Master Senator

I really thought you had finally realized that she’s a laughing stock, a dumb bimbo, in no way comparable to Obama, and a danger to have a heart beat away from the Presidency.
All I can do is repeat two things. One, that she’s running as a bimbo, no other woman has, nor most likely, would. There exist in this world, stupid bimbos. Pretending that they don’t exist is not “feminism”. It’s stupidity. And the second thing I’ll repeat is that if this moron ever reaches the Presidency, when the history of the fall of the American empire is written, she and the morons like you who supported her, will figure prominently in that story.
And don’t you ever tell me when I can or can’t write about male sexism SF. I am sometimes paid to write about that. You have zero standing, you got it? You have no fucking idea what you are talking about here.

Bullshit. You call Palin a bimbo... WHY? Have you evidence that she sleeps around? No. Let me guess... its because she wears a skirt instead of a pant suit like Hillary?

Again, while she is not knowledgable on most national issues, she is not ignorant. She is capable of learning. Her biggest mistake is trying to ACT like she is knowledgable.

And yes, your rants on sexism have lost all merit... no one treated Hillary as bad as you are treating Palin.

The only one who lacks an understanding of what they are talking about with regards to sexism is YOU. Because to you it is only applicable for women with a (D) behind their name. Once they put an (R) there... anything goes.

You are a hypocrit.
No, I am trying to point out the stupidity of those on the left who somehow think that McCains age means he is likely to die in office. If Hillary were to run in 2012... it suddenly wouldn't be an issue.... would it?

It will be if she picks the host of “Jackass” to be her VP.
We’re speaking of qualified women, not strong women. And your idea of what liberals consider to be a qualified woman, or a strong woman for that matter, are bound to be nothing other than your usual stereotypical bullshit that you spew about liberals, northerners, Yankees, and city folk on here on a regular basis, which you are rarely called on.

You’re a bigger bigot than most you complain about Leaning. You have just been trained to believe it’s OK, as long as it’s about liberals, and city folk and northerners.

If I have said anything "stereotypical" about any in the categories you mention above please point it out. I can promise you that I have never called anyone "uneducated," "a bimbo," "knuckle dragging," or anything compared to "Bible thumper" or "Bible Spice" for that matter. I have never lumped everyone in the north, south, east, or west, or city or country folks into one category. I do have real differences with liberals on social issues and gun issues but do agree with them on many things. Call these differences (on the social/gun issues) that I point out a lot bigotry if you want but it isn't what I learned bigotry to be.
What mold? The mold of not getting a job by making men’s dicks hard?
Did you think it’s difficult to give a man a hard on? Did you think that pretty much most women couldn’t get a job, or gain a promotion they're not due, by making some man hard?
It’s not difficult. It’s anti-feminist though.

The above demonstrates your idiocy on this topic. You demean her by pretending she got elected on looks alone. Like she couldn't have possibly done it any other way. Quite sad to see so much hatred from you.
Hillary wasn’t running as a bimbo. You don’t get to wear a dark suit and bright red high heels to a debate, consistently wink at the audience, blow kisses, lick your teeth, and act like you are trying out for a role in the new Charlie’s Angels movie, and then claim sexism when someone points out you look like a Hooter’s waitress. She has sexualized the VP position, and it’s harmful for women. It’s a huge step back. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’m tired of being told I can’t talk about this. I’m a woman. I’ve had to deal with this shit my whole life, so has any woman who hasn’t spent her life outside of the professional world. I’ve never worked it for a job, never. She is setting us back about 50 years.
You try to get a job by playing a bimbo, don’t complain when someone names you.

I have to admit that I've worked it to get out of getting tickets.
No, I am trying to point out the stupidity of those on the left who somehow think that McCains age means he is likely to die in office. If Hillary were to run in 2012... it suddenly wouldn't be an issue.... would it?

According to actuarial tables McCain has a 24.4% chance of dying in office if he were to serve two terms. I haven't seen the numbers on the first term.

I'd also add that having 1 of 100 senators die in office is a bit less dramatic than having the only president die, particularly when the president's successor is already hand-picked and is an idiot.
Bullshit. You call Palin a bimbo... WHY? Have you evidence that she sleeps around? No. Let me guess... its because she wears a skirt instead of a pant suit like Hillary?

Again, while she is not knowledgable on most national issues, she is not ignorant. She is capable of learning. Her biggest mistake is trying to ACT like she is knowledgable.

And yes, your rants on sexism have lost all merit... no one treated Hillary as bad as you are treating Palin.

The only one who lacks an understanding of what they are talking about with regards to sexism is YOU. Because to you it is only applicable for women with a (D) behind their name. Once they put an (R) there... anything goes.

You are a hypocrit.

I’m not accusing her of sleeping around. I’m accusing her of playing a bimbo to get a role. That's obviously true.

Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about, and you announce yourself as a fool anytime you try and attempt the argument that this idiot is qualified to be VP or President.

You don't get to decide what I have merit on, especially since, again, I am sometimes paid to talk and write about Feminist issues. You know as much about feminism as I do about string theory. My opinion on string theory is meaningless and no one who knew anything about it, would, should, or could, take me seriously.

Figure out the rest.
stop equating hillary to palin. its just down right insulting. hillary is very intelligent and has a long successful career in national politics. just because they both have vagina's doesn't mean that they are in any way shape or form similar.

Hillary is intelligent. She also got into the Senate with great help from riding her husbands coattails. How much is that advancing the cause of feminism?
And it opens up some seriously fun things to say later. I think I'll hold "Evil Spice" for the next time HillBillary makes her run.

Bitchy Spice would be a suitable alternative should "Evil Spice" be taken by another...

and Hillary CANT ever run again, because she would like be old and old people die in office.
Hillary is intelligent. She also got into the Senate with great help from riding her husbands coattails. How much is that advancing the cause of feminism?

would any of the bush boys have been president if not for the family ties ?
George fer sure.
stop equating hillary to palin. its just down right insulting. hillary is very intelligent and has a long successful career in national politics. just because they both have vagina's doesn't mean that they are in any way shape or form similar.

Long and successful career? You mean since 2000? Because prior to that she was just Bills wife.

Note: I did not compare their political careers... I simply stated that if someone called Hillary a bimbo, Darla would have gone ape shit.
Hillary is intelligent. She also got into the Senate with great help from riding her husbands coattails. How much is that advancing the cause of feminism?

Just about as much as McCain parlaying his status as the son of an Admiral and the grandson of an Admiral into a Navy career that ended up launching him into politics is advancing the cause of maleism.
And it opens up some seriously fun things to say later. I think I'll hold "Evil Spice" for the next time HillBillary makes her run.

Sorry it doesnt work because Hillary doesnt use the sex thing to get there.

She is actually a good looking woman but you hear men say she is not because she doesnt use it.

I have seen ugly fat girls pour it on and have it work.

You guys are just to easy to prick tease.
Bitchy Spice would be a suitable alternative should "Evil Spice" be taken by another...

and Hillary CANT ever run again, because she would like be old and old people die in office.

I think that what really has broken up the outrageous nonsense you and Leaning and Cawacko are spilling on this thread, for me, is the comedy of you and Damo angrily plotting your revenge.

“here’s what we’ll do, see? We’ll wait four years, or eight years, see? And then we’ll come back with “Evil Spice” see? And that’ll smoke em out see? They’ll be spitting mad see?”
Sorry it doesnt work because Hillary doesnt use the sex thing to get there.

She is actually a good looking woman but you hear men say she is not because she doesnt use it.

I have seen ugly fat girls pour it on and have it work.

You guys are just to easy to prick tease.

I agree completely. With every point.