
That would make the British empire "supporting evidence", not "proof".

But the fact is that the UK, being geographically separated, avoided Europe's debilitating problems and is the exception, leaving Diamond's premise falsified, not supported.
Britian became an empire because of its 4000 miles of navigable rivers that are accessible from the sea. Jared Diamond overlooked the fact that Africa has very few navigable rivers with access to the sea. It has nothing to do with it running latitudinal. The DRC is 10 times the size of GB but they're landlocked.

Shipping is the most important part of trade.
Britian became an empire because of its 4000 miles of navigable rivers that are accessible from the sea.
Too funny. Britain became an empire because they conquered many places.

Shipping is the most important part of trade.
Incorrect. Buying higher and selling lower is the most important part of trade.

Shipping is merely incidental overhead. This really is the wrong thread for someone with essentially zero understanding of economics.
Too funny. Britain became an empire because they conquered many places.

Incorrect. Buying higher and selling lower is the most important part of trade.

Shipping is merely incidental overhead. This really is the wrong thread for someone with essentially zero understanding of economics.
Apparently that's what the banks did with treasury bonds.

Ever hear of the East India Company? We fought a revolution over their ships.
No. That occurs in aftermarkets.

Have you ever heard of Wells Fargo?

We did not. A prior generation did, long ago.
The oldest known ship is about 10,000 years old.
The oldest known wagon is about 4000 years old.
Horses were domesticated about 6000 years ago.

Again, empires are built on their access to the sea. British rivers were like the 405 backed up with sailing ships each moving tons of cargo.
Again, empires are built on their access to the sea. British rivers were like the 405 backed up with sailing ships each moving tons of cargo.
goat, you don't get to say "Again, ..." and then repeat something that has been debunked. That's called "chanting" and isn't rational; it's mindless.

Empires are built on conquering others. Neither the Inca empire nor the Aztec empire traded with Asia, Europe or Africa in order to become empires.
goat, you don't get to say "Again, ..." and then repeat something that has been debunked. That's called "chanting" and isn't rational; it's mindless.

Empires are built on conquering others. Neither the Inca empire nor the Aztec empire traded with Asia, Europe or Africa in order to become empires.
You can't debunk something with shit you pull out of your ass. Every empire had access to the sea. The British islands were invaded and occupied by Norse boats for almost 300 years. Genghis Khan never make it to Britian because he didn't have a boat.
You can't debunk something with shit you pull out of your ass.
I'm glad you are finally learning this.

Every empire had access to the sea.
You are pivoting AGAIN. Your point was that empires needed to trade via the ocean. I exlained that empires conquered others to become empires. I gave you examples of empires that became empires without trading across the ocean. This point has ended. Hopefully you have learned something.

Mere "access" to the sea means that the territory extended to the coast. Having territory that extends to the coast does not make an empire.
I'm glad you are finally learning this.

You are pivoting AGAIN. Your point was that empires needed to trade via the ocean. I exlained that empires conquered others to become empires. I gave you examples of empires that became empires without trading across the ocean. This point has ended. Hopefully you have learned something.

Mere "access" to the sea means that the territory extended to the coast. Having territory that extends to the coast does not make an empire.
Hold my hand and I'll walk you through this. Empire needs a big purse to build the ships required to conquer faraway lands. Britian had the East India Company and the Dutch had the Middle Passage. Whoever controls the oceans controls the world.
Hold my hand and I'll walk you through this.
Much appreciated. Let's use the Inca and Aztec empires as examples.

Empire needs a big purse to build the ships required to conquer faraway lands.
Did the Inca and Aztec empires form by Incas and Aztecs getting the big purse to build the ships required to conquer faraway lands?

Britian had the East India Company and the Dutch had the Middle Passage.
What did the Incas and Aztecs have?

Whoever controls the oceans controls the world.
When did either the Incas or the Aztecs control the ocean?
Much appreciated. Let's use the Inca and Aztec empires as examples.

Did the Inca and Aztec empires form by Incas and Aztecs getting the big purse to build the ships required to conquer faraway lands?

What did the Incas and Aztecs have?

When did either the Incas or the Aztecs control the ocean?
Both the Incas and Aztecs had a feudalism system no different than Europe. They had boats to transport goods but no horses or carts. Incas deny building Machu Picchu, so that means an advanced civilization was there before them.

Mayan civilization is much older and advanced than Incas or Aztec. Mayan had sea faring boats.
[Both the Incas ]had boats to transport goods
They had kayak equivalents. They could not transport anything very far along a coastline and they couldn't trade intercontinentally.

Incas deny building Machu Picchu
Who are you claiming can speak with the dead? None of the Incas that built Machu Picchu are alive to deny it.

... so that means an advanced civilization was there before them.
... or it means someone is aiming for a sizable "research" grant and a book deal.

Mayan civilization is much older and advanced than Incas or Aztec.
Older, yes, but not more advanced. The Aztecs conquered the Mayas and absorbed EVERYTHING into their own culture and made it their own.

Mayan had sea faring boats.
They could go out about a mile or two and fish.
They had kayak equivalents. They could not transport anything very far along a coastline and they couldn't trade intercontinentally.

Who are you claiming can speak with the dead? None of the Incas that built Machu Picchu are alive to deny it.

... or it means someone is aiming for a sizable "research" grant and a book deal.

Older, yes, but not more advanced. The Aztecs conquered the Mayas and absorbed EVERYTHING into their own culture and made it their own.

They could go out about a mile or two and fish.
Incas and Aztecs were like Middle Age Europe, whereas Mayas were a more advanced culture similar to Mesopotamia. Compare Maya science to Incas and Aztecs and it's easy to see why you didn't mention them.
Incas and Aztecs were like Middle Age Europe, whereas Mayas were a more advanced culture similar to Mesopotamia. Compare Maya science to Incas and Aztecs and it's easy to see why you didn't mention them.
The Maya were not more advanced. I don't know what part of "The Aztecas absorbed everything about the Maya as their own" that you don't quite grasp.

Once again proving you don't know what you're talking about.
I know what I'm talking about. I don't agree with your delusions, and you are full of them. I can't think of anything that you have gotten right.

Wait, are you even aware that the Azteca conquered the Maya?

Can we jump to the chase? Do you believe that space aliens brought wondrous new technologies to the Maya ... but to no one else?
I know what I'm talking about. I don't agree with your delusions, and you are full of them. I can't think of anything that you have gotten right.

Wait, are you even aware that the Azteca conquered the Maya?

Can we jump to the chase? Do you believe that space aliens brought wondrous new technologies to the Maya ... but to no one else?
There's more to empire than conquering. This leads us back to Marx. Humans deserve better, we need to be part of the conversation on going to war. You believe space aliens would land on Earth to conquer us, whereas the science shows that space is too vast and intelligent life is too short for the odds of hooking up with any other life in our galaxy.
There's more to empire than conquering. This leads us back to Marx. Humans deserve better, we need to be part of the conversation on going to war. You believe space aliens would land on Earth to conquer us, whereas the science shows that space is too vast and intelligent life is too short for the odds of hooking up with any other life in our galaxy.

Only according to your understanding of space and time. Are you sure our physicists are correct?
Only according to your understanding of space and time. Are you sure our physicists are correct?
Our physicists have been bought off by Jeffrey Epstein and the 'intelligence' community. When was the last big advancement in physics? All the money goes to proving the universe is finite. Einstein is rolling in his grave. He realized Special Relativity was wrong so he threw it in the trashcan and replaced it with General Relativity.
Our physicists have been bought off by Jeffrey Epstein and the 'intelligence' community. When was the last big advancement in physics? All the money goes to proving the universe is finite. Einstein is rolling in his grave. He realized Special Relativity was wrong so he threw it in the trash can and replaced it with General Relativity.

If I remember correctly CERN busted the speed of light myth a few years ago.