Maybe I'm Stupid, But I Don't Get It!


New member
Hey, wasn't it the last time we had a new man in the White House, when Pres. Bush beat Algore, that Libs screamed, and cried foul, because Bush got more ELECTORAL votes, but gore got a few more general votes. At the time, the Libs were told, check your Civics Lessons, and you'll see America is a Representative Republic, which means we are a nation of STATES, and we don't give New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and the East Coast the right to pick our President, just because Millions of "less than self-sufficient" people, shall we say, live there. They LIVE there, because there's lots of handouts, and Social Programs, and illegal citizens, drug dealers and other less-than-stellar people can HIDE in the masses.

So when we explained this, Liberals cried and whined for 4 years, saying "Bush stole the election". Even though the Florida votes were COUNTED FOUR TIMES, and Gore was making our country a bigger laughing stock every day, with his lawsuits, threatening court cases, so the FOURTH TALLY OF FLORIDA VOTES was decalred "enough, already", and Gore told "You LOST, pal. You LOST your HOME STATE OF TENNESSEE, for God's sake. Go home, and start making $Millions with speeches, and phony enviro-scams. You'll get RICH, selling "Carbon Credits."

So what I can't understand is, if the Liberals HATE the "Representative Republic" form of govt,.(they actually threatened to try and pass laws to GET RID of the Electoral College!), they said "it allows backroom "fixers" and behind-the-scenes bigwigs to DOMINATE the electoral process.
If they they HATE that system, WHY THEN, are they THIS election having a Bloody War, where neither Obama OR Hillary can likely get enough "pledged delegates" (magic number 2025), and have to rely on backroom "fixers", behind-the-scenes bigwigs, and Party Bosses to go into the famous "smoke-filled back rooms", where "favors", bribes, and promised will be given, and sought??
The DELICIOUS IRONY of this election, is that because many people are paying such CLOSE attention to the candidates and process, many American People, some Democrats, who didn't realize HOW crooked and Hypocritical the Democrat Party IS, will NOW have a FRONT ROW SEAT, Haaahahahah!!
Obama would need 72% of EVERY Democrat vote left, and Hillary would need 65% of Every Democrat vote left, in ALL the states, for either to get to 2025!
So it's almost GUARAN-DAMN-TEED, (that's a Southern expression, hehe) that there will be a group of SUPER- DELEGATES (the afore-mentioned Backroom Party Hacks) who will "STEAL"(to use Liberal's 2000 words") the nomination from either Hillary or Obama! Either way, HALF of the Libs will we so pissed off, they'll stay HOME, or vote McCain! Haaahahahaha!

If you call discussing illegal vote manipulation whining then you are one shitty American.
No back room deal has been made to fix the Dem nomination, and in fact, it won't be. Superdelegates will go with the elected delegates.

So, pipe down.

And the 2000 election WAS stolen. Gore won FL, and the nation. We've had 8 years of incompetence as a result.
Sorry, I got my math slightly skewed. Obama would need 72% of all voted to get 2025 delegates. Hillary would need 65% just to get the LEAD over Obama. To get 2025, she would 94%, all of which are almost impossible seeing the race is so close now. And I sould have separated another paragraph at "The Delicious Irony". I'm making a conscious effort to improve my writing style. Does it show? See all the things I do for you??
Yes, onceler, but my point was, MILLIONS od Dems, either Hillary's or Obama's will feel "ripped off". A no lesser authority than Tim Russert has said it.
Which is why so many are in prison for it, right? It was so obviously illegal, but Bush is well-loved enough that no one has prosecuted.
Isn't it GREAT how the real moron on here show their ignorance, when all they can come up with is one-word answers? I love it!
1,100 voters wrongly purged in just one county in Fl.

Tell me how many votes did Bush win by in 2000?
Allright, desh, and we can also talk about Lib-Dems bringing vanloads of street bums to vote TWO AND THREE TIMES, in all the cites. The famous "walking around money" that Sharpton and many others get. Lets ALSO talk about how Democrats tried to DENY THE RIGHT TO VOTES FOR VETERANS, AND SERVING SOLDIERS, IN FLORIDA, AND 8 OTHER STATES!! We can talk, if you like. How about John F.Kennedy's votes in 1960, from a lot of Chicago residents. Only problem was, they found a way TO VOTE FROM THEIR CEMETARY PLOTS. We can talk.
And the "moron" thing was not about YOU. And it wasn't an insult, it was a proven fact. There are people here (not you) who do NOT have the intelligence to have a conversation. They should be banned. I am fair. I will discuss facts.
Sorry, I got my math slightly skewed. Obama would need 72% of all voted to get 2025 delegates. Hillary would need 65% just to get the LEAD over Obama. To get 2025, she would 94%, all of which are almost impossible seeing the race is so close now. And I sould have separated another paragraph at "The Delicious Irony". I'm making a conscious effort to improve my writing style. Does it show? See all the things I do for you??

lol like u can count:rolleyes:
Well, I answered you, desh, about the voter fraud. By my examples, I think we can agree there is shennanigans , voter fraud, by BOTH Democrats and Repub.'s. But Bush WON the election, fair and square, more fairly than Kennedy's 1960 Dead Votes. But in 1960, did Republicans try to destroy the workings of government, and declare JFK an "illegal President", never giving the man a chance? NO, WE DID NOT. We RESPECTED him,and hoped he would SUCCEED. Because THAT was a time when we considered ourselves Americans FIRST, before party, and PROUD of it. Today, you can't say that.