MAGA Idiots Fail to Spin Away Embarrassing Fact on Trump Bronx Rally

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Team Trump is up to its old tricks again and falsely claiming a lackluster rally in the Bronx on Thursday drew a crowd of 25,000 supporters. This estimate comically contradicts on-the-ground reports, the NYPD, aerial views, and the laws of physics.

But reality is no match for the notoriously anti-factual Trump and his supporters, who have been obsessed with lying about his crowd size since the 2017 inauguration—and have become the living embodiment of the Nazi-era propaganda tactic of “Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth.”

25000? more like 800

over head shot while Trump was speaking

Were 25,000 people to have shown up in the Bronx, tightly packed, they would have occupied 13.8 baseball diamonds. With room to move around, a crowd that big would have occupied 30.8 baseball diamonds. But aerial visuals indicate Trump supporters on Thursday left the baseball field–size amphitheater less than a quarter full, roughly the size of one baseball diamond—or around 800 people.

dupeish rubes
Were 25,000 people to have shown up in the Bronx, tightly packed, they would have occupied 13.8 baseball diamonds. With room to move around, a crowd that big would have occupied 30.8 baseball diamonds. But aerial visuals indicate Trump supporters on Thursday left the baseball field–size amphitheater less than a quarter full, roughly the size of one baseball diamond—or around 800 people.

dupeish rubes
He got a permit for 3400 people.
Yea, yea, we all know that Trump is prone to exaggeration like that. At least he isn't a serial liar about everything in his life history like Biden...

I carried a grudge against Biden for years and years and years because of his plagiarism issue back in the 80's. But c'mon....Trump is the king of the lie.

He's a "billionaire real estate tycoon" for fuck's can't tell me one becomes that without lying like a rug. And he excels at that.

He lied to get into Wharton, he lied to get out of 'Nam, he lied to the banks to the point most western banks would no longer do business with him! He lies about the value and size of his luxury condo, he lies about asset values to help his business.
I carried a grudge against Biden for years and years and years because of his plagiarism issue back in the 80's. But c'mon....Trump is the king of the lie.

He's a "billionaire real estate tycoon" for fuck's can't tell me one becomes that without lying like a rug. And he excels at that.

He lied to get into Wharton, he lied to get out of 'Nam, he lied to the banks to the point most western banks would no longer do business with him! He lies about the value and size of his luxury condo, he lies about asset values to help his business.
Not buying it. Trump is like the salesman at a car dealership. He exaggerates the product to get you to buy it.

Biden just openly lies about everything. I grew up a poor Black child who went to a gay Catholic school run by Hasidic Jews in a Puerto Rican neighborhood where my uncle was eaten by cannibals...
Not buying it. Trump is like the salesman at a car dealership. He exaggerates the product to get you to buy it.

Biden just openly lies about everything. I grew up a poor Black child who went to a gay Catholic school run by Hasidic Jews in a Puerto Rican neighborhood where my uncle was eaten by cannibals...


HILARIOUS: Watch CNN Forced To Admit The Trump Bronx Rally Is HUGE and DIVERSE!​

Watch as Anderson Cooper suddenly gets a face longer than Sarah Jessica Parker when his on the scene reporter is forced to admit the Trump Bronx Rally is actually very successful.

Big turnout….and “it looks a lot like America here”….very diverse people in attendance!

Were 25,000 people to have shown up in the Bronx, tightly packed, they would have occupied 13.8 baseball diamonds. With room to move around, a crowd that big would have occupied 30.8 baseball diamonds. But aerial visuals indicate Trump supporters on Thursday left the baseball field–size amphitheater less than a quarter full, roughly the size of one baseball diamond—or around 800 people.

dupeish rubes
MAGAts are idiots who can't count past the number of digits on their fingers and toes.
Were 25,000 people to have shown up in the Bronx, tightly packed, they would have occupied 13.8 baseball diamonds. With room to move around, a crowd that big would have occupied 30.8 baseball diamonds. But aerial visuals indicate Trump supporters on Thursday left the baseball field–size amphitheater less than a quarter full, roughly the size of one baseball diamond—or around 800 people.

dupeish rubes
Guano, think they support Israel or Palestine? Figure it out dummy.

CNN Data Guru Explains Why Trump’s Massive Bronx Rally Should Terrify Dementia Joe​

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said on Friday that former President Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx is a negative indicator for President Joe Biden’s reelection chances.

Trump on Thursday held a rally in the Bronx, New York, which is a largely Democratic area, with thousands of people attending. Enten on “CNN News Central” said this rally is representative of Biden losing Latino voters and Trump gaining them, which will make it more challenging for the president to secure reelection.

Saw the overhead shots. I'd say it was a solid 1, maybe 1.5 BILLION people.

If I were Trump I'd start holding my rallies with a crane so that he might be held aloft for all to see and passed over the crowd so he can give his blessings.

CNN Data Guru Explains Why Trump’s Massive Bronx Rally Should Terrify Dementia Joe​

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said on Friday that former President Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx is a negative indicator for President Joe Biden’s reelection chances.

Trump on Thursday held a rally in the Bronx, New York, which is a largely Democratic area, with thousands of people attending. Enten on “CNN News Central” said this rally is representative of Biden losing Latino voters and Trump gaining them, which will make it more challenging for the president to secure reelection.


Bronx residents/politicians/union members were the only real Bronx people there.

‘Trump isn’t welcome in the Bronx’: Counter demonstrations take shape the day of former president’s South Bronx campaign event

“You don’t get to come to the Bronx and not get an answer from us,” Septimo said on the microphone in front of the crowd. “The Bronx is standing up for itself.”

The assembly member was interrupted by one person cheering for Trump, who was ushered out by event organizers, to which Septimo said, “You’re at the wrong rally.”