Look at Biden's WOKE, EMASCULATED, & PUSSIFIED Military


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IN 2000 the British army numbered 110,000. The last count, in 2023, they were down to 77,000. Recruitment is down because it is targeted towards women, gay, and ethnic minority groups. However, the biggest threat to the West, especially the UK and US, is domestic terror--the terror of liberalism.

We (The US) cannot face abhorrent threats, from wherever, with the liberal mannequins of war, with 'sexualized' youth or transgender quotas. It is what defeated the U.S. in Vietnam. It is the poison which is nullifying UK preparedness for war, as they talk of conscription . We will have to rename the British regiments--no more the 'Irish Guards', 'The Gurkhas', '1st Royal Regiment of Foot', The Queen's Own Light Dragoons'.

Now the US shall have the '2nd Transgender Infantry', 'The Black Lives Matter Infantry' and the 'Queer Fusiliers.' The corruption of the liberal worm, that cancerous germ which James Burnham noted in the 1950s in his seminal 'The Suicide of the West', has come home to roost.

I could have posted other links that clearly show the decline in US Military Recruitment, but I'm quite sure that even the radical liberals know just how recruitment
has tanked under the biden administration. Declining police recruitment is also in a nose dive thanks entirely to liberal policies like defund the police and cashless bail where violent criminals are let out free to commit other tragic violent crimes. What sane person would want to sign up for police duty under these current anti cop policies?
All the Left will do to fix that is what they always do: They need more warm bodies in the military? They simply start conscripting them. You are now forced to serve, or else!
All the Left will do to fix that is what they always do: They need more warm bodies in the military? They simply start conscripting them. You are now forced to serve, or else!
Saw something recently about the draft starting back up. I figured O-Biden needed to do this in preparation for WWIII.
Saw something recently about the draft starting back up. I figured O-Biden needed to do this in preparation for WWIII.
No, the draft is a simple, bureaucratic, fix to a problem they created. For the left the fix to problems they create is to use government and force to make people comply. To the left's thinking, if people aren't working hard enough to meet the left's expectations, their solution is to turn them into slaves so they'll work harder.
No, the draft is a simple, bureaucratic, fix to a problem they created. For the left the fix to problems they create is to use government and force to make people comply. To the left's thinking, if people aren't working hard enough to meet the left's expectations, their solution is to turn them into slaves so they'll work harder.
This is why the left works with the WEF and the likes of the global elite. They plan to lower the consciousness of humanity and enslave us to serve them. But the overwhelming majority of the Leftists don't realize they are being used ..... they are being duped. They're stupid.
IN 2000 the British army numbered 110,000. The last count, in 2023, they were down to 77,000. Recruitment is down because it is targeted towards women, gay, and ethnic minority groups. However, the biggest threat to the West, especially the UK and US, is domestic terror--the terror of liberalism.

We (The US) cannot face abhorrent threats, from wherever, with the liberal mannequins of war, with 'sexualized' youth or transgender quotas. It is what defeated the U.S. in Vietnam. It is the poison which is nullifying UK preparedness for war, as they talk of conscription . We will have to rename the British regiments--no more the 'Irish Guards', 'The Gurkhas', '1st Royal Regiment of Foot', The Queen's Own Light Dragoons'.

Now the US shall have the '2nd Transgender Infantry', 'The Black Lives Matter Infantry' and the 'Queer Fusiliers.' The corruption of the liberal worm, that cancerous germ which James Burnham noted in the 1950s in his seminal 'The Suicide of the West', has come home to roost.

I could have posted other links that clearly show the decline in US Military Recruitment, but I'm quite sure that even the radical liberals know just how recruitment
has tanked under the biden administration. Declining police recruitment is also in a nose dive thanks entirely to liberal policies like defund the police and cashless bail where violent criminals are let out free to commit other tragic violent crimes. What sane person would want to sign up for police duty under these current anti cop policies?
Every time you say WOKE, a gay angel sends down another drag queen.
This is why the left works with the WEF and the likes of the global elite. They plan to lower the consciousness of humanity and enslave us to serve them. But the overwhelming majority of the Leftists don't realize they are being used ..... they are being duped. They're stupid.
The left would love a one-world government they ran. It would be the end to freedom worldwide and a plunge into a new Dark Age of unenlightened, forced servitude to the tiny minority in the ruling class. It would be political regression by something like 5,000 years.
As China/Russia/Iran are getting ready to kick us in the balls, concluding that this is the only way to deal with the bullying from the children of Washington.
The left would love a one-world government they ran. It would be the end to freedom worldwide and a plunge into a new Dark Age of unenlightened, forced servitude to the tiny minority in the ruling class. It would be political regression by something like 5,000 years.
According to my understanding of what is going on globally..... this is what they have planned for us.
As China/Russia/Iran are getting ready to kick us in the balls, concluding that this is the only way to deal with the bullying from the children of Washington.
Decades of stupid foreign policy with the Ukraine disaster as the icing on the cake.
Decades of stupid foreign policy with the Ukraine disaster as the icing on the cake.
Starting with the fall of the Soviet Union, but then again hubris is how civilizations tend to die.

We have also massively mismanaged the military from this point.

Watching it thinking that America are the good guys and watching it now knowing that we are not is a mind fuck.
Have you ever heard of THE UNSEEN HAND .....An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History by A Ralph Epperson ?
The Debacle in Iraq where my family sacrificed a great deal and my wife was greatly injured, and the Great Recession were nothing was learned and none who did it were punished is where I made my great turn against the American Empire. COVID Martial Laws and all the other ways the American citizens are now abused cements it in.
IN 2000 the British army numbered 110,000. The last count, in 2023, they were down to 77,000. Recruitment is down because it is targeted towards women, gay, and ethnic minority groups. However, the biggest threat to the West, especially the UK and US, is domestic terror--the terror of liberalism.

We (The US) cannot face abhorrent threats, from wherever, with the liberal mannequins of war, with 'sexualized' youth or transgender quotas. It is what defeated the U.S. in Vietnam. It is the poison which is nullifying UK preparedness for war, as they talk of conscription . We will have to rename the British regiments--no more the 'Irish Guards', 'The Gurkhas', '1st Royal Regiment of Foot', The Queen's Own Light Dragoons'.

Now the US shall have the '2nd Transgender Infantry', 'The Black Lives Matter Infantry' and the 'Queer Fusiliers.' The corruption of the liberal worm, that cancerous germ which James Burnham noted in the 1950s in his seminal 'The Suicide of the West', has come home to roost.

I could have posted other links that clearly show the decline in US Military Recruitment, but I'm quite sure that even the radical liberals know just how recruitment
has tanked under the biden administration. Declining police recruitment is also in a nose dive thanks entirely to liberal policies like defund the police and cashless bail where violent criminals are let out free to commit other tragic violent crimes. What sane person would want to sign up for police duty under these current anti cop policies?
Thanks for the laugh.