Maybe I'm Stupid, But I Don't Get It!

Come on, desh, all those things I mentioned are HISTORY, for God's sake. Are you telling me all these journalists who PROVED after 1960 that Kennedy had dead votes are LYING? What do you want, a link to the cemetary rolls? Desh, YOU know it's true, I know it's true. I'm not going to waste my time. ANYBODY can put something on the web. What does THAT prove? You make me laugh, with the "links". Like it's carved in stone. Kennedy's dead votes are HISTORY. Face it.
In June 2001, The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report and statements [8] arguing that Florida was, on numerous counts, in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and recommending:

On 1 count that "The U.S. Department of Justice should immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor, secretary of state, director of the Division of Elections, specific supervisors of elections, and other state and local officials responsible for the execution of election laws, practices, and procedures..."
On 1 count that "The U.S. Department of Justice should initiate the litigation process against the governor..."
On 1 count that "The U.S. Department of Justice should initiate the litigation process against the secretary of State..."
On 12 counts that "The U.S. Department of Justice and the Civil Rights Division in the Office of the Florida Attorney General should initiate the litigation process against state election officials..."
...And so on, totaling 20 recommendations involving the phrase "should initiate the litigation process" or "should immediately initiate the litigation process"
(See also [9])
On February, 2002, the NAACP and four other groups filed suit against Harris (NAACP v. Harris), a former state election chief, and the county elections supervisor. [10] The lawsuit cites the state, several counties and the contractor over procedures for voter registration, voter lists and balloting. The suit charges that Black voters were disenfranchised during the 2000 presidential election, and argued that Florida was in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the US Constitution's Equal Protection Amendment. The parties reached a settlement wherein ChoicePoint will donate $75,000 to the NAACP and will reprocess the voter file on the plaintiffs' terms. [11] [12]

There are court documents to prove what I say and you have NOTHING!
All right, desh, if you insist, I wasted the 2 minutes it took to find some "proof" for you. This proves to ME that Kennedy, his dad, the mob, etc., stole the 1960 election. It proves it as much as YOU can prove a few people were asked to show ID in 2000


"On Election night 1960, nobody knew at midnight if Kennedy or Nixon
won, and when Kennedy remarked that he had it made, his father, Joe
Kennedy, told him he still had time to change his mind -- not all the
votes were counted yet in Cook County, Illinois. Gangster Sam Giancana
was telling Judith Campbell, also referring to Cook County, that he
had elected her boyfriend. Chicago's Mayor Daley also claimed credit
for electing Kennedy.

Kennedy's close win over Nixon in 1960 has long been a bone of
contention, and books have been written proving that Kennedy stole the
election, or had the election stolen for him by his and his father's
mob connections plus Lyndon Johnson's connections
Jollie they were not asked to show ID they were refused the right to vote.


They were not even supposed to be on the list.

The list was constructed to disenfranchise perfectly legal voters.

The company testified in court that they warned Kathleen Harris that the list she asked for would do this because it was TOO broad and she told them "that is the list I want".
So there's my proof. As for yours, I can only ask, what KIND of people seek jobs at The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights ? Do you think they have an agenda? Do you think they are LIBERAL? Do you think they voted for GORE? Were they ANGRY? Haaahahaha, if there were anything with PHOOF, desh, there would have been PROSECUTION and JAIL for somebody. Funny, but I never HEARD about that.
Here we are huh?

I give court documention from cases in FL and you produced unlinked crap about an election from 50 years ago?

What happened to all the rest of the Bullshit you claimed?

you couldnt even find anything about them huh?

You have been owned .
"The U.S. Department of Justice should immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor, secretary of state, director of the Division of Elections, specific supervisors of elections, and other state and local officials responsible for the execution of election laws, practices, and procedures..."

THAT sentence right there, tells me that SOMEBODY was a SORE LOSER, that SOMEBODY had an axe to grind! The "immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor, secretary of state, director of the Division of Elections, specific supervisors of elections, and other state and local officials"??? Why didn't they try and sue the WHITE HOUSE, you KNOW that's who they were REALLY mad at, for winning!
Hey, wasn't it the last time we had a new man in the White House, when Pres. Bush beat Algore, that Libs screamed, and cried foul, because Bush got more ELECTORAL votes, but gore got a few more general votes. At the time, the Libs were told, check your Civics Lessons, and you'll see America is a Representative Republic, which means we are a nation of STATES, and we don't give New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and the East Coast the right to pick our President, just because Millions of "less than self-sufficient" people, shall we say, live there. They LIVE there, because there's lots of handouts, and Social Programs, and illegal citizens, drug dealers and other less-than-stellar people can HIDE in the masses.

So when we explained this, Liberals cried and whined for 4 years, saying "Bush stole the election". Even though the Florida votes were COUNTED FOUR TIMES, and Gore was making our country a bigger laughing stock every day, with his lawsuits, threatening court cases, so the FOURTH TALLY OF FLORIDA VOTES was decalred "enough, already", and Gore told "You LOST, pal. You LOST your HOME STATE OF TENNESSEE, for God's sake. Go home, and start making $Millions with speeches, and phony enviro-scams. You'll get RICH, selling "Carbon Credits."

So what I can't understand is, if the Liberals HATE the "Representative Republic" form of govt,.(they actually threatened to try and pass laws to GET RID of the Electoral College!), they said "it allows backroom "fixers" and behind-the-scenes bigwigs to DOMINATE the electoral process.
If they they HATE that system, WHY THEN, are they THIS election having a Bloody War, where neither Obama OR Hillary can likely get enough "pledged delegates" (magic number 2025), and have to rely on backroom "fixers", behind-the-scenes bigwigs, and Party Bosses to go into the famous "smoke-filled back rooms", where "favors", bribes, and promised will be given, and sought??
The DELICIOUS IRONY of this election, is that because many people are paying such CLOSE attention to the candidates and process, many American People, some Democrats, who didn't realize HOW crooked and Hypocritical the Democrat Party IS, will NOW have a FRONT ROW SEAT, Haaahahahah!!
Obama would need 72% of EVERY Democrat vote left, and Hillary would need 65% of Every Democrat vote left, in ALL the states, for either to get to 2025!
So it's almost GUARAN-DAMN-TEED, (that's a Southern expression, hehe) that there will be a group of SUPER- DELEGATES (the afore-mentioned Backroom Party Hacks) who will "STEAL"(to use Liberal's 2000 words") the nomination from either Hillary or Obama! Either way, HALF of the Libs will we so pissed off, they'll stay HOME, or vote McCain! Haaahahahaha!


You're like a God amongst men. I'm angry as fuck just reading that even though I know you're a troll. A+++++
So a bunch of Left-Wing crybabies couln't take being LOSERS, AGAIN, like 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2004. The fact that the NAACP brings a Law Suit means I'm OWNED? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha! Man, you need help! Get OVER it! Americans DONT TRUST LIBERALS FOR PRESIDENT! tHEY ARE TOO SORT, RUIN OUR ECONOMY AND NATION FOR YEARS TO COME, LIKE CARTERS 13% INFLATION, AND HIS 11% UNEMPLOYMENT, AND HIS DECIMATION OF OUR ARMED FORCES? Clinton make a mockery out of the White House for 8 years, spreading secretaries and teen-age interns on his desk and floor of the Oval Office, was TOO BUSY WITH SCANDALS TO CATCH TAKE BIN LADEN INTO CUSTODY! He HAD Bin Laden, and told the Saudis, or whoever, to LET HIM GO! So he could KILL 3000 innocent Americans on 911!

You idiot, I could sue YOU TOMORROW! What the HELL does a LAWSUIT PROVE? Except that someone's pissed off, a SORE LOSER.
Watermark, I'll take that as a compliment, coming from you. Although it was not intended solely to piss you off, merely to point out HYPOCRACY, my pet peeve, in politicians, Left or Right.
"The U.S. Department of Justice should immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor, secretary of state, director of the Division of Elections, specific supervisors of elections, and other state and local officials responsible for the execution of election laws, practices, and procedures..."

THAT sentence right there, tells me that SOMEBODY was a SORE LOSER, that SOMEBODY had an axe to grind! The "immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor, secretary of state, director of the Division of Elections, specific supervisors of elections, and other state and local officials"??? Why didn't they try and sue the WHITE HOUSE, you KNOW that's who they were REALLY mad at, for winning!

More school yard taunts huh?

You are aware that they they settled and trashed the Felons list and no longer use one right?

If they were so innocent why did they bail?

Where do those thousands of Americans who lost their vote that day go to get their vote back?

BTW they were 88% black while FL only has about a 3% black populace. Funny that one huh?

Just another reason why blacks dont vote republican.The R party was found guilty of this same type of stuff back in the 80s.

Watermark, I'll take that as a compliment, coming from you. Although it was not intended solely to piss you off, merely to point out HYPOCRACY, my pet peeve, in politicians, Left or Right.



You defend cheating in an election to secure office for your own party.

You have not once here faced the facts that without this illegal list Gore would have won the 2000 election.
No, dummy, not a schoolyard taunt. FACT, something Libs hate. AN NAACP LAWSUIT PROVES NOTHING. I COULD SUE YOU TOMMORROW, WOULD IT PROVE YOU DID ANYTHING WRONG? Where is the REAL proof, the kind that WINS Court Cases? Where is the Black-and White, irrefutable PROOF? I didn't hear it mentioned that the NAACP WON A JUDGEMENT, even though THAT is not PROOF, just a jury's whim. Were any Florida officials JAILED, for voter fraud, desh? I didn't think so. Now who's OWNED, dummy.
Where is the proof of anything you claimed in this thread?

Who settled the suit and dropped the use of the felons list entirely?

The court case IS PROOF of the felons list exsisted and disenfranchised legal voters.

So now that it is proved why dont you tell me where these thousands of mostly black voters in FL go to get their vote back that day?

Why dont you tell me how many votes Bush won by that day?
There is NOTHING more anti American than cheating in an election.

Your party only took the presidency in 2000 by cheating black voters out of their democratic rights.

Why do you hate what the founding fathers gave us?

Why do you hate your own country so?