May 20th may be the turning point

Yep and what happened to Ronnie Raygun ? All oldsters are not the same that is why I recommend drivers testing to sort them out.

Why do we give eye tests for persons getting their liscence ?

yeah dumbshit.... that was my point. The premise that McCain is too old is bogus because age effects each of us differently. That is why I hope the Dems continue trying to make it such an issue.
yeah dumbshit.... that was my point. The premise that McCain is too old is bogus because age effects each of us differently. That is why I hope the Dems continue trying to make it such an issue.
I think ageism should be their main platform.
yeah dumbshit.... that was my point. The premise that McCain is too old is bogus because age effects each of us differently. That is why I hope the Dems continue trying to make it such an issue.

Well if McCain would just prove that he is medically sound at least mentally. We should have learned something from raygun.
American's don't want old presidents. Deal with it. Nobody over the age of 70 has ever been elected to their first term as president. And McFossil is going to be - what - 72 if he gets nominated?

Deal with it. American's don't elect old fuddy duddies, anymore than they elect obese and ugly presidents. It's a reality.
But if we have a fear driven suprise prior to the election. McCain will be the one strong on defense and all that crapola. The sheeple will follow, it is what they are trained to do.
We can't let the big bad Islamofascist wolf get us now can we ?
American's don't want old presidents. Deal with it. Nobody over the age of 70 has ever been elected to their first term as president. And McFossil is going to be - what - 72 if he gets nominated?

Deal with it. American's don't elect old fuddy duddies, anymore than they elect obese and ugly presidents. It's a reality.

They also don't elect blacks or women. So it will be a first no matter who wins.
Athiesm as a platform would be a death knell for any party. Well maybe except for the libertarians, but they are dead anyway ;)
American's don't want old presidents. Deal with it. Nobody over the age of 70 has ever been elected to their first term as president. And McFossil is going to be - what - 72 if he gets nominated?

Deal with it. American's don't elect old fuddy duddies, anymore than they elect obese and ugly presidents. It's a reality.
Make it your platform. I think it will make for great success especially with the AARP crowd and those who can't recognize hypocrisy from people who have expressly promoted age as a protected group. I think being hypocritical about the largest ever voting bloc won't hurt you at all and hope that you heavily promote that age is a disqualifier for a job.
Age is a disqualifier for a job Damo, and especially the side effects of aging is a valid disqualifier for a job. believe me I know.

Just rry and find a real job when over 55 or so, It ain't easy. btw I don't count greeter at wally world as a real job.
Age is a disqualifier for a job Damo, and especially the side effects of aging is a valid disqualifier for a job. believe me I know.

Just rry and find a real job when over 55 or so, It ain't easy. btw I don't count greeter at wally world as a real job.
It isn't. According to law, passed by the sudden party of ageism, this is not a disqualifier.

What this is, is hypocrisy in action and I hope it continues. It will hand at least Florida to McCain.
Make it your platform. I think it will make for great success especially with the AARP crowd and those who can't recognize hypocrisy from people who have expressly promoted age as a protected group. I think being hypocritical about the largest ever voting bloc won't hurt you at all and hope that you heavily promote that age is a disqualifier for a job.

LOL. My "platform"? My platform is simply to have Obama stand on stage next to McMaverick. I think that's all that needs to be done.
LOL. My "platform"? My platform is simply to have Obama stand on stage next to McMaverick. I think that's all that needs to be done.
Plural "your".. the Democrat Party Platform...

(;) leaving out the ick just for Desh...)

Again, pretending that such a strongly expressed belief will not come out in other ways than "just putting him on the platform" is pretense and an attempt to forgive the hypocrisy and a hope that the largest voting bloc ever won't reject your candidate because of your hypocrisy.

I think you should make it the whole theme of the Obama campaign. It is so much better than "Yes We Can".. I mean doesn't, "He's just old!" resonate more?
Plural "your".. the Democrat Party Platform...

(;) leaving out the ick just for Desh...)

Again, pretending that such a strongly expressed belief will not come out in other ways that "just putting him on the platform" is pretense and an attempt to forgive the hypocrisy.

Yeah, the "democrat" party is always a massive burn. Nicely done!

Don't worry, the Dems won't have to directly mention age at all. Obama will just have to stand at the debate podium, and watch the old man shuffle in. :clink:
Damo there are very good reasons to consider the age of an applicant. There are no good reasons to consider the color of your applicants skin.
Yeah, the "democrat" party is always a massive burn. Nicely done!

Don't worry, the Dems won't have to directly mention age at all. Obama will just have to stand at the debate podium, and watch the old man shuffle in. :clink:
It's too late, you already have.
It's too late, you already have.

Yeah but nobody cares what we say. The only thing that matters is that it can’t be traced back to the candidate. You know something about that Damo.

You know I have been thinking, what we need is a nice, untraceable email smear that we can really get going. Something along the lines of “He’s a Muslim!”, but more like “senior McCain staff members have leaked that if the press ever got ahold of his medical records, McCain would not be electable. They have expressed concern”.

I’m going to mention this to a few of my compadres. Honestly, we can get that ball rolling. Thanks for the idea guys!
Yeah but nobody cares what we say. The only thing that matters is that it can’t be traced back to the candidate. You know something about that Damo.

You know I have been thinking, what we need is a nice, untraceable email smear that we can really get going. Something along the lines of “He’s a Muslim!”, but more like “senior McCain staff members have leaked that if the press ever got ahold of his medical records, McCain would not be electable. They have expressed concern”.

I’m going to mention this to a few of my compadres. Honestly, we can get that ball rolling. Thanks for the idea guys!
My point isn't that YOU, as in those on this board, have said it. It is that this is everywhere. The PARTY is now associated with the remarks, and I make no bones about the fact that it makes me happy that your party seems to be working to alienate the single largest voting bloc by denigrating age.

I'm glad and I hope y'all ignore that perception and keep it going. Make it the central theme. Have your pundits all talk about how young one looks next to the other, make pointed negative remarks about age while saying you don't mean it THAT way...

Old people are not stupid, nor are you.