May 20th may be the turning point

No, no, I think people are going to flock to the guy with the maniacal gleam in his eye doing the old man shuffle across the stage. (I do a great impression of McCain walking, I'm starting to get requests for it at parties).

Can someone put a bib on that old f*ck, so he doesn't drool on himself when he debates obama on national TV.
Old--it's just such a naturally bad thing. Can't people understand that ? ( I didn't know that was an impression--you always walk like that ) :)

No, it's not that it's a bad thing. But, for instance, not that long ago my mother called me asking me to please leave work and race to my brother's house because my niece had fallen and cut her mouth open very badly, and the only one left to watch my infant nephew was my elderly grandmother, who certainly was very able to care for us, but had grown feeble and prone to shuffling...and dropping things. Like babies. It didn't make her a bad person. Not someone in any shape to be president any longer though, no. That is the natural progression. For every season in its turn.
Cypress you've gotten so mean since you became a black woman. You're almost as nasty as me.


I just spent two hours in LA traffic. That's enough to make anyone go postal.

I'll be better after a couple beers. :clink:
No, it's not that it's a bad thing. But, for instance, not that long ago my mother called me asking me to please leave work and race to my brother's house because my niece had fallen and cut her mouth open very badly, and the only one left to watch my infant nephew was my elderly grandmother, who certainly was very able to care for us, but had grown feeble and prone to shuffling...and dropping things. Like babies. It didn't make her a bad person. Not someone in any shape to be president any longer though, no. That is the natural progression. For every season in its turn.

Go with the 'making fun of people' theme if you must but you'd have a bit more credence if you tried something like issues. (Hope the shuffling improves.)
Go with the 'making fun of people' theme if you must but you'd have a bit more credence if you tried something like issues. (Hope the shuffling improves.)

Oh, we have no issues.

Cause, everything has been so good under republicans and americans are clamoring for four more years. You caught me.
Oh, we have no issues.

Cause, everything has been so good under republicans and americans are clamoring for four more years. You caught me.

Not hardly---you managed to dodge the fact that you insult older people quite well. I mean --hell---they drop babies and everything.
Well, on the plus side, they usually don't have enough juice left to drop bombs on babies.

Oh definately---old people suck and don't deserve to be trusted with anything. Might be a good idea not to drag them to the voting booths this year tho just in case. It's so good to know we have those old decrepit mother fuckers by the steering wheel.
I really didn't know that old people had become part of the PC wars? I can't say retard, or gayboy, now i have to worry about old people? Republicans are never happy, they are always trying to tell you "you can't say that!". Man.

Old people suck. If there is one thing I hate it's getting stuck behind one of them driving. Sometimes, I beep my horn at them just to watch them jump, and look around wildly, terrified. If you do it enough times, they think their hearing aid has gone wonky and will usually pull over to take it out, and then you can get around them.

Or what about sitting near them in a movie theatre? Jesus Christ Almighty. Do they know what "NO talking during the movie" means? They talk through the whole damned thing. "Oh that reminds me of my sister-in-law Mary, she's dead now, cancer, but she thought she was hot stuff when she was still alive. She was sleeping with the butcher, my brother was never good enough for her, to hear her tell it." And "What's he doing on, didn't he die at the beginning?" Oh, stfu would you please you old bag? They shouldn't even let them in movies as far as I am concerned.

Now you want to put one of them in the White House? Well, think again. Americans don't like old people. This isn't china. If you don't like it, you should move someplace where they revere their elders, but this, is the capital of youth, and you sound pretty un-american pushing these geezers, if you ask me.
They know that the AARP isn't going to stick to the hypocrites that would use "He's too old" as a reason to not hire somebody... That would hurt them. It would be political suicide for their party to alienate the largest voting bloc.
Oh definately---old people suck and don't deserve to be trusted with anything. Might be a good idea not to drag them to the voting booths this year tho just in case. It's so good to know we have those old decrepit mother fuckers by the steering wheel.

LOL, Yeah why do only oldsters accelerators stick and they run thru storefornts and crowds and such. I guess they get specially equipped autos ?

Had an old lady run thru the front of a local store last year, she jammed the car up and was still smoking the tires holding the accel thinking she had the brake.

Of course in all fairness a teen ager did the same with his manual shift CJ jeep. He had installed a remote starter in it and had not hooked up the safety for neutral. It started and ran in thru the front of the stor he worked in :) Idjit must have hit the button on the remote in his pocket.
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They know that the AARP isn't going to stick to the hypocrites that would use "He's too old" as a reason to not hire somebody... That would hurt them. It would be political suicide for their party to alienate the largest voting bloc.

That's true, that's why I said Obama just has to stand next to him. One picture is worth a thousand words.
Yet y'all just can't help yourselves. You have spent quite some time on here rubbing all that hypocrite all over yourselves...

This kind of thing won't stick to the message boards. It seeps out. The disrespect for old people isn't going to serve your party well.
LOL, Yeah why do only oldsters accelerators stick and they run thru storefornts and crowds and such. I guess they get specially equipped autos ?

Had an old lady run thru the front of a local store last year, she jammed the car up and was still smoking the tires holding the accel thinking she had the brake.

Of course in all fairness a teen ager did the same with his manual shift CJ jeep. He had installed a remote starter in it and had not hooked up the safety for neutral. It started and ran in thru the front of the stor he worked in :) Idjit must have hit the button on the remote in his pocket.

Yeah some 80 something year old did that here last year. Ran right up on the sidewalk in Manhattan and killed several people, including at least one kid if I remember correctly.
Yet y'all just can't help yourselves. You have spent quite some time on here rubbing all that hypocrite all over yourselves...

This kind of thing won't stick to the message boards. It seeps out. The disrespect for old people isn't going to serve your party well.

I can tell your concerned. I will email old people suck headquarters with your warning.