Magical thinking.

Do you know what the foundation of modern science is? It is the law of causality. It is the fundamental law of physics. Everything has a cause. There has never been an exception to this law. The universe was caused to exist. All of modern science backs up this fact.

Did you take college level physics?
Look, Asshole...IF IT CREATED ITSELF (your second piece of nonsense) THAT MEANS IT WAS CREATED.

The totally unwarranted presumption you are making IS THAT IT WAS CREATED...BY ITSELF OR BY A GOD.

Maybe EVERYTHING has always existed.

Maybe there is NO CREATION.

Stop with the amateurish bullshit...unless you are just doing it to entertain us.

They are not the only two possibilities. It is possible that EVERYTHING HAS ALWAYS EXISTED.

YOU do not get to declare that as an unassailable truth.

That the "2nd law of entropy" is dead wrong.
Actually, Frank, you are proving that you do not have the language, symbols, or logic to prove that God does not exist. Your post #80 proves my point.
Except for your god, of course,


You know this?

YOU have been everywhere at all times...and paying attention...and never has there been an exception to this law.

Are you saying you are god?

Horse shit.

This thing we puny humans call "the universe" may have had a cause. But we certainly do not know what that "cause" was...and we do not know if this thing we puny humans call "the universe"...IS THE UNIVERSE.

You really are not up to the job of doing what the most brilliant people who have ever lived on planet Earth have been unable to do, prove that a god exists.

And even if you could...imagine how much more work it would mean to then prove that the "god" is the god of the Bible who, although it was able to create our planet, the solar system, our galaxy with its 200+ billion other stars and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies which we know of...

...and still is offended if I beat my meat occasionally.

Why don't you find something else to sorting socks that look a lot alike.

Wow! Is there anyone here who doesn't think he belongs on my ignore list? Anyone?
Actually, Frank, you are proving that you do not have the language, symbols, or logic to prove that God does not exist. Your post #80 proves my point.

Why on Earth would I want to "prove that 'God' doesn't exist."

I have no idea if any gods exist...

...and I have no idea if no gods exist.

I won't even make a guess on the issue...let alone try to prove one way or the other.

What are you saying here, Jimmy?
Do you know what the foundation of modern science is? It is the law of causality. It is the fundamental law of physics. Everything has a cause. There has never been an exception to this law. The universe was caused to exist. All of modern science backs up this fact.

We have a long tortured history of what your religion has caused on this land mass. And in europe, before the disease arrived here.
Wow! Is there anyone here who doesn't think he belongs on my ignore list? Anyone?

I think you are an asshole...

...but I would never put you on my IGNORE list.

In any case...IF YOU THINK I belong on your IGNORE list...then by all means put me on your IGNORE list.

It must really hurt to hear the truth coming your way from me...and the best way to deal with that would be to put me on IGNORE.
Actually, Frank, you are proving that you do not have the language, symbols, or logic to prove that God does not exist. Your post #80 proves my point.

One thing that I have posted dozens of times is:

There is no way one can come to "at least one god exists" using logic, reason, math, or science.

There is no way one can come to "no gods exist" using logic, reason, math, or science.

There is no way one can come to "it is more likely that no gods exist than that at least one god does" using logic, reason, math, or science.

And finally, there is no way one can come to "it is more likely that at least one god exists than that none do" using logic, reason, math, or science.
Thank you, Frank, for being straight and clear.

I wish Grugore and Rana PostmodernProphet and the hard antiGodists could do the same.
Do you know what the foundation of modern science is? It is the law of causality. It is the fundamental law of physics. Everything has a cause. There has never been an exception to this law. The universe was caused to exist. All of modern science backs up this fact.

Nonsense. Back up these claims.
From your link:

The Enuma Elish would later be the inspiration for the Hebrew scribes who created the text now known as the biblical Book of Genesis. Prior to the 19th century CE, the Bible was considered the oldest book in the world and its narratives were thought to be completely original.

In the mid-19th century CE, however, European museums, as well as academic and religious institutions, sponsored excavations in Mesopotamia to find physical evidence for historical corroboration of the stories in the Bible. These excavations found quite the opposite, however, in that, once cuneiform was translated, it was understood that a number of biblical narratives were Mesopotamian in origin.

Jesus, PIMP getting another theological ass-kicking.
The universe was created or it created itself. Those are the only two possibilities. And no. It hasn't always existed. The 2nd law of entropy rules that out. So. What other possibilities are there?

The other possibilities are ones you can't conceive yet. Or, do you pretend to be omniscient?