May 20th may be the turning point

LOL. If a man said this you would be all on about the misogyny inherent in such a statement.

Try hard not to rub too much of the hypocrite on you. You'll find that it is hard to wash off.

I for one will mark that one post for later amusing reposting... :D

I don’t care if you tattoo it on your ass.
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
To live

They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet

Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Round here

Short People are just the same
As you and I
(A Fool Such As I)
All men are brothers
Until the day they die
(It's A Wonderful World)

Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
To love

They got little baby legs
And they stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That go beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time
Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
'Round here
Is he really?
Two strikes! Short people got no reason to live! Wait, I’ll prove it.

All I know is McMaverick seems to be totally short. Isn't he like a head shorter than his trophy wife? Google it and get back to us!
I don't think Dems should even go for the subtle "losing his bearings" thing. It should just be McCain: he's short. He's old. He forgets stuff. Vote Obama.
I don't think Dems should even go for the subtle "losing his bearings" thing. It should just be McCain: he's short. He's old. He forgets stuff. Vote Obama.

It’s a winning campaign. Especially with so many in the “sandwich generation” already seething with a quiet, but murderous rage, over elderly parents who refuse to go into nursing homes. I see an electoral landslide coming.
Age discrimination is reasonable ? :lolup:

we are only protected by Age Discrimination in the United States until the age of 65.

no one can fire you for old age, before the age of 65.

What is McCain...70's right?

guess that means he is fair game?

I do agree with Damo, that picking on his age will not sit well with Senior citizens, of whom MANY are Democratic.

my mother in law was 87 when she passed on this past fall and she had every single one of her faculties.....i have to admit, and surprisingly that 70's doesn't seem that old at all, after me knowing her.

McCain has plenty of faults and political stances to not vote for him, without his age to even come in to it, imho.

we are only protected by Age Discrimination in the United States until the age of 65.

no one can fire you for old age, before the age of 65.

What is McCain...70's right?

guess that means he is fair game?

I do agree with Damo, that picking on his age will not sit well with Senior citizens, of whom MANY are Democratic.

my mother in law was 87 when she passed on this past fall and she had every single one of her faculties.....i have to admit, and surprisingly that 70's doesn't seem that old at all, after me knowing her.

McCain has plenty of faults and political stances to not vote for him, without his age to even come in to it, imho.


I wasn't referring to legally, silly. Is there something morally better are playing the age card instead of the race card ?
I wasn't referring to legally, silly. Is there something morally better are playing the age card instead of the race card ?
YES, there is a difference to me dillo. saying that someone in their 70's.....78 when finishing 2 terms, might be a little too old to handle the issues of our country with any kind of would be a ligitimate concern... that McCain could possibly overcome, but it looks doubtful to me.

I think this can be approached in a way that Seniors will not take it as an insult to them....most of them know that they would not have the spunk needed for the job, they may be seniors but they are not ignorant to their own capabilities and are not senile.

An issue on Race, would be an issue that has a long history of divisiveness, and would be used only to divide our country between blacks and whites and whites with's an issue of skin color and hatefulness, which is irrevelent to the Presidency.....unless of course YOU believe that a person's skin color has something to do with being a capable President? I don't think such. i do think a person's age should be considered....mccain might be too old, but obama might be too young kind of thing....

YES, there is a difference to me dillo. saying that someone in their 70's.....78 when finishing 2 terms, might be a little too old to handle the issues of our country with any kind of would be a ligitimate concern... that McCain could possibly overcome, but it looks doubtful to me.

I think this can be approached in a way that Seniors will not take it as an insult to them....most of them know that they would not have the spunk needed for the job, they may be seniors but they are not ignorant to their own capabilities and are not senile.

An issue on Race, would be an issue that has a long history of divisiveness, and would be used only to divide our country between blacks and whites and whites with's an issue of skin color and hatefulness, which is irrevelent to the Presidency.....unless of course YOU believe that a person's skin color has something to do with being a capable President? I don't think such. i do think a person's age should be considered....mccain might be too old, but obama might be too young kind of thing....


Care the problem with a lot of oldsters is they lose enough mental acuity that they do not realize that they can't drive well, or think as clearly as they once did. One of the reasons that the elderly tend to vote Republican.

I can still drive as well as I ever did said my ex FIL after backing into 3 cars in 2 months.
Care the problem with a lot of oldsters is they lose enough mental acuity that they do not realize that they can't drive well, or think as clearly as they once did. One of the reasons that the elderly tend to vote Republican.

I can still drive as well as I ever did said my ex FIL after backing into 3 cars in 2 months.
the elderly do not vote republican, the majority of seniors are democrats uscit....don't disagree that they drive like crap though no moreso than new, in fact kids are still at a higher risk of causing an accident than a senior.....margie my motherinlaw...drove until she was 85, and she drove glasses needed either, she had 20/ depends on the person, after 75 or so, i think a driver's test each year or two might be appropriate.
YES, there is a difference to me dillo. saying that someone in their 70's.....78 when finishing 2 terms, might be a little too old to handle the issues of our country with any kind of would be a ligitimate concern... that McCain could possibly overcome, but it looks doubtful to me.

I think this can be approached in a way that Seniors will not take it as an insult to them....most of them know that they would not have the spunk needed for the job, they may be seniors but they are not ignorant to their own capabilities and are not senile.

An issue on Race, would be an issue that has a long history of divisiveness, and would be used only to divide our country between blacks and whites and whites with's an issue of skin color and hatefulness, which is irrevelent to the Presidency.....unless of course YOU believe that a person's skin color has something to do with being a capable President? I don't think such. i do think a person's age should be considered....mccain might be too old, but obama might be too young kind of thing....


What is it about discrimination that you don't understand ? Treating ALL older people as if they have lost their mental acuity as ignorant treating ALL people of a certain race as if the have some kind of deficiency. There are people in their 70s and 80s that I would stack up against any 35 year old as far as their wisdom and mental acuity is concerned. If you want to make any headway with this you would have to show that MCCain HIMSELF is mentally deficient WITHOUT using his age as some kind of evidence.
Age is not running against youth here despite all attempts to frame it that way.
the elderly do not vote republican, the majority of seniors are democrats uscit....don't disagree that they drive like crap though no moreso than new, in fact kids are still at a higher risk of causing an accident than a senior.....margie my motherinlaw...drove until she was 85, and she drove glasses needed either, she had 20/ depends on the person, after 75 or so, i think a driver's test each year or two might be appropriate.

Some oldsters do drive great. But as I said many of them just think they can still drive fine. Many oldsters vote republican as single issue voters. ie Abortion. And the poorer memory makes them forget how badly the republicans do. Why do you think FL is a Red state ? Well you have to figure in the Ex Cubans too.
Some oldsters do drive great. But as I said many of them just think they can still drive fine. Many oldsters vote republican as single issue voters. ie Abortion. And the poorer memory makes them forget how badly the republicans do. Why do you think FL is a Red state ? Well you have to figure in the Ex Cubans too.

Maybe in your area uscit, but by far senior citizens in the Northeast, which is a kazillion of them, voted Democratic, and in places like florida, i would bet it is 50/50, but not more repubs then Dems as Seniors....that is primarily because of the influx of northeastern folk to florida in their senior years. cit.........

Some oldsters do drive great. But as I said many of them just think they can still drive fine. Many oldsters vote republican as single issue voters. ie Abortion. And the poorer memory makes them forget how badly the republicans do. Why do you think FL is a Red state ? Well you have to figure in the Ex Cubans too.

You are a old fart and voting for Obama ...why?...he hates you? You are not only old but a hick and white...go figure!:pke: