Magical thinking.

your faith is strong, your logic is non-existent.....

All beliefs involve faith. Knowledge is a belief that is true. Therefore, knowledge doesn't require faith. Some atheists believe there is no god; this involves faith. Some atheists know there is no god, this does not involve faith. Some atheists simply lack belief in god; this doesn't involve faith. Your claim that atheists must have faith is demonstrably false. As for logic, you wouldn't recognize it if it was ass-raping you.
You sound autistic.

If I were, it wouldn't change the truth of what I said. If you were capable, you'd attack the argument, instead of the person making it.

The truth is that you have not proved deity does not exist, and your continued repeating is not an attack on you but rather the monotonous way it is keep being expressed.
One can avoid debating the meaning of the word "atheist"...if one simply avoids using it...and instead states a position.

You can see this thread devolving into a discussion about what "atheist" means...and whether atheist is a religion...and what "religion" means.

It is absolute bullshit...because it can be avoided.

It takes you 5 lines to describe your position. It takes me one word. That's why people create words. These two theists are using every form of fallacy they can to avoid arguing their point, because it's so easily assailable. That they'd want to devolve into arguing semantics is not surprising.

I don't know if you're familiar with Venn diagrams or not, but they are specifically avoiding allowing parts of the diagram via their definitions, because they destroy their arguments. The definitions I've used here allow every different viewpoint to be represented and discussed. The bias is plain to see.

If I were to ask what classification a newborn baby would be, they'd be unable to answer it. A newborn baby knows nothing of god, and therefore lacks a positive belief in it. Their viewpoint maintains that you either believe in god, or you have faith that god doesn't exist. This baby doesn't have faith that god doesn't exist, because it isn't aware of the concept of god (fyi, that's called implicit atheism, as opposed to explicit).

These terms are all useful and important.
All beliefs involve faith. Knowledge is a belief that is true. Therefore, knowledge doesn't require faith. Some atheists believe there is no god; this involves faith. Some atheists know there is no god, this does not involve faith. Some atheists simply lack belief in god; this doesn't involve faith. Your claim that atheists must have faith is demonstrably false. As for logic, you wouldn't recognize it if it was ass-raping you.

You don't "know" because you don't have the language, symbols, and logic to prove (know) it is true.

Frank Apisa has had no trouble besting Anarchon in this thread.
You don't "know" because you don't have the language, symbols, and logic to prove (know) it is true.

Frank Apisa has had no trouble besting Anarchon in this thread.

I now know the answer to my earlier question of if you are just a troll, or retarded. You're a retarded troll.
All beliefs involve faith. Knowledge is a belief that is true. Therefore, knowledge doesn't require faith. Some atheists believe there is no god; this involves faith. Some atheists know there is no god, this does not involve faith. Some atheists simply lack belief in god; this doesn't involve faith. Your claim that atheists must have faith is demonstrably false. As for logic, you wouldn't recognize it if it was ass-raping you.

all atheists are fucking idiots.......they complain about believing things without proof and then turn around and say there are no gods......