Master Senator

Yes uscitizen, the likelihood would be great, meaning only that McCain would probably win were it not for the economy.

I t would be very close and I expect McCain would probably win if not for the economy. The war has been sanitized enough that it is not really an issue.
I think you are missing out on what this thread has come down to. If you will read the whole thing there is actual hate seen in the writings of some for this woman, not ONLY because she isn't qualified but because she doesn't fit the "mold." That is what I was addressing and agreeing with SF on.

What mold? The mold of not getting a job by making men’s dicks hard?
Did you think it’s difficult to give a man a hard on? Did you think that pretty much most women couldn’t get a job, or gain a promotion they're not due, by making some man hard?
It’s not difficult. It’s anti-feminist though.
The suggestions that Biden's responses were "similar" to Palin's is laughable. You know why Biden seemed "masterful" at the debate? Because Bible Spice is an idiot.

Unfortunately for John McCain and Sarah Palin, when you have two candidates running for office, the performance of one is compared to the other, not to some objective standard of performance handed down from on high. As compared to Palin, Biden was indeed masterful.

Oh my god I am rolling on the floor and laughing my ass off on that one!

Its a keeper!
What mold? The mold of not getting a job by making en’s dicks hard?
Did you think it’s difficult to give a man a hard on? Did you think that pretty much most women couldn’t get a job, or gain a promotion their not due, by making some man hard?
It’s not difficult. It’s anti-feminist though.

Sarah Palin has done this? She has gotten promoted by sex? I hadn't heard or read that.
See Jarod, this is what I was talking about.

Please, inform me as to how my referring to Palin as Bible Spice means I dislike Palin because she doesn't fit the "mold." of course, this first requires you to describe the mold, which should be fun.

I hate Sarah Palin for any number of reasons, not least of which is that she is an idiot, completely clueless on important issues facing the country and that people are actually taking her seriously. It's a joke. It's a disgrace. But it's got nothing to do with any "mold."

Johnny Drama and Bible Spice. That's the Republican ticket.
I think the fact that she is so obviously unqualified for the position that is the embarrassment to women. The second female VP nominee ever and it's Bible Spice instead of a well-qualified serious candidate that actually understands and has a grasp of national issues. It is embarrassing, and not just for women.

It’s saying that this is the best that we can do. And worse, that this is the best we have to do, as long as we can appeal to a man’s sexual impulses. And none of that is true. It’s not the best we can do, and it’s not the best that we have to do.
It was simply in response to your statement. Men running for President get judged by how they look, how they dress, how much hair they have etc. I'm not saying its comparable to women but it will forever be an issue.

Fucking BULLSHIT. That’s not what you are saying, and the mere fact that John McCain is the Republican nominee for President gives lie to your second claim.
By the way Darla, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. Bible Spice said so:

"I'm reading on my Starbucks mocha cup, okay? The quote of the day... It was Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State [crowd boos] and UN ambassador. ... Now she said it, I didn't. She said, 'There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women.'"

For the record, she misquoted Madeline Albright.
Then you’re a willfully blind idiot.

She was really elected mayor then governor because she is good looking? That's all? I say if you believe this then you are willfully blind, though I won't call anyone an idiot.
Sarah Palin has done this? She has gotten promoted by sex? I hadn't heard or read that.

When a woman winks, poses and flicks her hair to get what she wants from the boss or whoever someone is likely to claim that she only got were she is with giving sexual favors.

True or not it hurts women in their quest for being seen as capable as men to get the task done on just their smarts and hard work.

You are pretending you dont get it but we know you do.
SF, I am inclined to agree with you here, especially on the part that Palin doesn't fit the liberal ideal of what a strong woman should be.....and for that they hate her guts.

We’re speaking of qualified women, not strong women. And your idea of what liberals consider to be a qualified woman, or a strong woman for that matter, are bound to be nothing other than your usual stereotypical bullshit that you spew about liberals, northerners, Yankees, and city folk on here on a regular basis, which you are rarely called on.

You’re a bigger bigot than most you complain about Leaning. You have just been trained to believe it’s OK, as long as it’s about liberals, and city folk and northerners.
By the way Darla, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. Bible Spice said so:

For the record, she misquoted Madeline Albright.

I know, I am still reeling over that bit of Palin hypocrisy.
I mean, I did personally see the tape of her saying she did not support Hillary Clinton, and also of mocking her as ‘a whiner”.
So if there’s a special place in hell for me, there’s one for her too right? Or is Sarah Palin the only woman “the sisters” are supposed to line up behind?
You're actually trying to be this stupid aren't you?

No, I am trying to point out the stupidity of those on the left who somehow think that McCains age means he is likely to die in office. If Hillary were to run in 2012... it suddenly wouldn't be an issue.... would it?
No, I am trying to point out the stupidity of those on the left who somehow think that McCains age means he is likely to die in office. If Hillary were to run in 2012... it suddenly wouldn't be an issue.... would it?
No, it would be both ageism and sexism at the same time if Evil Spice were to run in 2012.
funny how is ok for you and Darla to call Palin a bimbo, but if someone had done that to Hillary... that would have been like... bad and stuff.

stop equating hillary to palin. its just down right insulting. hillary is very intelligent and has a long successful career in national politics. just because they both have vagina's doesn't mean that they are in any way shape or form similar.