Master Senator

Oh man. I was hoping this wouldn’t happen. SF has finally had a nervous breakdown. I bet it was the hitting of 800 points yesterday that finally did it. We pulled back, but, no in time. He was already gone.
I knew it was a Jonah Goldberg piece without even clicking the link. Look people, there are smart witty conservative writers out there. Jonah Goldberg isn't one of them.
Oh man. I was hoping this wouldn’t happen. SF has finally had a nervous breakdown. I bet it was the hitting of 800 points yesterday that finally did it. We pulled back, but, no in time. He was already gone.

:) goofball... I am the one that stated I beleive we are headed for 8000. So why is it that I would be shocked by a DROP???

But good to see your attempts to divert from the obvious mistakes by Biden. Like the article stated... had Palin said those things, we would have seen the left harp on it non-stop and Tina Fey would have another career booster (not that she really needs one).
:) goofball... I am the one that stated I beleive we are headed for 8000. So why is it that I would be shocked by a DROP???

But good to see your attempts to divert from the obvious mistakes by Biden. Like the article stated... had Palin said those things, we would have seen the left harp on it non-stop and Tina Fey would have another career booster (not that she really needs one).

Are you really trying to assert that there is a double standard applied to Palin such that she is graded more harshly than Biden? Seriously? Imagine if you will that Joe Biden said this, ever:

COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? Allow them to spend more, and put more money into the economy, instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: That’s why I say I, like every American I’m speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in. Where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Um, helping, oh, it’s got to be about job creation, too. Shoring up our economy, and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions, and tax relief for Americans, and trade — we have got to see trade as opportunity, not as, uh, competitive, um, scary thing, but one in five jobs created in the trade sector today. We’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. All of those things under the umbrella of job creation.

Let's get real for a minute.
within six months they will all be screaming about how stupid McCain was to pick a bimbo for his running mate.
Are you really trying to assert that there is a double standard applied to Palin such that she is graded more harshly than Biden? Seriously? Imagine if you will that Joe Biden said this, ever:

Let's get real for a minute.

yes you moron... I am suggesting that had Palin made the comments that Biden did, it would have been all over the news. Yes, she has made some idiotic comments. That does not detract from the errors that Biden made.

But again, good to see you trying to divert this back to Palins screw ups while ignoring Bidens. The media has taught you well.
within six months they will all be screaming about how stupid McCain was to pick a bimbo for his running mate.

funny how is ok for you and Darla to call Palin a bimbo, but if someone had done that to Hillary... that would have been like... bad and stuff.
Because everyone knows Biden has a grasp on the issues and just flubbs words and phrasing.

Palin is a blank slate that the campaign just fills in.
yes you moron... I am suggesting that had Palin made the comments that Biden did, it would have been all over the news. Yes, she has made some idiotic comments. That does not detract from the errors that Biden made.

But again, good to see you trying to divert this back to Palins screw ups while ignoring Bidens. The media has taught you well.

The suggestions that Biden's responses were "similar" to Palin's is laughable. You know why Biden seemed "masterful" at the debate? Because Bible Spice is an idiot.

Unfortunately for John McCain and Sarah Palin, when you have two candidates running for office, the performance of one is compared to the other, not to some objective standard of performance handed down from on high. As compared to Palin, Biden was indeed masterful.
Because everyone knows Biden has a grasp on the issues and just flubbs words and phrasing.

Palin is a blank slate that the campaign just fills in.
Flubs words and phrasing? We never kicked Hezbollah out of Libya, they never suggested to fill it in with NATO troops or Hezbollah would take over. He just made crap up whole hog. That isn't "flubbing words and phrasing", it's directly just making crap up...

Yeah, if Palin had done this it would be in the news as evidence of how "incapable" she is.
Do you not think that people are paying slightly more attention to Palin because Obama is unlikely to either die in office or suffer some debilitating disease requiring the VP to step in?

An idiot VP is bad enough but an idiot VP with a realistic chance of getting to push that big red button to initiate the type of war she can't pronounce properly is a worry, no?
Because everyone knows Biden has a grasp on the issues and just flubbs words and phrasing.

Palin is a blank slate that the campaign just fills in.

LMAO... whatever Desh.... he didn't 'flub words' he was flat out wrong in his statements. Just as Palin was.
Do you not think that people are paying slightly more attention to Palin because Obama is unlikely to either die in office or suffer some debilitating disease requiring the VP to step in?

An idiot VP is bad enough but an idiot VP with a realistic chance of getting to push that big red button to initiate the type of war she can't pronounce properly is a worry, no?

but but.. she is a soccermom with a great wink.
Palin is an insult to women, she knows nuthing and was only chosen because of her lack of a penis.
Do you not think that people are paying slightly more attention to Palin because Obama is unlikely to either die in office or suffer some debilitating disease requiring the VP to step in?

An idiot VP is bad enough but an idiot VP with a realistic chance of getting to push that big red button to initiate the type of war she can't pronounce properly is a worry, no?

1) 'slightly' more attention.... that is truly funny

2) The whole 'McCain is likely to die in office' is nothing more than fearmongering. Sure, his age means he is more likely than Obama to die in office, but the odds of him dying in the next four years are hardly substantial.
Palin is an insult to women, she knows nuthing and was only chosen because of her lack of a penis.

She is an insult to women? Really? A woman who doesn't come from much who works herself through school gets into politics (which I admit is not all that honorable) takes on an old boy network and wins all while raising a family is an insult to women?
2) The whole 'McCain is likely to die in office' is nothing more than fearmongering. Sure, his age means he is more likely than Obama to die in office, but the odds of him dying in the next four years are hardly substantial.

Substantial enough for this cove thank very much. Old people have this nasty habit of just dropping dead don't you know?