Matthew 6:5

Right, the New Atheism of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, et al. is pretty offensive and closed minded.

They are an offensive counterpoint to Falwell et al, though I consider Falwellians far more dangerous

They make for good cable television fodder, but they have almost no practical influnce in the Democratic Party.

Agreed. By their own admission, it's militant atheism. For comparison, I like, and respect very much, Neil deGrasse Tyson. The video below exemplifies their differences. Tyson is more of an educator whereas Dawkins is "you're either with us or against" take-no-prisoners and, as Tyson points out, less effective.

Agreed. By their own admission, it's militant atheism. For comparison, I like, and respect very much, Neil deGrasse Tyson. The video below exemplifies their differences. Tyson is more of an educator whereas Dawkins is "you're either with us or against" take-no-prisoners and, as Tyson points out, less effective.

I really like Neil. Dawkins is just intentionally offensive.

I always respected the quasi-atheism, borderline-deism of Albert Einstein.
I really like Neil. Dawkins is just intentionally offensive.

I always respected the quasi-atheism, borderline-deism of Albert Einstein.

Dawkins is no Einstein. He's just a loudmouth cashing in on atheism much the same way Trump is cashing in on racism.
Quote Originally Posted by katzgar View Post
yup. The idiots dragging out conflicting quotes arent smart enough to realize they are making the bible look like a fucked up mess

actually, the Bible's been around a couple of thousand years and 3 billion people respect it and pay attention to what it've only been around for a few decades and already everyone ignores you.......which one looks like a fucked up mess......
does she have sufficient mental capacity to frame an intent?.......

The jury is still out on evince.

does she have sufficient mental capacity to frame an intent?.......
She was right about the Iraq War.

You were wrong

That was the most important decision and test of judgement this generation ever faced.

In my experience, anyone who has actually reads Solzhenitsyn is far from a dunce.

Evince is more insightful than the overwhelming majority of Deplorables whom ever posted here. On the flipside, she curses way too much for my taste.
She was right about the Iraq War.

You were wrong

That was the most important decision and test of judgement this generation ever faced.

In my experience, anyone who has actually reads Solzhenitsyn is far from a dunce.

Evince is more insightful than the overwhelming majority of Deplorables whom ever posted here. On the flipside, she curses way too much for my taste.

????.....actually, she was wrong about the war and I was right.....sorry.....