Mccain +10(USAtoday), +4(Gallup) and +3(Zogby)


That trooper had 11 reprimands on his file... eleven... in TWO years....his worst punishment was a ten day suspension that was later reduced to five.

Yea, I've been following this troopergate thing and I don't think they'll have anything to bring against Palin when it all comes out. It appears that this guy was a really bad person and didn't need to be a trooper. I think he thinks so too as I have seen several interviews with him and he acts like he just wants it all to go away.
Yea, I've been following this troopergate thing and I don't think they'll have anything to bring against Palin when it all comes out. It appears that this guy was a really bad person and didn't need to be a trooper. I think he thinks so too as I have seen several interviews with him and he acts like he just wants it all to go away.

yes, from what I have seen, I think he REALLY wants it to go away. Because the more people look at his record the more they will ask "why the hell is this guy STILL a cop?".

LMAO again....

the irony is that she has just as much in her background as Obama. WHAT in HIS background suggests he is ready to lead this country?????

That trooper had 11 reprimands on his file... eleven... in TWO years....his worst punishment was a ten day suspension that was later reduced to five.

His entire education and career path has prepped him to become CIC. Being a hockey mom turned Mayor of 10 people does not even make you fit to be in the same sentence as Obama who was:

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Chicago Community Activist (3 million)
- State Senator (12 million)
- US Senator ( 300 million)


- Hockey mom of 4
- mayor of 5-6k
- governor for 20 months
I was seriously considering Obama when he was on his 'Change' theme and acting as if he was coming to bring some fresh new policies that isn't liek the typical Washington insider bullshit. Obama has moved away from his stances on issues to try and pick up votes, and it's failing. Palin isn't running for President, but if Obama keeps on pretending to be moderate, I'm gonna hope McCain wins and then immediatly gets a heart attack when he hears the news. The whole experience arguement doesn't mean shit to me, I actually prefer someone who is less experienced in Washington politics. I'm going to wait for the debates and see what Obama has to say in the next couple months.
Here's an updated summary:

Overall, it's not hideous, but I was really hoping that McCain would be tied at best by today. He is in 3 of the polls, but gaining good distance in the others listed.

I'm still incredulous that Palin's speech played well outside the base (and I'm attributing the bounce mainly to her speech, since McCain's wasn't that great, nor was it talked about much aside from people saying it wasn't that great).
Here's an updated summary:

Overall, it's not hideous, but I was really hoping that McCain would be tied at best by today. He is in 3 of the polls, but gaining good distance in the others listed.

I'm still incredulous that Palin's speech played well outside the base (and I'm attributing the bounce mainly to her speech, since McCain's wasn't that great, nor was it talked about much aside from people saying it wasn't that great).

Toss out the outlier from USA/Gallup... it just doesn't make sense. This is going to stay within the margin of error all the way through November, unless one or the other completely bombs at the debates.
His entire education and career path has prepped him to become CIC. Being a hockey mom turned Mayor of 10 people does not even make you fit to be in the same sentence as Obama who was:

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Chicago Community Activist (3 million)
- State Senator (12 million)
- US Senator ( 300 million)


- Hockey mom of 4
- mayor of 5-6k
- governor for 20 months


President of the Harvard Law Review... yeah, that qualifies him how???

Chicago community activist... still, no leadership qualities needed to be an activist

State Senator... what bills did he author... what leadership did he display. Simply being a member of a state legislature doesn't equate to being a leader.

Senator.... lmao... again, what has he done? Elected in 2004, took office in early 2005... has been running for President for over half the time he has been a Senator... what did he do to demonstrate leadership in the other half????

Job titles are just that... job titles... it is what you DO in the jobs that matter.

President of the Harvard Law Review... yeah, that qualifies him how???

Chicago community activist... still, no leadership qualities needed to be an activist

State Senator... what bills did he author... what leadership did he display. Simply being a member of a state legislature doesn't equate to being a leader.

Senator.... lmao... again, what has he done? Elected in 2004, took office in early 2005... has been running for President for over half the time he has been a Senator... what did he do to demonstrate leadership in the other half????

Job titles are just that... job titles... it is what you DO in the jobs that matter.

And by that standard Sarah Pallin is the lowest of the bunch.
And by that standard Sarah Pallin is the lowest of the bunch.

Obama isn't running against Palin... BUT...

Palin has led a town as mayor.
Palin has led a state as governor.
Palin has led a business as owner.
Palin has led a National Guard as Commander in Cheif.

Palin 4 -- Obama 0

But.... Obama isn't running against Palin! :)
Palin has lead a small town to disaster - 0
Palin has done nothing as the governer of the second smallest state in the union - 0

Obama has smashed Dixie racist expectations - a trillion

A trillion to zero. Obama wins!

This will not go over well with the female voter.

Wasilla Police Billed Sexual Assault Victims for Their Own Rape Kits08Sep08
Of all of the things I’ve learned about Sarah Palin in the last week and a half, this has got to be the most disturbing. While Sarah Palin was serving as the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the city charged victims of sexual assault between $300 and $1200 for their own rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. It is usually humiliating and uncomfortable for the victim–imagine enduring that and then paying $1200 just so that the criminal who assaulted you might be caught.

Taken from the Frontiersman… Please note that the Governor who signed the new law preventing sexual assault victims from paying for their own rape kits was a Democrat, Tony Knowles. And please share with any woman you know who might be voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

‘Knowles signs sexual assault bill
Published on Monday, May 22, 2000 9:00 PM AKDT
JO C. GOODE / The Frontiersman / May 23, 2000

This will not go over well with the female voter.

Wasilla Police Billed Sexual Assault Victims for Their Own Rape Kits08Sep08
Of all of the things I’ve learned about Sarah Palin in the last week and a half, this has got to be the most disturbing. While Sarah Palin was serving as the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the city charged victims of sexual assault between $300 and $1200 for their own rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. It is usually humiliating and uncomfortable for the victim–imagine enduring that and then paying $1200 just so that the criminal who assaulted you might be caught.

Taken from the Frontiersman… Please note that the Governor who signed the new law preventing sexual assault victims from paying for their own rape kits was a Democrat, Tony Knowles. And please share with any woman you know who might be voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

‘Knowles signs sexual assault bill
Published on Monday, May 22, 2000 9:00 PM AKDT
JO C. GOODE / The Frontiersman / May 23, 2000



Dude--there is all kinds of expensive technoligy that the state should not pay for--because it is not their money!! commie!

Thats the way 80% of Americans will see it. Trust me.
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Can you name one decision she made as CIC of the Alaska National Guard?

Ahh--ya got me on that one. I admitt--that experience is vague to me right now, I don't know her roll. Her energy exp is pretty damn big though (but not the question--go figure).

I will make you a deal. I will find the best accurate answer for that one--if you do the same for Obama's relationship with William Ayres. Now--don't be wrong or try to BS me--because Palin won't be wrong about that relationship with a terrorist American hater that bombed our people and said "we did not do enough".

Lotsa luck. It is hard to find, but I guarantee you--if I know it--Palin does, and so will the rest of the country soon.

Don't knock Palin--she is about to educate you about your god Obama, and you might thank her for it later. Young man.

Dude--ya might as well get used to it--truth rules.
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Since you can't answer the last question, how about defining socialism for us?

Dude--that was a goofy trivial question about Palin. Don't even try being smug about that infitile question.

Socialism is in a nut shell "collectivist ideologies"

Communism is also based on collectivist idealogies

Obama is based on distribution of wealth and collecivist ideologies--and you bought into it!!

If you knew one lick about the history of this country, and why it formed (not socialism), you would not have drank the kool-aid man.

Above are the facts

Any body that taught you diffently has a agenda they they did not share with you. I promise
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Can you name one decision she made as CIC of the Alaska National Guard?

All of them. That is what a Commander in Chief does....makes the final decisions on EVERYTHING. Being that Alaska is 60 miles across the bay from Russia, it also gives her far more foreign policy experience than Obama, which is nil.