Mccain +10(USAtoday), +4(Gallup) and +3(Zogby)

Thats funny. The USA Today link you gave us ledes with this:

"McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters"
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Thats funny. The USA Today link you gave us says this:

"McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters"

Whilst you told us it said this:
"McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote."

Considering the margin of error, that's a significant lie. It's the difference between a near tie and a huge lead.

Read the whole article. It's 50 - 46 among registered voters, but 54 - 44 among those who are actually planning to vote.
• McCain's acceptance speech Thursday received lower ratings than the one Obama gave a week earlier: 15% called McCain's speech "excellent" compared with 35% for Obama.
ib1, will you commit suicide or move to Canada if McCain wins?

Oh, wait. Conservatives are ahead in the polls in Canada. They're likely to win a majority in the October 14th election. So I guess suicide is the only option. :)
ib1, will you commit suicide or move to Canada if McCain wins?

Oh, wait. Conservatives are ahead in the polls in Canada. They're likely to win a majority in the October 14th election. So I guess suicide is the only option. :)

I'll stay in my country and continue to vote against nuts and the nuts who support those nuts and who also happen to believe the earth is hollow, like yourself.
In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote. The survey of 1,022 adults, including 959 registered voters, has a margin of error of +/— 3 points for both samples.

Zogby also shows Obama ahead on the electoral vote 260 to 160 for McCain.
• McCain's acceptance speech Thursday received lower ratings than the one Obama gave a week earlier: 15% called McCain's speech "excellent" compared with 35% for Obama.

I don't know if that's relevent. Bush mumbled his way through his 2004 acceptance speech and was chewed a new asshole by Kerry in the debates and still won the election (just barely).
Thats funny. The USA Today link you gave us ledes with this:

"McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters"
Yeah, but it also says this:

In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote. The survey of 1,022 adults, including 959 registered voters, has a margin of error of +/— 3 points for both samples.
ib1, will you commit suicide or move to Canada if McCain wins?

Oh, wait. Conservatives are ahead in the polls in Canada. They're likely to win a majority in the October 14th election. So I guess suicide is the only option. :)

God help Canada if the Conservatives win, that's all I can say. They won't be able to last long under the face of those radical lunatics. The Conservative party is in essence a rebranded Reform party, and those guys are famous for doing such things as going to Singapore to investigate the "effectiveness" of caning in a school system.
God help Canada if the Conservatives win, that's all I can say. They won't be able to last long under the face of those radical lunatics. The Conservative party is in essence a rebranded Reform party, and those guys are famous for doing such things as going to Singapore to investigate the "effectiveness" of caning in a school system.
I'll bet its effective. Wanna?
I can't believe you'd honestly consider caning children Damo. You shouldn't be allowed around children with an attitude like that, and the people of Singapore shouldn't either.
I would bet you 100000000 dollars that it does nothing but dehumanize and abuse them and I'd be 100000000 dollars richer.
So, you believe that they continue to do things they are caned for all because you want to believe that abuse is ineffective in changing behavior? I'll bet it is effective in molding the children into behavior they wish. Effective does not mean right.
So, you believe that they continue to do things they are caned for all because you want to believe that abuse is ineffective in changing behavior? I'll bet it is effective in molding the children into behavior they wish.

You're definition of "effective" is a dubious one.
I can't believe you'd honestly consider caning children Damo. You shouldn't be allowed around children with an attitude like that, and the people of Singapore shouldn't either.
I wouldn't consider it you dink. I just understand that negative reinforcement is effective.

So are nuclear weapons, but that doesn't mean I think they should be used.