May 20th may be the turning point

If he does hes dead in the water.

Im looking at the surrogates to do it so he can chastise them in public.
Desh, you have been claiming obama might be shot because he is black so being black could stop him from serving a full term.
What McCain is facing and what the general election will be about:

A Peek At What We’ll See
Jennifer Rubin - 05.08.2008 - 5:06 PM

Barack Obama accused John McCain of “smearing him” by claiming that Hamas wants Obama to be President. But this isn’t a smear, it is fact. A spokesman for Hamas, you will recall, did endorse Obama. This report is fairly straightforward:

During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision. “We don’t mind – actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democratic presidential candidates.​

Matt Brooks of the Republican Jewish Coalition had this comment:

It’s understandable that Obama would like to make this go away. However, the reality is, Hamas is comfortable with Obama and they endorsed him. It’s the truth, not a ‘smear.’
As for the McCain camp, this will be an early test of their willingness to go toe-to-toe with Obama. Will they let this Obama remark pass? Or set the record straight and make clear Obama is, as he did in the “100 year” fight, fudging the facts? And we can expect more of this. Every bad fact for Obama or questionable association is a “smear” and every attempt by the McCain camp to set the record straight is “gutter politics.” It is up to McCain’s team to decide whether they will play along or call foul.
another card is how long McSame has been in govt. Time for a change flush out the old crowd that got us in this mess ?

McSame old government.
McSame as bush.
McSame old war.
McSame wealthy elite ruling us that do not even have a clue how much a loaf of bread costs.

McSame will be so easy.
and people will just naturally vote against the older person. :rolleyes:

No, no, I think people are going to flock to the guy with the maniacal gleam in his eye doing the old man shuffle across the stage. (I do a great impression of McCain walking, I'm starting to get requests for it at parties).
No, no, I think people are going to flock to the guy with the maniacal gleam in his eye doing the old man shuffle across the stage. (I do a great impression of McCain walking, I'm starting to get requests for it at parties).

Old--it's just such a naturally bad thing. Can't people understand that ? ( I didn't know that was an impression--you always walk like that ) :)