Magical thinking.

Anarchon does not know the right questions to this problem because antiGodists have neither the logic, the symbols, or the language to prove that God does not exist.

There is no way to prove that gods exist...or that no gods exist.

All one can do is to make a guess one way or the other...or to decline to make a guess (which is what I do.)

Anarchon does NOT know how to ask specific questions in a reasonable way. That seems to be something that is beyond him/her.
Thank you, Anarchon. Your premise itself is a prima facie unproven statement. As I told you, you don't have the symbols, logic, or language to disprove the existence of God.

Don't you think its personal and spiritual? I mean there is no proof for the existence of God either. I don't think taking the Bible stories literally as if the were science and/or history is helpful.

That is a different question, yes? Anarchon is talking about disproving deity's existence. He can't.

We can certainly talk about the literalness of Bible stories. The RC and Anglican and Episcopalian certainly do not think of the text in terms of literalism as do evangies or fundies.
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Thank you, Anarchon. Your premise itself is a prima facie unproven statement. As I told you, you don't have the symbols, logic, or language to disprove the existence of God.

That is a different question, yes? Anarchon is talking about disproving deity's existence. He can't.

We can certainly talk about the literalness of Bible stories. The RC and Anglican and Episcopalian certainly to think of the text in terms of literalism as evangies or fundies.

I don't think Episcopalians and Catholics read the Bible literally.. more like allegories.
You are right, kudzu, and I should proof read my material. "to think" above should be "do not think of the text".

My apologies.

Well, some Catholics and Episcopalians have become influenced by evangelicals and literalists, but I duck out of church when the preacher goes there.
Well, some Catholics and Episcopalians have become influenced by evangelicals and literalists, but I duck out of church when the preacher goes there.

I understand what you are saying.

But even when religions take the stories of the Bible as allegories rather than literally...

...trouble ensues!

I am not disposed to give them an automatic pass because they do not treat the stories or injunctions literally.

I notice that my request for any words attributed to Jesus condemn homosexuality...which included my warning to be careful with this one.
I understand what you are saying.

But even when religions take the stories of the Bible as allegories rather than literally...

...trouble ensues!

I am not disposed to give them an automatic pass because they do not treat the stories or injunctions literally.

I notice that my request for any words attributed to Jesus condemn homosexuality...which included my warning to be careful with this one.

I agree.. Jesus didn't condemn slavery either.

And, he didn't dispute any of the ten commandments or Jewish law that condemned people to death for hundreds of sins.. But, he was an observant Jew after all.
I agree.. Jesus didn't condemn slavery either.

And, he didn't dispute any of the ten commandments or Jewish law that condemned people to death for hundreds of sins.. But, he was an observant Jew after all.

He healed on the Sabbath, and kept quiet about a mass of silly old nonsense. Why do you suppose slavery practically disappeared as Christianity triumphed, luck?
Slavery took hundreds of years to disappear in the west, iolo, in fact. Serfs went with the land when sold in the Middle Ages, and serfdom in Russia was not ended legally until the 1860s.
Fallacy of bifurcation. There are more than 2 options. Just because you're ignorant of other options, doesn't mean they don't exist.

The universe was created or it created itself. Those are the only two possibilities. And no. It hasn't always existed. The 2nd law of entropy rules that out. So. What other possibilities are there?
True enough. But one belief, if true, leads to eternal life. The other to eternal suffering. Just how sure are you that there is no God? It's not the kind of question you want to leave unanswered. There is a lot riding on it. Like, everything.

It's not the kind of question you get jack shit to say about, personally. You're out of your jurisdiction son.
The universe was created or it created itself. Those are the only two possibilities. And no. It hasn't always existed. The 2nd law of entropy rules that out. So. What other possibilities are there?

3rd possibility, you simply do not matter. It's a rather large universe.
Slavery took hundreds of years to disappear in the west, iolo, in fact. Serfs went with the land when sold in the Middle Ages, and serfdom in Russia was not ended legally until the 1860s.

Those who horde power and wealth always want to own others, we have an updated version of that in the US these days.
The universe was created or it created itself.

Look, Asshole...IF IT CREATED ITSELF (your second piece of nonsense) THAT MEANS IT WAS CREATED.

The totally unwarranted presumption you are making IS THAT IT WAS CREATED...BY ITSELF OR BY A GOD.

Maybe EVERYTHING has always existed.

Maybe there is NO CREATION.

Stop with the amateurish bullshit...unless you are just doing it to entertain us.

Those are the only two possibilities.

They are not the only two possibilities. It is possible that EVERYTHING HAS ALWAYS EXISTED.

And no. It hasn't always existed.

YOU do not get to declare that as an unassailable truth.

The 2nd law of entropy rules that out. So. What other possibilities are there?

That the "2nd law of entropy" is dead wrong.
That wasn't the question. They assumed that it did have an end when they formed their question of what happened when you reached the end. Some thought you'd fall off. Some thought there was a big monster that ate you. They were wrong to make that assumption, and their question became meaningless. As they learned more, they understood why. There was a paradigm shift.

You assume that the somethingness of the universe, as we perceive it, must have a cause, a beginning, and an end in ways that we completely understand. The paradigms in which we view time and causality, have changed relatively recently in modern physics. Given how little we understand of the universe, and the rate at which our understanding changes, you're very likely wrong in making your assumption.

Do you know what the foundation of modern science is? It is the law of causality. It is the fundamental law of physics. Everything has a cause. There has never been an exception to this law. The universe was caused to exist. All of modern science backs up this fact.
Do you know what the foundation of modern science is? It is the law of causality. It is the fundamental law of physics. Everything has a cause.

Except for your god, of course,

There has never been an exception to this law.


You know this?

YOU have been everywhere at all times...and paying attention...and never has there been an exception to this law.

Are you saying you are god?

The universe was caused to exist. All of modern science backs up this fact.

Horse shit.

This thing we puny humans call "the universe" may have had a cause. But we certainly do not know what that "cause" was...and we do not know if this thing we puny humans call "the universe"...IS THE UNIVERSE.

You really are not up to the job of doing what the most brilliant people who have ever lived on planet Earth have been unable to do, prove that a god exists.

And even if you could...imagine how much more work it would mean to then prove that the "god" is the god of the Bible who, although it was able to create our planet, the solar system, our galaxy with its 200+ billion other stars and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies which we know of...

...and still is offended if I beat my meat occasionally.

Why don't you find something else to sorting socks that look a lot alike.