely better. That war monger cheerled us into this war, so I give his opinion on war matters barely more credence than I give yours.
I'm not blind. You, Bush, and Sullivan were wrong about the neccessity of invading iraq. To this day, you can't admit you were wrong.

You and Bush have been predicting victory was just around the corner for five years. How much credibility do you have? Zero. Sullivan is barely better. That war monger cheerled us into this war, so I give his opinion on war matters barely more credence than I give yours.

Really? You have something to back that up, I'm sure.
That's weak.

How effective is the surge, really, if we still have to maintain a long-term commitment in 1 year's time? Because that is what we're really talking about here. Bush has 7+ more months in office. Realistically, even if we began withdrawal immediately after Obama is sworn in, that's still another 6 months before there are truly meaningful reductions in troop levels in Iraq.

Is your contention, and Sullivan's, that this this surge has been SO effective that we need another 1.5 years? Another 2? What does it mean to be "effective" if we still have to stay there for an indefinite period of time?

Enough of this shit. I can't imagine being a family member of someone serving their 4th tour right now. End it, now.

Right, it doesn't matter if poised to win, the important thing is to lose, 'Bush's war.'
I'm not blind. You, Bush, and Sullivan were wrong about the neccessity of invading iraq. To this day, you can't admit you were wrong.

You and Bush have been predicting victory was just around the corner for five years. How much credibility do you have? Zero. Sullivan is barely better. That war monger cheerled us into this war, so I give his opinion on war matters barely more credence than I give yours.

He not only cheered us into war, he called liberals on the “coasts” a fifth column. He said anyone who was against the war was an outright traitor to America. He has never apologized. He’s an asshole. But, he’s gay, so that’s probably why some simple minds assume he’s “one of us”. I mean openly gay. We know the closet cases are all theirs.
That Sullivan piece would be good news if people were actually committed to reducing out troop presence in Iraq but somehow, someway regardless of the situation on the ground that goal always seems to be six months away.
He not only cheered us into war, he called liberals on the “coasts” a fifth column. He said anyone who was against the war was an outright traitor to America. He has never apologized. He’s an asshole. But, he’s gay, so that’s probably why some simple minds assume he’s “one of us”. I mean openly gay. We know the closet cases are all theirs.

"He not only cheered us into war, he called liberals on the “coasts” a fifth column. "

Seriously? Wow, what a douchebag!

Yeah, he's a total asshole, and I put no stock in his opinions.
They keep saying "the surge has worked!" If you listen to McCain, that's all he talks about, and he keeps saying Obama is naive for maintaining that he'll still withdraw our troops when he takes office.

Where is the logic in that? If the surge has worked, shouldn't we just need another 6-12 months? Why would we have to keep extending our commitment? What is their definition of "worked?"

Are you aware we still have military presence in a number of countries from WWII? We have spilled American blood in the sands of Iraq, we are going to be there a while dear. Hopefully, since the surge has worked, we can be there without any great loss of more lives.

I know that in Pinhead World, your complete focus is on removing any sign of American presence in the nation of Iraq, and it doesn't matter what the cost. I realize you don't see or understand any consequence of this, you just want that objective to be met as soon as possible, so you can claim victory. It doesn't matter what anyone has to say, or what great arguments are presented for maintaining our presence there, it goes against your overall objective of removing all traces of America from the nation of Iraq. Nothing else really matters in Pinhead World, you are completely blind to any vision other than this. You will say or do anything, and deny everything, to achieve your objective of removing America from Iraq in every way, permanently!

In your blind ignorance, you fail to understand the ramifications of your actions, and if you somehow manage to succeed with your insanity, will make America a much more dangerous place. Not only that, but IF America ultimately survives such a catastrophe, it will cost the lives of countless more brave American soldiers in future conflicts. But you see none of this, your blinders are on and you remain focused on the Main Objective, erasing any sign of American presence inside the nation of Iraq! That's ALL that matters!

What is patently illogical, is spending billions of dollars and thousands of lives to eliminate a dispotic meglomaniac tyrant dictator and liberate a nation, only to quit and go home and allow the elements of terrorism and radicalism to take over and indeed, claim victory! What is even more illogical, is to quit when we essentially face no opposing army of any nation! We are not, nor have we been for a while, in a "combat" war with men in the trenches, fighting to control borders and strategic positions in the country. We effectively control the entire nation, with the exception of a few isolated hot spots, where radial elements (mostly from Iran) have gathered for a 'final stand' against America. You anti-war idiots are bound and determined to give them a victory, if it kills you, and ironically, it may just kill us all. You flood the boards with your propaganda and bleats for us to WITHDRAW NOW! It's fucking INSANE, but you just keep on with it! Doesn't matter what anyone has to say, we are all just a bunch of Bush Kool-Aid Drinkers who listen to Rush, and the Right Wingers just want to hoard all the oil in the middle east... blah blah freakin blah!