

Verified User
Marx had 4 stages of capitalism. What we call late-stage capitalism today, Marx called it state capitalism by predicting capitalists would own the state (state meaning government). That's exactly where we are right now and have been for quite some time.

Over 1000 derailments a year proves that capitalists profits are more important than the lives of we the people. These CEOs are psychopaths. It may take a decade or 2 before the people of East Palestine, OH start dying of cancer, but past manmade disasters show it's inevitable.
Marx had 4 stages of capitalism.
Totally stupid. I don't need to read any further.

The word "capitalism" is just Marx's slur for sound economic principles. Marx was a lazy bastard who was non-competitive in a world of competition, and he pouted and cried "That's NOT FAIR!"

So, in his mind, he anthropomorphized economics and made it the evil archvillain of his sad little world. Instead of treating it as the supply-demand curve model that it is, Marx was forever portraying economics in the same way Christians portray Satan, complete with magical superpowers and the incessant desire to destroy humanity. Those who are stupid enough to fall for it really have no one else to blame. Don't be gullible.

Economics does not have any stages. Economics models are tools to facilitate the building of economies that create wealth, that add value to society and that improve the lives of everyone participating in the economy.
Totally stupid. I don't need to read any further.

The word "capitalism" is just Marx's slur for sound economic principles. Marx was a lazy bastard who was non-competitive in a world of competition, and he pouted and cried "That's NOT FAIR!"

Stupid, stupid, comment.
Stupid, stupid, comment.
I get it. You are rather embarrassed for not having done your homework before firing off a stupid post. I recommend performing due diligence next time and conducting a modicum of research before posting, to catch the egregious errors before you have to backpedal.

Yes, your post was really stupid, but I think I made that abundantly clear.
I get it. You are rather embarrassed for not having done your homework before firing off a stupid post. I recommend performing due diligence next time and conducting a modicum of research before posting, to catch the egregious errors before you have to backpedal.

Yes, your post was really stupid, but I think I made that abundantly clear.

into the night of stupidity
into the night of stupidity

Yes, yes ... I am obviously Into the Night. Too funny. You got me. I won't bother denying it.

At least we now have a very good indication of why you can't seem to get anything right. You are a dullard ... who has one very razor-sharp sense of perception, that cannot be denied.

Tell me more about how you believe Karl Marx was an economics Nostradamus. You are so amazingly brilliant, ... so very, very brilliant. Too funny.
Totally stupid. I don't need to read any further.

The word "capitalism" is just Marx's slur for sound economic principles. Marx was a lazy bastard who was non-competitive in a world of competition, and he pouted and cried "That's NOT FAIR!"

So, in his mind, he anthropomorphized economics and made it the evil archvillain of his sad little world. Instead of treating it as the supply-demand curve model that it is, Marx was forever portraying economics in the same way Christians portray Satan, complete with magical superpowers and the incessant desire to destroy humanity. Those who are stupid enough to fall for it really have no one else to blame. Don't be gullible.

Economics does not have any stages. Economics models are tools to facilitate the building of economies that create wealth, that add value to society and that improve the lives of everyone participating in the economy.
Marx was one of the top 5 economists in the last 200 years. Capital is one of the best economic books ever written. Capitalism goes bankrupt and needs a bailout on average of every 7 years.

6 bankruptcies and bailouts in 37 years.

The S&L bailout of 1986
Black Monday of 1987
Dotcom scam of 1995
Subprime scam of 2007
Covid bailout of 2020
The upcoming bankruptcy of 2023

You do the math.
Marx was one of the top 5 economists in the last 200 years.
Marx was not an economist. He hated economics and created an anti-economics religion: Marxism. I see that you are a preacher of this religion, which means that you suck at economics (a hard, fast requirement of the religion).

Capital is one of the best economic books ever written.
Das Kapital is more of a "Satanic Bible" (economics-wise) than it is any sort of economics textbook. The volumes have nothing to do with economics. I presume you either haven't read them, or you really have no idea what economics is and conflate it with a passionate hatred for economics.


Das Kapital is nothing more than bitching and moaning and whining and griping and complaining ... and NEVER addresses economics.

Capitalism goes bankrupt and needs a bailout on average of every 7 years.
Stupid, uneducated comment. Economics never goes bankrupt. Economics never needs any sort of bailout. Go to school and learn something.
Marx was not an economist. He hated economics and created an anti-economics religion: Marxism. I see that you are a preacher of this religion, which means that you suck at economics (a hard, fast requirement of the religion).

Das Kapital is more of a "Satanic Bible" (economics-wise) than it is any sort of economics textbook. The volumes have nothing to do with economics. I presume you either haven't read them, or you really have no idea what economics is and conflate it with a passionate hatred for economics.


Das Kapital is nothing more than bitching and moaning and whining and griping and complaining ... and NEVER addresses economics.

Stupid, uneducated comment. Economics never goes bankrupt. Economics never needs any sort of bailout. Go to school and learn something.
Name the last economic book you read.
Yes, yes ... I am obviously Into the Night. Too funny. You got me. I won't bother denying it.

At least we now have a very good indication of why you can't seem to get anything right. You are a dullard ... who has one very razor-sharp sense of perception, that cannot be denied.

Tell me more about how you believe Karl Marx was an economics Nostradamus. You are so amazingly brilliant, ... so very, very brilliant. Too funny.

fuck off you boring troll
Totally stupid. I don't need to read any further.

The word "capitalism" is just Marx's slur for sound economic principles. Marx was a lazy bastard who was non-competitive in a world of competition, and he pouted and cried "That's NOT FAIR!"

So, in his mind, he anthropomorphized economics and made it the evil archvillain of his sad little world. Instead of treating it as the supply-demand curve model that it is, Marx was forever portraying economics in the same way Christians portray Satan, complete with magical superpowers and the incessant desire to destroy humanity. Those who are stupid enough to fall for it really have no one else to blame. Don't be gullible.

Economics does not have any stages. Economics models are tools to facilitate the building of economies that create wealth, that add value to society and that improve the lives of everyone participating in the economy.
He never worked a day in his life, did he?
Jesus was a socialist who cleansed the Temple by expelling the merchants and money changers.
Let's analyze this. Perhaps we can get gfm7175 to arbitrate; gfm7175 is my go-to authority on Jesus:

@gfm7175 ... did Jesus:

... abolish property in land, and call for all rents of land to public purposes?

... issue a commandment for a heavy progressive or graduated income tax?

... abolish all right of inheritance?

... confiscate the property of all emigrants and rebels?

... centralize credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly?

... centralize the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State?

... extend factories and instruments of production owned by the State, bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan?

... impose equal liability of all to labor while establishing industrial armies, especially for agriculture?

... combine agriculture with manufacturing industries while gradually abolitishing the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country?

... provide free education for all children in public schools while abolishing children's factory labour in its present form? Did he combine education with industrial production?

I am eager to find out more about Jesus' socialism.
Let's analyze this. Perhaps we can get gfm7175 to arbitrate; gfm7175 is my go-to authority on Jesus:

@gfm7175 ... did Jesus:

... abolish property in land, and call for all rents of land to public purposes?

... issue a commandment for a heavy progressive or graduated income tax?

... abolish all right of inheritance?

... confiscate the property of all emigrants and rebels?

... centralize credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly?

... centralize the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State?

... extend factories and instruments of production owned by the State, bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan?

... impose equal liability of all to labor while establishing industrial armies, especially for agriculture?

... combine agriculture with manufacturing industries while gradually abolitishing the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country?

... provide free education for all children in public schools while abolishing children's factory labour in its present form? Did he combine education with industrial production?

I am eager to find out more about Jesus' socialism.
1. relating to society or its organization.
Similar: community, civil, public

Jesus was a socialist.
We'll let gfm7175 have his say. I laid out the questions that determine a socialist. Your colloquial definition of "social" does not apply and does not help
Jesus doesn't care if you're a republican or a democrat. You are welcome in the Temple as long as you don't try to sell your merchandise or loan money.