Master Senator

funny how is ok for you and Darla to call Palin a bimbo, but if someone had done that to Hillary... that would have been like... bad and stuff.

Hillary wasn’t running as a bimbo. You don’t get to wear a dark suit and bright red high heels to a debate, consistently wink at the audience, blow kisses, lick your teeth, and act like you are trying out for a role in the new Charlie’s Angels movie, and then claim sexism when someone points out you look like a Hooter’s waitress. She has sexualized the VP position, and it’s harmful for women. It’s a huge step back. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’m tired of being told I can’t talk about this. I’m a woman. I’ve had to deal with this shit my whole life, so has any woman who hasn’t spent her life outside of the professional world. I’ve never worked it for a job, never. She is setting us back about 50 years.
You try to get a job by playing a bimbo, don’t complain when someone names you.
She is an insult to women? Really? A woman who doesn't come from much who works herself through school gets into politics (which I admit is not all that honorable) takes on an old boy network and wins all while raising a family is an insult to women?

yes, because she has an (R) next to her name.
Hillary wasn’t running as a bimbo. You don’t get to wear a dark suit and bright red high heels to a debate, consistently wink at the audience, blow kisses, lick your teeth, and act like you are trying out for a role in the new Charlie’s Angels movie, and then claim sexism when someone points out you look like a Hooter’s waitress. She has sexualized the VP position, and it’s harmful for women. It’s a huge step back. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’m tired of being told I can’t talk about this. I’m a woman. I’ve had to deal with this shit my whole life, so has any woman who hasn’t spent her life outside of the professional world. I’ve never worked it for a job, never. She is setting us back about 50 years.
You try to get a job by playing a bimbo, don’t complain when someone names you.

Hillary isn't running as a bimbo because no man wants to touch her. Her own husband doesn't want to touch her. She doesn't even have that option.
1) 'slightly' more attention.... that is truly funny

2) The whole 'McCain is likely to die in office' is nothing more than fearmongering. Sure, his age means he is more likely than Obama to die in office, but the odds of him dying in the next four years are hardly substantial.

Wrong. With his cancer history, they are very substantial. And you are the one who backed a VP pick who would cause FEAR, the more possible it became she’d take the Presidency. So, it’s your problem. You should have picked someone qualified. How about Kay bailey Hutchinson?

But she’s not young enough or good looking enough for the sexist men running the R party, is she?

Face it, the gig is up. You have grown men masturbating over this women in public, it isn’t just Lowry. And she is demonstrably dumb. We know why she was picked. Because sex sells. Sex sells cars, sex sells beer, now sex is selling the VP.

And this, women are supposed to be thankful for, according to you.
Substantial enough for this cove thank very much. Old people have this nasty habit of just dropping dead don't you know?

Gotcha. Understood. Be sure to pass along your tidbit of old people dropping dead to the good people of MA. Because they keep electing an ancient relic who has now had multiple strokes... they obviously don't know about this 'old people dropping dead' thing.
Gotcha. Understood. Be sure to pass along your tidbit of old people dropping dead to the good people of MA. Because they keep electing an ancient relic who has now had multiple strokes... they obviously don't know about this 'old people dropping dead' thing.

You're actually trying to be this stupid aren't you?
She is an insult to women? Really? A woman who doesn't come from much who works herself through school gets into politics (which I admit is not all that honorable) takes on an old boy network and wins all while raising a family is an insult to women?

Wow, do you have the talking points down.
She’s as dumb as a rock, and you really have to either be just as dumb as she is, or hate your country, to think this is a good thing. I have no expectation that you’d understand what an insult it is to educated, professional woman, to give the dumb bimbo the job she’s not qualified for, and overlook the far more qualified female candidates…I really don’t.
But that’d you’d believe the idiocy that is saying this moron is qualified to be President isn’t something I’d advertise.
Gotcha. Understood. Be sure to pass along your tidbit of old people dropping dead to the good people of MA. Because they keep electing an ancient relic who has now had multiple strokes... they obviously don't know about this 'old people dropping dead' thing.

Look, if someone wants to put themselves forward for election at a ripe old age, good luck to them, but don't be surprised if other people focus on their likelihood of not living for much longer.

As Darla said, if he'd have had some common sense and used his 72 year old head, packed with all that experience, to pick a VP who was qualified to stand up to the inevitable scrutiny which would accompany the running mate of America's oldest potential President, McCain wouldn't be suffering the criticism he is now.
Hillary isn't running as a bimbo because no man wants to touch her. Her own husband doesn't want to touch her. She doesn't even have that option.

Cawacko you don’t speak for all men. She’s an attractive 60 year old woman. You’ve just openly admitted to pornifying politics for women. Why don’t you jerk off to Jenna Jameson and keep your dick out of politics, you idiot.
Wrong. With his cancer history, they are very substantial. And you are the one who backed a VP pick who would cause FEAR, the more possible it became she’d take the Presidency. So, it’s your problem. You should have picked someone qualified. How about Kay bailey Hutchinson?

But she’s not young enough or good looking enough for the sexist men running the R party, is she?

Face it, the gig is up. You have grown men masturbating over this women in public, it isn’t just Lowry. And she is demonstrably dumb. We know why she was picked. Because sex sells. Sex sells cars, sex sells beer, now sex is selling the VP.

And this, women are supposed to be thankful for, according to you.

LMAO... Palin causes FEAR???

Palin is every bit as qualified as Obama. She is intelligent, though not informed on national issues, she is smart enough to learn. Just as Obama is. But you wish to pretend that his 3 years as a Senator (two of which have been spent campaigning) somehow gives him experience. Your hatred stems from her Pro-life stance, I get that. You can't see past it and thus to you she is a 'bimbo' who simply 'shakes her ass' blah blah blah.

Don't ever complain about men being sexist again, because your behavior towards Palin is beyond the pale.

Side note.... I never said you should be thankful for Palin being nominated. I knew from the start you would disagree with her positions due to the (R) behind her name. But that doesn't excuse the vitriolic behavior you and other women from the left have displayed.

You are pissed because she doesn't fit YOUR idea of what a strong woman should be. So you belittle her, you call her a bimbo, you pretend she only accomplished what she has due to her looks and shaking her ass.

Like I stated... quite pathetic on your part.
Let me just interject this: If the economy weren't tanking right now the likelihood that S.P. would be the next VP would be great.
LMAO... Palin causes FEAR???

Palin is every bit as qualified as Obama. She is intelligent, though not informed on national issues, she is smart enough to learn. Just as Obama is. But you wish to pretend that his 3 years as a Senator (two of which have been spent campaigning) somehow gives him experience. Your hatred stems from her Pro-life stance, I get that. You can't see past it and thus to you she is a 'bimbo' who simply 'shakes her ass' blah blah blah.

Don't ever complain about men being sexist again, because your behavior towards Palin is beyond the pale.

Side note.... I never said you should be thankful for Palin being nominated. I knew from the start you would disagree with her positions due to the (R) behind her name. But that doesn't excuse the vitriolic behavior you and other women from the left have displayed.

You are pissed because she doesn't fit YOUR idea of what a strong woman should be. So you belittle her, you call her a bimbo, you pretend she only accomplished what she has due to her looks and shaking her ass.

Like I stated... quite pathetic on your part.

SF, I am inclined to agree with you here, especially on the part that Palin doesn't fit the liberal ideal of what a strong woman should be.....and for that they hate her guts.
Wow, do you have the talking points down.
She’s as dumb as a rock, and you really have to either be just as dumb as she is, or hate your country, to think this is a good thing. I have no expectation that you’d understand what an insult it is to educated, professional woman, to give the dumb bimbo the job she’s not qualified for, and overlook the far more qualified female candidates…I really don’t.
But that’d you’d believe the idiocy that is saying this moron is qualified to be President isn’t something I’d advertise.

So there is no difference between between whether one is qualified or not for President and being an embarrasment to women? That's where I'm coming from.
SF, I am inclined to agree with you here, especially on the part that Palin doesn't fit the liberal ideal of what a strong woman should be.....and for that they hate her guts.

The liberal idea of what a strong woman should be? Whats that for a VP canidate? Someone who is knoledgable on the issues? Someone who can speak in a complete sentence? Someone who can answer basic questions? Someone who can name a supreme court case other than Roe v. Wade?
Cawacko you don’t speak for all men. She’s an attractive 60 year old woman. You’ve just openly admitted to pornifying politics for women. Why don’t you jerk off to Jenna Jameson and keep your dick out of politics, you idiot.

It was simply in response to your statement. Men running for President get judged by how they look, how they dress, how much hair they have etc. I'm not saying its comparable to women but it will forever be an issue.
So there is no difference between between whether one is qualified or not for President and being an embarrasment to women? That's where I'm coming from.

I think the fact that she is so obviously unqualified for the position that is the embarrassment to women. The second female VP nominee ever and it's Bible Spice instead of a well-qualified serious candidate that actually understands and has a grasp of national issues. It is embarrassing, and not just for women.
The liberal idea of what a strong woman should be? Whats that for a VP canidate? Someone who is knoledgable on the issues? Someone who can speak in a complete sentence? Someone who can answer basic questions? Someone who can name a supreme court case other than Roe v. Wade?

I think you are missing out on what this thread has come down to. If you will read the whole thing there is actual hate seen in the writings of some for this woman, not ONLY because she isn't qualified but because she doesn't fit the "mold." That is what I was addressing and agreeing with SF on.
LMAO... Palin causes FEAR???

Palin is every bit as qualified as Obama. She is intelligent, though not informed on national issues, she is smart enough to learn. Just as Obama is. But you wish to pretend that his 3 years as a Senator (two of which have been spent campaigning) somehow gives him experience. Your hatred stems from her Pro-life stance, I get that. You can't see past it and thus to you she is a 'bimbo' who simply 'shakes her ass' blah blah blah.

Don't ever complain about men being sexist again, because your behavior towards Palin is beyond the pale.

Side note.... I never said you should be thankful for Palin being nominated. I knew from the start you would disagree with her positions due to the (R) behind her name. But that doesn't excuse the vitriolic behavior you and other women from the left have displayed.

You are pissed because she doesn't fit YOUR idea of what a strong woman should be. So you belittle her, you call her a bimbo, you pretend she only accomplished what she has due to her looks and shaking her ass.

Like I stated... quite pathetic on your part.

I really thought you had finally realized that she’s a laughing stock, a dumb bimbo, in no way comparable to Obama, and a danger to have a heart beat away from the Presidency.
All I can do is repeat two things. One, that she’s running as a bimbo, no other woman has, nor most likely, would. There exist in this world, stupid bimbos. Pretending that they don’t exist is not “feminism”. It’s stupidity. And the second thing I’ll repeat is that if this moron ever reaches the Presidency, when the history of the fall of the American empire is written, she and the morons like you who supported her, will figure prominently in that story.
And don’t you ever tell me when I can or can’t write about male sexism SF. I am sometimes paid to write about that. You have zero standing, you got it? You have no fucking idea what you are talking about here.