May 20th may be the turning point

Hillary officially stopped being a Democrat that day she used "obliterate" and "Iran" in the same sentence. Her credentials were dubious at best prior to that.
It is a simple question super.

Desh... she is acting like this because she has already lost. No one in either party acts like this when they are winning. It is the fact that she has lost and everyone knows it but her that is causing her desperation. It is the LOSING that is behind this Desh. You just cannot believe it happened to a Dem. One who happened to be a leader in your party.
The Clintons will have no choice but to fall in line if they have any hopes of a political future.

The nomination is over and the whole of the Democratic Party is moving to Obama.

Actually, it's kind of sad and pitiful watching the Clintons these days. Bill was literally crying on stage after tuesday's embarassment. Her smile seems plastered on her face, her voice diminshed, her message laughable, and the crowds are thinning and muted. Their friends and supporters are abandoning them in droves and they're having to dig in their own pockets to keep the campaign afloat.


... but damn I'm enjoying it. :rolleyes:
Desh... she is acting like this because she has already lost. No one in either party acts like this when they are winning. It is the fact that she has lost and everyone knows it but her that is causing her desperation. It is the LOSING that is behind this Desh. You just cannot believe it happened to a Dem. One who happened to be a leader in your party.

Are you forgetting the shit that won for Bush in the last few elections?
The Clintons will have no choice but to fall in line if they have any hopes of a political future.

The nomination is over and the whole of the Democratic Party is moving to Obama.

Actually, it's quite pleasant watching the Clintons these days. Bill was literally crying on stage after tuesday's embarassment. Her smile seems plastered on her face, her voice diminshed, her message laughable, and the crowds are thinning and muted. Their friends and supporters are abandoning them in droves and they're having to dig in their own pockets to keep the campaign afloat.


...and damn I'm enjoying it. :rolleyes:

You had a couple of word choices I had to edit, but the bulk of it is correct.

No he spends like a republican. Go look at the numbers.

Black illegitimate baby ring a bell?

I did, Bush spends like a drunken liberal. He is not a conservative on economics and thus he must be a closet Dem. I think he and Ted must be brothers now.