Long-Term in Iraq

Go fuck yourself, Dixie. Nothing I or any of the pinheads could do could possibly match the ocean of blood that you & yours gave us.

And the "troop presence around the world" comparison is such shite. We're talking about the Middle East, and a different animal entirely. There is no comparison at all to, say, Germany. You're so ignorant on this it's not even that funny, anymore.

I'll say one thing, though; I am certainly tired of getting lectured about what is & isn't the right thing to do in foreign policy & for our national security by people who were so blindly, enthusiastically supportive of this clusterf**k. For Iraq, you should permanently remove yourself from any serious discussion of these topics.
Go fuck yourself, Dixie. Nothing I or any of the pinheads could do could possibly match the ocean of blood that you & yours gave us.

And the "troop presence around the world" comparison is such shite. We're talking about the Middle East, and a different animal entirely. There is no comparison at all to, say, Germany. You're so ignorant on this it's not even that funny, anymore.

I'll say one thing, though; I am certainly tired of getting lectured about what is & isn't the right thing to do in foreign policy & for our national security by people who were so blindly, enthusiastically supportive of this clusterf**k. For Iraq, you should permanently remove yourself from any serious discussion of these topics.

Absolutely, and in the media especially.
Are you aware we still have military presence in a number of countries from WWII? We have spilled American blood in the sands of Iraq, we are going to be there a while dear. Hopefully, since the surge has worked, we can be there without any great loss of more lives.

I know that in Pinhead World, your complete focus is on removing any sign of American presence in the nation of Iraq, and it doesn't matter what the cost. I realize you don't see or understand any consequence of this, you just want that objective to be met as soon as possible, so you can claim victory. It doesn't matter what anyone has to say, or what great arguments are presented for maintaining our presence there, it goes against your overall objective of removing all traces of America from the nation of Iraq. Nothing else really matters in Pinhead World, you are completely blind to any vision other than this. You will say or do anything, and deny everything, to achieve your objective of removing America from Iraq in every way, permanently!

In your blind ignorance, you fail to understand the ramifications of your actions, and if you somehow manage to succeed with your insanity, will make America a much more dangerous place. Not only that, but IF America ultimately survives such a catastrophe, it will cost the lives of countless more brave American soldiers in future conflicts. But you see none of this, your blinders are on and you remain focused on the Main Objective, erasing any sign of American presence inside the nation of Iraq! That's ALL that matters!

What is patently illogical, is spending billions of dollars and thousands of lives to eliminate a dispotic meglomaniac tyrant dictator and liberate a nation, only to quit and go home and allow the elements of terrorism and radicalism to take over and indeed, claim victory! What is even more illogical, is to quit when we essentially face no opposing army of any nation! We are not, nor have we been for a while, in a "combat" war with men in the trenches, fighting to control borders and strategic positions in the country. We effectively control the entire nation, with the exception of a few isolated hot spots, where radial elements (mostly from Iran) have gathered for a 'final stand' against America. You anti-war idiots are bound and determined to give them a victory, if it kills you, and ironically, it may just kill us all. You flood the boards with your propaganda and bleats for us to WITHDRAW NOW! It's fucking INSANE, but you just keep on with it! Doesn't matter what anyone has to say, we are all just a bunch of Bush Kool-Aid Drinkers who listen to Rush, and the Right Wingers just want to hoard all the oil in the middle east... blah blah freakin blah!

Go fuck yourself, Dixie. Nothing I or any of the pinheads could do could possibly match the ocean of blood that you & yours gave us.

And the "troop presence around the world" comparison is such shite. We're talking about the Middle East, and a different animal entirely. There is no comparison at all to, say, Germany. You're so ignorant on this it's not even that funny, anymore.

I'll say one thing, though; I am certainly tired of getting lectured about what is & isn't the right thing to do in foreign policy & for our national security by people who were so blindly, enthusiastically supportive of this clusterf**k. For Iraq, you should permanently remove yourself from any serious discussion of these topics.

No, actually, the 'ocean of blood' given to us by Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, and Johnson, all make "Bush's War" pale in comparison. FYI, we have military presence in much of the Middle East, and we will remain there as long as we have to, regardless of who gets elected president. So you are wrong about the ocean of blood and wrong about US Military troop presence in the Middle East. No one ever compared Iraq to Germany, but the presence of US Military in both places is essential, that is the argument, not a comparison of the two nations. So... ya, they are different animals, but that doesn't change or negate the point made. You are 0-3 now.

As for Iraq being a "clusterf*ck", this is also inaccurate. From every single report, without fail, we are making great progress in Iraq. This fourth point you have failed to make and lie you've told, prompts me to suggest it is YOU who should refrain from debate on these topics.
Like I said, go fuck yourself. Try telling 35,000 families that there isn't an ocean of blood; and that's just American families. You don't live in reality, and never have.

I don't hear anyone who agrees with you anymore, except maybe Hannity; oh, and Bush & Barney, too. Oh, I know - you know more than anyone; more than Democrats, more than Republicans, more than the American people, more than me or anyone else who lives on this planet, which we call Earth. To you, Iraq still represents "the greatest military achievement of our generation."

These are the few times that I actually wish the hell you believed in existed, because you would rot in it.

Go fuck yourself, Dixie.
"From every single report, without fail, we are making great progress in Iraq."

Yeah - such great progress, that we have to stay at least another year or 2; probably more.

Go fuck yourself.
Does anyone else think it's warm in here?

On another note...it's funny how Dixie seemed funnier when he was no longer here. I guess he is one of those people who are better liked when they leave a room.
Like I said, go fuck yourself. Try telling 35,000 families that there isn't an ocean of blood; and that's just American families. You don't live in reality, and never have.

I don't hear anyone who agrees with you anymore, except maybe Hannity; oh, and Bush & Barney, too. Oh, I know - you know more than anyone; more than Democrats, more than Republicans, more than the American people, more than me or anyone else who lives on this planet, which we call Earth. To you, Iraq still represents "the greatest military achievement of our generation."

These are the few times that I actually wish the hell you believed in existed, because you would rot in it.

Go fuck yourself, Dixie.

I happen to know some of the families, and I assure you, the last thing they think we should do is abandon what their son's, brother's and father's gave their lives for. I also know of several families who currently have loved ones serving in Iraq, and funny damn thing... NONE OF THEM think we should withdraw and come home either! So, you sit there in your Liberal ivory tower making a 'political game' out of the war and claim the moral high ground on behalf of the troops all you like, keep on hurling insults at the president and me and calling us names while you continue to over-exaggerate and over-dramatize the rhetoric. You can keep living in your little pinhead fantasy, just like those who think FDR knew about Pearl Harbor but let it happen, and just like those who think the moon landing was a publicity stunt to upstage the Russians. As an American, you are certainly entitled to think and believe whatever you wish, because American soldiers have given their lives for you to have that right, but you damn sure don't speak for them. And regardless of whether you elect Micheal Moore to the presidency, America will maintain a presence in Iraq because it is vital and essential to our national security to do so.
I happen to know some of the families, and I assure you, the last thing they think we should do is abandon what their son's, brother's and father's gave their lives for. I also know of several families who currently have loved ones serving in Iraq, and funny damn thing... NONE OF THEM think we should withdraw and come home either! So, you sit there in your Liberal ivory tower making a 'political game' out of the war and claim the moral high ground on behalf of the troops all you like, keep on hurling insults at the president and me and calling us names while you continue to over-exaggerate and over-dramatize the rhetoric. You can keep living in your little pinhead fantasy, just like those who think FDR knew about Pearl Harbor but let it happen, and just like those who think the moon landing was a publicity stunt to upstage the Russians. As an American, you are certainly entitled to think and believe whatever you wish, because American soldiers have given their lives for you to have that right, but you damn sure don't speak for them. And regardless of whether you elect Micheal Moore to the presidency, America will maintain a presence in Iraq because it is vital and essential to our national security to do so.

Who are you to assure him? What families do you know? For every one you name, I'll give you two who travel around this country, their lives devastated over the loss of their child, trying to stop this war.
Way to avoid the point of the whole post. You must have SOME ability to actually think on your own. Why not take a stab at it?

You do realize this post of yours is totally without merit, based upon the subject.
Who are you to assure him? What families do you know? For every one you name, I'll give you two who travel around this country, their lives devastated over the loss of their child, trying to stop this war.

You don't know anyone and you don't travel around the country with them. You know of one nut case, Cyndi Sheehan, and that's about it. You are spreading your lies in hopes to persuade someone to side with you and help you win a political victory, and you should be ashamed, but you're not. You are a despicable human being, to use the lives of dead soldiers to further your political objectives, but you really don't care, you will do anything to win power for your liberal socialist movement, that is all that matters to you.
You don't know anyone and you don't travel around the country with them. You know of one nut case, Cyndi Sheehan, and that's about it. You are spreading your lies in hopes to persuade someone to side with you and help you win a political victory, and you should be ashamed, but you're not. You are a despicable human being, to use the lives of dead soldiers to further your political objectives, but you really don't care, you will do anything to win power for your liberal socialist movement, that is all that matters to you.

I personally interviewed Carlos Arredondo, read his dead son's letters, sat in his truck and cried over them, and then published the interview.

And that's just one example.

I think you have a lot of projection going on in your post. A lot.
I personally interviewed Carlos Arredondo, read his dead son's letters, sat in his truck and cried over them, and then published the interview.

And that's just one example.

I think you have a lot of projection going on in your post. A lot.

OMG, they let your biased ass work in the media? Well, that shouldn't surprise anyone, given the liberal bias these days.

So... you know Cyndi and this Carlos guy, and that's it? What kind of leading liberal anti-war Katie Courick questions did you bombard the grieving father with? "Tell me, Mr. Arredondo, how does it feel to know you could have talked your son out of enlisting?" ..."Mr. Arredondo, did your son's plans include going off to die in Iraq?" ..."Mr. Arredondo, do you regret not being anti-war now?"

Yeah, I am sure you can prey on some poor distraught and grieving parent, and lead them to say all sorts of things you can twist and weave into another anti-war Bush-bashing piece for your liberal rag... but, you don't speak for the troops, and neither does Mr. Arredondo.
Did any of you miss Dixies adventures in Romantic Iraq ? dodging roadside bombs and having to vacate the room for the generals to meet.

dicksie is a real Merican Heerow.
Did any of you miss Dixies adventures in Romantic Iraq ? dodging roadside bombs and having to vacate the room for the generals to meet.

dicksie is a real Merican Heerow.

Tell me something... Do Pinheads just not care that they never can contribute meaningful commentary and can only manage to hurl insults at posters? Does it not bother you that you never really have much to say, other than some negative derogatory slur or personal attack on someone you don't agree with? Do you think, in your Pinhead minds, that people read your smart-ass retorts and are somehow enamored and impressed by your wit and wisdom? Please explain it to me, because I can't figure out why you just keep on doing the same stupid things over and over. I know you are not a 'bot' because your attacks are confined to people to the right of Howard Stern, but you can certainly get a 'bot' program to post the routine insults, it would save you a little time maybe. Just trying to help.
dicksee, I have nothing good to say about Bush ass kissers at this point. I admit to agreeing with several on here whose points I generally disagree with. I think I even agreed with you on something once, although what it was eludes me now.
I have even admitted to being wrong a few times and apologized.
I just reminisced about you tales of iraq adventures. what part did I get wrong ?
This thread was originally about the Iraq in the long term.

Dixie, exactly why did all those soldiers die? What reasons can you give to their parents and spouses? WMDs? To bring democracy to a horrible dictatorship? 9/11/01?

I honor the men and women who served and still serve. Its the pompous assholes who sent them that I hold such in contempt.
dicksee, I have nothing good to say about Bush ass kissers at this point. I admit to agreeing with several on here whose points I generally disagree with. I think I even agreed with you on something once, although what it was eludes me now.
I have even admitted to being wrong a few times and apologized.
I just reminisced about you tales of iraq adventures. what part did I get wrong ?

Well, you certainly never have to worry about being wrong or agreeing with anyone if all you do is hurl insults and smart-ass retorts. That's pretty damn easy to do, I bet a trained monkey could probably manage to do it. I just wondered, because that's all I ever see from most of you, and it just seems like such a big waste of time. What is it you hope to accomplish by insulting me over and over? What is the purpose of spending the majority of your day here, only to dole out a few smart-ass one-liners? I mean, do you feel better for it or something? Does it make your liberal heart bleed to think you told me off for the ten thousandth time or called me a Bush-boot-licker for the millionth time?

Because, unless you are getting something out of it, unless it is bringing you some fundamental satisfaction I am not aware of, it really isn't doing you much good. Most of the people here have made up their mind if they like me or not, and I don't really care if they like me or not, so it's not like this consistent pattern of attack is doing anything in that regard. If it's doing something for you, I completely understand, and you just keep on posting your empty superficial remarks to everything I post. Oh, and if you by chance think it bothers me or frustrates me in some way, it really doesn't. In fact, I kind of get a kick out of the fact you are left with nothing to say except something personally attacking me. The ones who frustrate me, are people like Waterhead and KingRaw, who just goes on and on with ignorant and idiotic points I feel compelled to respond to. Petty little 6th-grade name calling doesn't bother me in the least.
Yeah I admit to enjoy rubbing your nose in your stupidity Dix.

one of my many failings. But then I do not claim to be a religious man either.
I am just here for the fun when time allows. A rather enjoyable way to kill a few minutes now and again since I have to be online anyway.