Majority of Republicans Already Say They Can’t Lose in 2024 Unless the Vote Is Rigged

trump won the popular vote last time.

the voting machines themselves are rigged.

and all the polling is going towards trump.

trump is actually the populist.

you people are the elitists dumping down boiling oil on the peasants.

Absolutely none of that is true. Trump proved the election was fair and honest. He demanded recounts and he got them. They showed the election was correct. He went to court 60 times and when he was asked to provide evidence, he had none. He asked Secretaries of state to say they were wrong. They refused. It was a fair and honest election . Anyone who cannot understand that is hopelessly lost in crazy conspiracies. Trump proved it was fair. After all this time, you still cannot learn.
Absolutely none of that is true. Trump proved the election was fair and honest. He demanded recounts and he got them. They showed the election was correct. He went to court 60 times and when he was asked to provide evidence, he had none. He asked Secretaries of state to say they were wrong. They refused. It was a fair and honest election . Anyone who cannot understand that is hopelessly lost in crazy conspiracies. Trump proved it was fair. After all this time, you still cannot learn.

all the judges were corrupted and never serious pondered the law.

much of the election was illegal.

corrupt putzos.
yes. polling makes it clear that deep state can only win with cheating.

even the blacks and mexicans are going for trump.

the democrat plantation lost all their slaves.

trump set them free.

So you are admitting Trump cheat against Hillary since the polling leading up to the election all had HIllary in the lead.

Nice. I accept you admission.

Boy you really are not that bright.

'Polling made it clear', as you say that Hillary was going to beat Trump going in to 2016.

So it is only cheating that could have seen Trump win, since as you say 'polling makes it clear' who the winner will be.
"If you win, you cheated" was something I remember kids saying on the playground in elementary school..

And that's your modern Republican Party.
trump won the popular vote last time.

the voting machines themselves are rigged.

and all the polling is going towards trump.

trump is actually the populist.

you people are the elitists dumping down boiling oil on the peasants.

Every single thing written in this post is incorrect.
Add this to your sig.

Are we doomed to be stuck in this cycle of stupidity because of a small percent of the population?
Apparently. You're still around, right?
A percent who knows they can NEVER win a majority of votes in any free and fair election and can only win thru voter suppression and gerry mandering.
Yup. Describes you perfectly.
For Trump this goes back well before he even ran for office, simply because someone won he did not support, when he claimed Obama won in a rigged election.
It was a rigged election.
During his primaries for 2016, when Ted Cruz won Iowa, Trump claimed it was rigged.
That was also a rigged election.
In 2016, when it looked like Hillary was going to win, Trump started to proclaim it rigged.
That was also a rigged election.
When he beat Hillary in the Electoral College to become POTUS but lost in the popular vote, he said the popular was a fraud and that he won it, if you excluded the people who voted illegally.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
You have to be enormously stupid, not to see the Boy who cried wolf, and realize Trump is just a conman.
Nah. You are just echoing the Democrat line again, mindlessly.
One cause of the Spanish civil war is that conservatives gave up on democracy because they came to believe they could never convince a majority/plurality of voters that their ideas were superior to the liberals. And that the only way they could excercise power was to sieze it by force.

Republicans have won the National popular vote for president only one single time since the 1980s. I think they are getting tired of constant rejection by the voters

There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
Nothing puts the lie to todays Republi'can' party more clearly, imo, than the below video.

You see a couple things at play.

First, Trump derps show up in two States to demand 'stop the count' but when the derps in one State realize Trumps is behind, as they count Mail In ballots first there, they switch to 'Count All Votes'. So they are unethical derps.

Second, is that Trump derps know there are some States that DO count mail in ballots first and Trump can be behind in those and yet still come back to win, and yet they pretend something has to be wrong if Mail in are counted last and Biden comes from behind to win.

Fake News.
Trump nor any republi'can' will ever get near winning a popular vote again, no matter what fake polling you look at.

Citizens do not support republi'cans' nor the policies they push in favor of the rich and corporations while gutting programs that help the middle class and poor.

Without extreme gerrymandering and the Electoral college that even the SC is finally pushing back on, the republi'cans' would never get near power. That is how unpopular they are.

The President is not elected by popular vote.