Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

What is the purpose of mandating they be posted?
To push a specific version of Christianity upon all public school students. It's been done before in the US. SCOTUS knocked it down and, as "conservative" as this current SCOTUS proves to be, true conservatism means abiding by the Constitution.

IMO, this BS will be knocked down for the same reasons it was before.
To push a specific version of Christianity upon all public school students. It's been done before in the US. SCOTUS knocked it down and, as "conservative" as this current SCOTUS proves to be, true conservatism means abiding by the Constitution.

IMO, this BS will be knocked down for the same reasons it was before.
Given the well-established case law on posting religious stuff in public places, I suspect that this won't even make it to SCOTUS. If/when challenged, a lower court will correctly rule it unconstitutional, and SCOTUS will let that ruling stand.
Kinda self explanatory, Frank. Whatever/whoever your Lord God might be. If you have none, so be it. No one is forcing you to read/look at them.
Yes taxpayer money is being forced to pay for it.

This is more proof that the MAGA movement is a theocratically-based anti-Constitutional autocracy.

IMO, like the backlash against Republicans for Roe v. Wade, there will be backlash against this because most Americans don't like Nazis. Pedo or otherwise.
Yes taxpayer money is being forced to pay for it.

This is more proof that the MAGA movement is a theocratically-based anti-Constitutional autocracy.

IMO, like the backlash against Republicans for Roe v. Wade, there will be backlash against this because most Americans don't like Nazis. Pedo or otherwise.
Shut up, coward. Your opinions mean nothing to me.
Shut up, coward. Your opinions mean nothing to me.
You're a liar, Arbie. Obviously, my opinion means a lot to you. Otherwise it wouldn't trigger you so much.

MAGAt rule #1 A bold-faced lie is your best defense
MAGAt rule #2 Never take responsibility
MAGAt rule #3 Always blame the other guy
MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.

MAGAt rule #6 Assert your dominance by insulting anyone who disagrees with you as often as possible
^ ^ ^ ^

Stereotypical "Christian" who makes me happy for my decision to walk away from your sickness decades ago. Real Christians are the salt of the Earth. You? Toxic. Hateful. To be avoided.
See you're the sort of Jew that always has me re-evaluating my support of Israel
LOL as if we care what you christ stains "think" 😂 We haven't for 2000 plus years but now we can say it out loud

Your kind isn't the default anymore

Having a cross in the Star of David 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Scratch a fundy xtian and get an antisemite