Mark Sanford: Just Plain Bizzare

Edwards appeal was stricly left-wing ideologue elitist and phony.

... and he had far more appeal than Sanford.

The good news is that now the right will have to rely more on people like Palin, Huckabee, Newt, and the Mormon.

That's good and welcome news to people with brains.
... and he had far more appeal than Sanford.

The good news is that now the right will have to rely more on people like Palin, Huckabee, Newt, and the Mormon.

That's good and welcome news to people with brains.
I think he had about the same. He'd have gotten about the same percentage that Edwards did in his runs for that office.
Edwards had no chance for re-election to the Senate and wasn't able to carry his own State as the Veep candidate. Only the biggest fools didn't see him for what he is and as you described. *shrug*

Sanford's lack of character is a huge disapointment. Because his own staff did not know where he was I wonder that it wouldn't be appropriate to force him to resign as governor. Basically he lied about his character and he disapeared from his post on the tax payers dime.
I think he had about the same. He'd have gotten about the same percentage that Edwards did in his runs for that office.

That's possible, but I don't believe it without further research.

Edwards had national appeal that Sanford does not .. in my opinion.

However, it's all moot now on both of them.
Your elitsist stupidity is showing.


Plainly stated .. who gives a fuck what you think?

You are obvioulsy not bright enough to challenge what I said .. so you did the right-wing thing and went for labels.

Perhaps you can explain what a "elitsist" is.
Sanford's lack of character is a huge disapointment. Because his own staff did not know where he was I wonder that it wouldn't be appropriate to force him to resign as governor. Basically he lied about his character and he disapeared from his post on the tax payers dime.

I think the last thing you can say about a chap who, completely out of the blue, suddenly decides to 'disappear' one day by hopping on a plane for some hot South American sex with a stunning* Argentine paramour is that he lacks 'character'.

*to be confirmed

Plainly stated .. who gives a fuck what you think?

You are obvioulsy not bright enough to challenge what I said .. so you did the right-wing thing and went for labels.

Perhaps you can explain what a "elitsist" is.

There was nothing to challenge and you obviously care what I said because with your back up and all bent out of shape you merely launch more bs.

You call an entire portion of America dumb...that's pretty fucking elitist.
I think the last thing you can say about a chap who, completely out of the blue, suddenly decides to 'disappear' one day by hopping on a plane for some hot South American sex with a stunning* Argentine paramour is that he lacks 'character'.

*to be confirmed

I agree .. and like you, I want to see the hottie with pussy so good it caused a man to lose his fucking mind.
when I bartended 1,000 years ago we called it samsonite pussy.
Make you pack your bags and leave home.
I agree .. and like you, I want to see the hottie with pussy so good it caused a man to lose his fucking mind.

If the Argentine government have any foresight they have already put this enchantress on a plane to Heathrow with directions to 10 Downing Street and a Bill of Sale for the Falkland Islands.
If the Argentine government have any foresight they have already put this enchantress on a plane to Heathrow with directions to 10 Downing Street and a Bill of Sale for the Falkland Islands.

I'm sure they're working dilligently to protect their ASSests. :0)
I feel bad for this dude. I know he's a public figure, but this really isn't a public matter, and the emails they are releasing are really private. They should stay that way.
I agree.... "I love your tan lines"???? there is no reason for that sort of stuff to be part of the public discourse.
I feel bad for this dude. I know he's a public figure, but this really isn't a public matter, and the emails they are releasing are really private. They should stay that way.

That isn't true in my opinion.

He's the governor, THUS he MUST conduct himself in a manner conducive to the interests of the state.

No differently than it was for the Mayor of Detroit when he was engaged in his tryst, his emails should be public record and he should be held to a higher standard.

Additionally, his affair has been known for 5 months and it appears that the smell of pussy is stronger than his love for his family or his obligation to the people of his state. He hasn't said he's giving up the pussy and returning to his family .. even though is wife has implored him to do so.

Feel sorry for the family, not the penis.