May 20th may be the turning point

Yeah but nobody cares what we say. The only thing that matters is that it can’t be traced back to the candidate. You know something about that Damo.

You know I have been thinking, what we need is a nice, untraceable email smear that we can really get going. Something along the lines of “He’s a Muslim!”, but more like “senior McCain staff members have leaked that if the press ever got ahold of his medical records, McCain would not be electable. They have expressed concern”.

I’m going to mention this to a few of my compadres. Honestly, we can get that ball rolling. Thanks for the idea guys!

How about think of someone other than yourself for once? I don't know, like for example, me. How about send out an e-mail to all single women and tell them how great I am in bed and I can last really long and I'm only concerned with their pleasure. In others tellling the truth, but the opposite. That would help me out.
"My point isn't that YOU, as in those on this board, have said it. It is that this is everywhere. The PARTY is now associated with the remarks, and I make no bones about the fact that it makes me happy that your party seems to be working to alienate the single largest voting bloc by denigrating age."

Overstatement much?
"My point isn't that YOU, as in those on this board, have said it. It is that this is everywhere. The PARTY is now associated with the remarks, and I make no bones about the fact that it makes me happy that your party seems to be working to alienate the single largest voting bloc by denigrating age."

Overstatement much?
Nope. Attempt to use other's stinging remarks and thus miss the mark much?
Nope. Attempt to use other's stinging remarks much?

How so? Is that a catch phrase you use a lot?

Once you find a poll showing elderly voters jumping to the GOP in droves because Obama said McCain is "losing his bearings," go ahead & post it and I'll agree with you. Until then, it's a pretty massive overstatement.
How so? Is that a catch phrase you use a lot?

Once you find a poll showing elderly voters jumping to the GOP in droves because Obama said McCain is "losing his bearings," go ahead & post it and I'll agree with you. Until then, it's a pretty massive overstatement.
LOL. No, but it was clearly one that stung you when I used it earlier today thus giving you the urge to try it out on me. But throwing it in the wrong place caused it to lose its sting.

This is just beginning. Holy cow. We have months.

I hope your party continues to denigrate age, I think it will backfire for the reason I have listed.

I can't wait to see the "mcfossil" bumperstickers.
LOL. No, but it was clearly one that stung you when I used it earlier today thus giving you the urge to try it out on me. But throwing it in the wrong place caused it to lose its sting.

This is just beginning. Holy cow. We have months.

I hope your party continues to denigrate age, I think it will backfire for the reason I have listed.

I can't wait to see the "mcfossil" bumperstickers.

I can't even remember when you used it on me. Are you sure you aren't confusing me with another poster?

Again, show me the polls; show me the massive, concentrated effort to "denigrate age." Show me even one old voter who is so pissed about agism in the campaign that they're going to vote for McCain even though he's worse for their benefits.

Pretty idiotic assertion, Damo.
I can't even remember when you used it on me. Are you sure you aren't confusing me with another poster?

Again, show me the polls; show me the massive, concentrated effort to "denigrate age." Show me even one old voter who is so pissed about agism in the campaign that they're going to vote for McCain even though he's worse for their benefits.

Pretty idiotic assertion, Damo.

It was "stereotype much" and it was earlier today. I don't believe you don't remember. I think you tried to sting me back, but missed terribly and now try to cover up by pleading ignorance.

Either way, it is sad.

Whether you think it is idiotic or not I think you should continue, as a party, to denigrate age. Because people like being insulted like that.

And because I like typing the word "hypocrisy", especially when talking about the party who claims credit for adding ageism into civil rights laws.

It was "stereotype much" and it was earlier today. I don't believe you don't remember. I think you tried to sting me back, but missed terribly and now try to cover up by pleading ignorance.

Either way, it is sad.

Whether you think it is idiotic or not I think you should continue, as a party, to denigrate age. Because people like being insulted like that.

Whatever; I don't think I even saw that remark. What was I stereotyping about?

Anyway, it's a pretty common way to phrase something. I'm not sure how that is "sad." And I think I will continue to denigrate McCain's age, so no worries there. The guy is old, and addled, and probably shouldn't be driving, much less running the country.
There are reasons that no one over the age of 70 has been elected president and "denigrating age" or "ageism," whatever those terms mean, have little to do with it.
As, I think Darla pointed out, McCain has made some statements that Joe Lieberman has had to correct in public and made them more than once. He is either being dishonest, or his memory is going. Since he is the Republican candidate and I don't see one as being more advantagous to him then the other you can decide which it is. Is he old and forgetful or a liar?
Whatever; I don't think I even saw that remark. What was I stereotyping about?

Anyway, it's a pretty common way to phrase something. I'm not sure how that is "sad." And I think I will continue to denigrate McCain's age, so no worries there. The guy is old, and addled, and probably shouldn't be driving, much less running the country.
And I will continue to point out hypocrisy and ageism. I like it. I'm having fun.

There is a freedom in knowing you aren't voting for either of the nominees.
As, I think Darla pointed out, McCain has made some statements that Joe Lieberman has had to correct in public and made them more than once. He is either being dishonest, or his memory is going. Since he is the Republican candidate and I don't see one as being more advantagous to him then the other you can decide which it is.

Is he old and forgetful or a liar?

How about think of someone other than yourself for once? I don't know, like for example, me. How about send out an e-mail to all single women and tell them how great I am in bed and I can last really long and I'm only concerned with their pleasure. In others tellling the truth, but the opposite. That would help me out.

Telling the truth, but the opposite? LOL. Shut up! I am not telling anyone any such thing, and, if you recall mr. jack and coke, I am not in the position to know.
Telling the truth, but the opposite? LOL. Shut up! I am not telling anyone any such thing, and, if you recall mr. jack and coke, I am not in the position to know.

You don't need to know personally.... just say you've heard from "friends"!

If you reference Jack & Coke then I probably don't recall anything. Was it a fulfilling conversation?
My point isn't that YOU, as in those on this board, have said it. It is that this is everywhere. The PARTY is now associated with the remarks, and I make no bones about the fact that it makes me happy that your party seems to be working to alienate the single largest voting bloc by denigrating age.

I'm glad and I hope y'all ignore that perception and keep it going. Make it the central theme. Have your pundits all talk about how young one looks next to the other, make pointed negative remarks about age while saying you don't mean it THAT way...

Old people are not stupid, nor are you.

Damo try not to sound like a hysterical woman.
As, I think Darla pointed out, McCain has made some statements that Joe Lieberman has had to correct in public and made them more than once. He is either being dishonest, or his memory is going. Since he is the Republican candidate and I don't see one as being more advantagous to him then the other you can decide which it is. Is he old and forgetful or a liar?

That Darla makes a lot of good points.
Damo try not to sound like a hysterical woman.
LOL. If a man said this you would be all on about the misogyny inherent in such a statement.

Try hard not to rub too much of the hypocrite on you. You'll find that it is hard to wash off.

I for one will mark that one post for later amusing reposting... :D
LOL. If a man said this you would be all on about the misogyny inherent in such a statement.

Try hard not to rub too much of the hypocrite on you. You'll find that it is hard to wash off.

I know, and that’s only one of the things I love about being a woman! gayboy!