May 20th may be the turning point

Ah enjoy your fourties guy. I know its when you kinda feel the effects of 40 years of gravity on the old bod but just give into it and enjoy it.The 40s are still very good years.
I actually kind of enjoy thinking about the intense frustration that Hillary's camp will feel when Obama declares victory.

It would probably be a lot like I felt when Republicans were gloating about victory when Saddam's statue fell, or when Bush proclaimed "Mission Accomplished."
Here we have another of the comical points of this entire fiasco. Now Dems are doing everything they can to compare Hillary to Republicans.


It pains you all too much to finally see the Clintons for what they really are... doesn't it?

So to ease the pain you pretend she is like a Rep... because no Dem would behave in such a manner... right?
Hillary suffers from the Dole syndrome. But it is my turn! :cry:

LOL. Yeah I think she does. You can understand her frustration I think. She was going to be the first female president of the united state of america. For centuries, every american would know her name. Think about it. And then, along came a relative newbie. I can understand she must be enraged, frustrated, bitter, so many things. She'll likely never get over it. It's all very understandable on a human level, and all very irrelevant, the party needs to step in and kick her ass out.
she is doing it to herself.

Super dems dont win by acting like this but Rs do.

Very true Desh. how very republican of her. And i mean really, can you get any more déclasse than acting as if you were a republican? I swear, you would think Superfreak was advising her.
Very true Desh. how very republican of her. And i mean really, can you get any more déclasse than acting as if you were a republican? I swear, you would think Superfreak was advising her.

wow... that was pretty feeble. Perhaps you should rethink the above and try again. You are a writer for goodness sake... surely you are more creative than that.