May 20th may be the turning point

I am a somewhat old fart, but I support testing old drivers.
maybe once at 60, 65, 70, etc....
And I know it will suck if I get too decrepit to drive, but i sure do not want to kill someone, because I think I can drive well when I can't.
oh yes---just looking at the candidates is the best way to judge them. :rolleyes:
(are you listening to what you are saying)

There's a reason a midget has never been elected President and it ain't that there are no smart midgets, so prepare yourself geezer-lover!
I am a somewhat old fart, but I support testing old drivers.
maybe once at 60, 65, 70, etc....
And I know it will suck if I get too decrepit to drive, but i sure do not want to kill someone, because I think I can drive well when I can't.

Yeah I agree. It is a real conundrum because in the vast majority of our country, there is no mass transportation and if you can't drive you're pretty much dead in the water. But, you can't have them running over young people, it's not fair. So...
Hmmmmm nigger---old white fart------I didn't know voting could be so damn hard . :eek:

Oh you were dying to say that weren't you. You're completely justified because I said geezer (not white geezer, just geezer). That's what you'll tell yourself.

Everyone else now knows you're a dirty racist though.

I bet you get along good with Kathi huh?
Oh you were dying to say that weren't you. You're completely justified because I said geezer (not white geezer, just geezer). That's what you'll tell yourself.

Everyone else now knows you're a dirty racist though.

I bet you get along good with Kathi huh?

A persons age is as meaningless or meaningful as his color. You're a big girl--trying swimming out to the deep end before people start to make fun of you.
Kathi ? LOL na--we hate each other.
I'd keep him Damo---he's a cute little mascot type of guy. ( wait--how old is he? ) :)
He's about a million. He served in VN with McCain, therefore according to the new position of the democratic party he must be too old for anything worthwhile.
He's about a million. He served in VN with McCain, therefore according to the new position of the democratic party he must be too old for anything worthwhile.

got me to wondering if Mcain was the one who almost napalmed my ass.
Naah I think he was already a pow at that time.
He's about a million. He served in VN with McCain, therefore according to the new position of the democratic party he must be too old for anything worthwhile.

ahhh keep him anyway----I'll push around his wheelchair. Vets deserve something---
No wheelchair yet, but I am making the mother of all wheelchairs for when I need one. Been working out the microcontroller code on and off lately.
Good electric motors and controllers are darned expensive.

looks like mine should do 25 or so.
hard to fnd the twirly wheel covers that keep on spinnig for a wheelchair too.

Had to give up on the harley engine though.

I will be needing it I have degenerative spinal disease.
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Oh you were dying to say that weren't you. You're completely justified because I said geezer (not white geezer, just geezer). That's what you'll tell yourself.

Everyone else now knows you're a dirty racist though.

I bet you get along good with Kathi huh?

Obsessing on me I see. Oh well, ignore away. :rolleyes:

You probably assume Dillo was being sarcastic, but we really DO hate each other. I may read his posts, I try not to use iggy, but I very seldom respond to them, usually causes both of us to go off deep end.
How aging affects the brain

Specific changes vary greatly from one person to the next, and may include the following, depending on their medical and psychological history:

  • Brain mass shrinks

  • Outer surface thins

  • White matter decreases

  • Chemical messengers decrease

Brain mass shrinks: Beginning in our 60s or 70s, some people's overall brain mass may shrink a bit. Certain brain areas shrink more than others, including the frontal lobe (important for mental abilities) and the hippocampus (where new memories are formed).

Outer surface thins: The cortex—the heavily ridged outer surface of the brain—thins slightly with age. This thinning is not, as scientists once believed, the result of widespread loss of brain cells. Instead, the thinning of the brain's outer surface is likely due to a decrease in synaptic connections (a process that starts when we're about 20 years old). Synapses are like intersections. They allow brain cells to communicate with one another and to form connections.

White matter decreases: Many studies have linked aging with decreases in the brain's white matter (so called because it's made up, in part, of myelin—a fatty, white substance). Myelin helps to improve communication between brain cells.

Research shows that changes in white matter are linked with changes in speed of cognitive processing. Cognitive processing includes memory, attention, action, problem solving, and decision-making abilities

Chemical messengers decrease: As our brains age, they generate fewer neurotransmitters (chemicals like serotonin, which carry messages between brain cells), and have fewer receptors that lock onto these messengers. This change may have an effect on memory.

I only posted the parts that talk about the affects of aging on the brain. I did not post the whole AARP article and you can go to the website and read the whole thing.

Aging has an affect on our brains. Towards the end of Reagan's second term he was beginning to have problems, luckily for us nothing drastic occured that would have required his removal.
Yeah some 80 something year old did that here last year. Ran right up on the sidewalk in Manhattan and killed several people, including at least one kid if I remember correctly.

George Soros and Warren Buffet are multi billionaires that still run multi billion dollar businesses. Both are in their late 70's.

But please, go ahead with the age issue, that should work well for you. While you are at it... make fun of McCains injuries.... that will only add to your lead.
George Soros and Warren Buffet are multi billionaires that still run multi billion dollar businesses. Both are in their late 70's.

But please, go ahead with the age issue, that should work well for you. While you are at it... make fun of McCains injuries.... that will only add to your lead.

Yep and what happened to Ronnie Raygun ? All oldsters are not the same that is why I recommend drivers testing to sort them out.

Why do we give eye tests for persons getting their liscence ?
Yep and what happened to Ronnie Raygun ? All oldsters are not the same that is why I recommend drivers testing to sort them out.

Why do we give eye tests for persons getting their liscence ?

Oh I do make fun of McCain’s injuries. It’s in my “McCain shuffle” now so popular, it is being requested at parties. Part of that is the old man shuffle, and part of it is his inability to lift his arms up.

You know, I’m not running for office.

And besides all of that stuff, which is just harmless fun at parties and I am nothing if not a party girl…soc is absolutely correct in what he posted, aging does deteriorate the brain, McCain has made some very alarming statements indicating he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, and he refuses to release his medical records.

As an American, I am very concerned here.