Mark Sanford: Just Plain Bizzare

The irony is just too beautiful to ignore.

This is the same asshole who couldn't get enough of ranting on Clinton for his affair and who said that Clinton must resign because he undermined the authority of his office.

Ahh the beauty.

What irony would that be?
What more can I say than that I am disappointed. Mark Sanford could have been a very important voice for the liberty movement in the next Presidential race, and now he has seriously harmed his chances.
What more can I say than that I am disappointed. Mark Sanford could have been a very important voice for the liberty movement in the next Presidential race, and now he has seriously harmed his chances.
You're kidding aren't you? If Samford is the best Repubs can come up with, ya'll got problems. Samford isn't a tennable candidate outside of the deep south.
The irony is just too beautiful to ignore.

This is the same asshole who couldn't get enough of ranting on Clinton for his affair and who said that Clinton must resign because he undermined the authority of his office.

Ahh the beauty.
Although it would be nice if a politician lived up to his own ideals, sometimes they just screw up. I won't defend this guy at all, but if he were a Democrat you'd dismiss this as nothing.