Mark Sanford: Just Plain Bizzare

As a small government conservative I suppose I have a twinge of pain seeing him go, but honestly anyone with judgement like that should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. I'm amazed he made it as far as Governor.

This was very nearly a John Edwards situation.
Although it would be nice if a politician lived up to his own ideals, sometimes they just screw up. I won't defend this guy at all, but if he were a Democrat you'd dismiss this as nothing.

Wasn't this Sanford chap the very fellow who you tipped as a future leader of the conservative movement, SM?

Lucky for you i did not place any bets on the basis of your political punditry. Otherwise i would be avoiding my bookie and administering you a large dose of the old skunk eye this morning.
His poor wife. I feel sorry for her.

Jenny, if you need a playmate, I'm available. You are one beautiful woman.
I'm the last person who would even entertain the prospect of a battle-of-the-Sanford-babes style beauty contest, regarding such behaviour as nothing short of scandalous.

However, just out of interest you understand, has anyone got a picture of this fruity Argentinian strumpet?
it is not so much that he has/had a mistress and really screwed over his wife and children

it is the hypocrisy of the situation

this guy bashed the hell out of clinton over lewinsky and is head/member of some religious group, i think the promise keepers, that believes in the sanctity of marital vows
Dictionary publishers are up in arms over this latest republican dalliance, seems they are forced to revise their latest editions. Synonymous with hypocrite/hypocrisy now has a long required addition: republican.

Related forms:
hyp·o·crit·i·cal, adjective
hyp·o·crit·i·cal·ly, adverb

deceiver, dissembler, pretender, pharisee, republican.
you're the one talking about bending me over and giving it to me fag...

I said nothing of the kind, cabana boy.... you seem to longingly think that "bend over" automatically has a solely homosexual connotation.... that's clearly the wishful thinking of a closeted gay man like you, but not at all what I had in mind when I wrote it.
Although I don't agree with what he has done, isn't this the same thing many others have done, hmmm if I remember when Clinton was getting blow jobs in the oval office the Dems said it was his business, lol Guess there is double standards here, oooo yea and Clinton was with a child, a few months earlier and it would of molestation
Although I don't agree with what he has done, isn't this the same thing many others have done, hmmm if I remember when Clinton was getting blow jobs in the oval office the Dems said it was his business, lol Guess there is double standards here, oooo yea and Clinton was with a child, a few months earlier and it would of molestation

A child?

I thought she was 22 or 23 when she started getting to know the ins and outs of the Presidential routine?
As a small government conservative I suppose I have a twinge of pain seeing him go, but honestly anyone with judgement like that should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. I'm amazed he made it as far as Governor.

This was very nearly a John Edwards situation.
It was weirder though. Having a governor disappear is just, well, bizarre.
As a small government conservative I suppose I have a twinge of pain seeing him go, but honestly anyone with judgement like that should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. I'm amazed he made it as far as Governor.

This was very nearly a John Edwards situation.

Except that Edwards had a real chance to be King, Sanford did not.

His "appeal" is strictly southern, right-wing, and dumb.
Edwards appeal was stricly left-wing ideolog elitist and phony.
Edwards had no chance for re-election to the Senate and wasn't able to carry his own State as the Veep candidate. Only the biggest fools didn't see him for what he is and as you described. *shrug*