
General Relativity has a lot of problems but they won't be solved by TOE (Theory Of Everything).

I didn't say it would be. What I'm pointing out is if the speed of light isn't the barrier we thought it was then your opinion expressed earlier means nothing at all.
There's more to empire than conquering.
... but currently, that's the only way to become an empire.

This leads us back to Marx. Humans deserve better, we need to be part of the conversation on going to war.
There you go again with the pronoun "we" without using an antecedent. Who do you mean by "we"? After you answer that question, of what conversation on going to war are you speaking? Why don't you start a thread on it?

You believe space aliens would land on Earth to conquer us,
No. You EVADED my question. We can't have a conversation if you won't answer my questions.

How did the Maya acquire this supposed "advanced technology" and then where did it go? The Maya never disappeared as you noted so how did the technology vanish? Is Climate Change responsible for that?
I lost interest when all the money started going to proving there's a beginning and an end to the universe.
You and Into the Night are on the same side of that fence. You supposedly place a heavy premium on freedom, as does Into the Night. I don't understand why you don't listen to him a little more closely.
I know what I'm talking about. I don't agree with your delusions, and you are full of them. I can't think of anything that you have gotten right.

Wait, are you even aware that the Azteca conquered the Maya?

Can we jump to the chase? Do you believe that space aliens brought wondrous new technologies to the Maya ... but to no one else?

Try again bud.
Try again bud.
Yes, I misspoke. It has been a while and I was conflating several things, actually. I appreciate you keeping me honest. Your comment got me wondering if I might need to refresh my memory and yes I did. I can't complain, though, because I enjoy the topic.

@ goat, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Azteca were recruited by Spaniards to aid in the Spanish conquest of the Maya, but the Azteca themselves only had occasional skirmishes with the Maya. The Azteca acquisition of everything Maya occurred through normal relations, trade and travel.
Only according to your understanding of space and time. Are you sure our physicists are correct?
Are you suggesting there're wormholes or warp space travel? If so, how much are you willing to spend to send AI out to search for science fiction? Look how much taxpayers spent on the moon landing hoax. Maybe we should find housing for all the people living under bridges first.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Chevron foe Donziger's contempt conviction stand
By Nate Raymond

Two members of the Supreme Court's 6-3 conservative majority, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, dissented from the decision to not hear the appeal, with Gorsuch saying that the Constitution "does not tolerate what happened here."

"However much the district court may have thought Mr. Donziger warranted punishment, the prosecution in this case broke a basic constitutional promise essential to our liberty," Gorsuch wrote.

All 3 liberal jurists voted against the constitution.