Mark Sanford: Just Plain Bizzare


I'm not sure if anyone has followed the story of Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina and darling of the right for telling Obama to take his stimulus funds and shove it, and his apparent disappearance lat Thursday.

Apparently, Sanford decided to take some time away from his family (and is security staff) and just took of without informing anyone of where he was going, how long he would be gone and how to get in touch with him. He didn't even tell his wife and family what he was up to.

After some pestering by the press, his staff said that the Governor was hiking the Appalachian Trail, that he needed some time to unwind after a tough legislative session to get away from it all (and his family) and clear his head. Questions were raised about the validity of the story (saying that someone is hiking the Appalachian Trial is akin to saying they are somewhere between Maine and Georgia) when it was reported that Sanford was spotted at the Atlanta Airport. As of yesterday, no one could pinpoint where the Governor was and his wife had still not heard from her husband.

Well, today, Governor Sanford returned. From a nice week long jaunt to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Needless to say, the Appalachian Trial story was slightly less than true. The Governor commented that he wanted to do something "exotic" and other than saying that he drove along the coastline, the Governor was mum about his week in Argentina, although he said he traveled alone.

Weird, weird stuff.
Argentina? Did he take his viagra like a good Republican?

It's unclear from the reports. He's holding a press conference at 2 p.m. so maybe we can get an answer to that question.

I think it's safe to say that Sanford has pretty much scuttled whatever prospects he had for running for President. I mean, if Obama voting "present" was such a big deal, what will the wingers think of taking a week long trip to South America without telling anyone, including your family, staff and others in the government while claiming to be "hiking the Appalachian Trial?"
It's unclear from the reports. He's holding a press conference at 2 p.m. so maybe we can get an answer to that question.

I think it's safe to say that Sanford has pretty much scuttled whatever prospects he had for running for President. I mean, if Obama voting "present" was such a big deal, what will the wingers think of taking a week long trip to South America without telling anyone, including your family, staff and others in the government while claiming to be "hiking the Appalachian Trial?"

I wonder if there was another "traveler" involved and if that "traveler" wore a skirt or pants.
I wonder if there was another "traveler" involved and if that "traveler" wore a skirt or pants.

I'm not one to speculate, so this is merely a random factoid completely unrelated to Sanford's double super secret trip to Buenos Aires, but Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the gay mecca of South America.
I'm not one to speculate, so this is merely a random factoid completely unrelated to Sanford's double super secret trip to Buenos Aires, but Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the gay mecca of South America.
Hmmm... I thought the other day when Rush had viagra it was the Dominican Republic. It appears that "mecca" moves around to wherever somebody with an R travels as people work with what they have in order to make weird accusations added onto an already bizarre trip.

I've also always been amazed at how well caught up on wherever that "mecca" is some posters on this site appear to be. Don't tell me you are still in contact with Robdawg now...
Hmmm... I thought the other day when Rush had viagra it was the Dominican Republic. It appears that "mecca" moves around to wherever somebody with an R travels as people work with what they have in order to make weird accusations added onto an already bizarre trip.

I've also always been amazed at how well caught up on wherever that "mecca" is some posters on this site appear to be. Don't tell me you are still in contact with Robdawg now...

You misremember. As a preliminary matter, the Dominican Republic is not generally considered to be a part of South America. And it is not the gay mecca of the Caribbean, rather it is well-known for high levels of prostitution of minors.
I'm not one to speculate, so this is merely a random factoid completely unrelated to Sanford's double super secret trip to Buenos Aires, but Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the gay mecca of South America.
It's always fun to have a Liberal toss out the gay card. If that's what the guy did, wouldn't that make him normal moral and healthy?

Must be a slow news day when there's a big rush to find out what a guy did on a vacation. *shrug*
I'm not one to speculate, so this is merely a random factoid completely unrelated to Sanford's double super secret trip to Buenos Aires, but Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the gay mecca of South America.
No that's Rio de Janiero. Or at least that's what Dixie told me.
I'm not one to speculate, so this is merely a random factoid completely unrelated to Sanford's double super secret trip to Buenos Aires, but Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the gay mecca of South America.

He met a "friend" in Buenos Aires. He's resigning his position in the GOP Governor's Ass. He's being honest, give him that.
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He met a "friend" in Buenos Aires. He's resigning his position in the GOP Governor's Ass. He's being honest, give him that.

Being honest? Please. He had no options left. You don't need to hold a hastily arranged press conference after a tryst in Buenos Aires if you are honest.

And I don't care really about the affair part of this one. Affairs are dime a dozen. What is particularly troubling is that he left the state without an executive for seven days without telling anyone about it. That's generally not a good idea.
To his credit (or hers), at least his wife wasn't up there with him at the press conference. That always bothered the shit out of me, particularly with Spitzer.
Being honest? Please. He had no options left. You don't need to hold a hastily arranged press conference after a tryst in Buenos Aires if you are honest.

And I don't care really about the affair part of this one. Affairs are dime a dozen. What is particularly troubling is that he left the state without an executive for seven days without telling anyone about it. That's generally not a good idea.

Politicians are humans with heightened feelings of power and ego. They're more prone to an occasional peccadillo to boost their ego and test their imagined immunity to discovery. What he did to his family is not forgiveable... yet. Moreover, what he did was also foolishness, I suspect caused by love. However, his decision to be frank and admit his deception is a far more honest approach than was the Clinton example. Politically I am closer to Clinton, but I think you also would agree that he let his supporters down and cost his Presidency tremendous political capital.
I suspect SC is one state that can go a long time without anybody missing its chief exec or many dire consequences occurring in 5 days.
Bring on Jindal! Obama, without doing anything, is knocking them off one-by-one.
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It's easy to be honest once you get caught.

By the way, FOXNews branded Sanford (like Foley before him) a Democrat:

Was he the one who wanted to reject stimulus?

He probably spent four days being ass raped by the Israeli Lobby for his crimes against the New World Order.
The irony is just too beautiful to ignore.

This is the same asshole who couldn't get enough of ranting on Clinton for his affair and who said that Clinton must resign because he undermined the authority of his office.

Ahh the beauty.