McCain flips on "Mission Accomplished"


New member
Man, if Obama had done this, they'd have to set up a separate news network with the sole purpose of 24x7 coverage on it:

June 11, 2003:

NEIL CAVUTO: ... Senator -- after a conflict means after the conflict, and many argue the conflict isn't over.
JOHN MCCAIN: Well, then why was there a banner that said 'mission accomplished' on the aircraft carrier? ... the conflict -- the major conflict is over, the regime change has been accomplished...


""To state the obvious, I thought it was wrong at the time," said McCain. "I thought phrases like 'a few dead-enders,' 'last throes,' all of those comments contributed over time to the frustration and sorrow of Americans because those statements and comments did not comport with the facts on the ground."
Thats great... I love the point about the seperate network just to cover it were it Obama.

We could call it Obama Watch 24-7, and then we could just cover the actions of his former pastor all the time.
Thats great... I love the point about the seperate network just to cover it were it Obama.

We could call it Obama Watch 24-7, and then we could just cover the actions of his former pastor all the time.

I agree .. and once again McChangeling slips away.
Where are the quotes where he said it was all fantastic at that time?

Doesn't "flipping" require they take a position different to what they stated before? He said that the way the war was handled sucked for a long time.

While I understand the need to attempt to associate McCain to Obama right now, I find it odd you would select this to do it on. It isn't a "flip".

Use the border, that's a flip. Use the tax breaks, that's a flip.
Bush's facial expression there is priceless; he really looks more like a kid who is so excited that he gets to dress up & play "soldier" for a day.

We're almost to January. Man, what a long national nightmare this has been....
Where are the quotes where he said it was all fantastic at that time?

Doesn't "flipping" require they take a position different to what they stated before? He said that the way the war was handled sucked for a long time.

While I understand the need to attempt to associate McCain to Obama right now, I find it odd you would select this to do it on. It isn't a "flip".

Use the border, that's a flip. Use the tax breaks, that's a flip.

Are you kidding?

Man, are you getting to be too predictable.....
for the tittilation of any closet homosexual republicans:

Oh gross. Just seeing this pic again, it really shows that one picture is worth a thousand words. No one should have been able to get a way with stuffing their underwear and parading aroudn like that. It's truly juvenile and really sick. But he not only got away with it; he sexually aroused the Washtington press corp and the punditry. It says it all.
Well perhaps wishywashy at best Damo.
Again, I can understand that on things where he wished and washed...

Like the tax breaks.

The war, he has consistently said the handling of this war was poor. I can't see this one as being a "flip" or a wish or wash...
Are you kidding?

Man, are you getting to be too predictable.....

I do note how you want Obama and McCain associated together, hence the first post.

I find it interesting, does this mean you realize that he is the candidate most likely to make McCain fail if you associate him?
Bush's facial expression there is priceless; he really looks more like a kid who is so excited that he gets to dress up & play "soldier" for a day.

We're almost to January. Man, what a long national nightmare this has been....

Bush's press secretary said yesterday, that Bush has paid a price for parading around under the mission accomplished banner.

Are you shitting me??? It's always about Bush, and their worship of Bush. The people who paid the price for Bush's ego, are one million dead americans and iraqis.
English, please?
1. You posted about Obama at the same time as McCain. Hence a joke about how you want to associate them in people's minds.

2. McCain has always said Bush's handling of the war sucked that would include the idiotic "Mission Accomplished" crap, I can't see how this is a "flip".

Seriously, pick something that he actually flipped on. This one is dumb.
Oh gross. Just seeing this pic again, it really shows that one picture is worth a thousand words. No one should have been able to get a way with stuffing their underwear and parading aroudn like that. It's truly juvenile and really sick. But he not only got away with it; he sexually aroused the Washtington press corp and the punditry. It says it all.

You're right. Man, now I kinda regret posting that pic. I really didn't need to think about creative use of tube socks or cucumbers in that context.
1. You posted about Obama at the same time as McCain. Hence a joke about how you want to associate them in people's minds.

2. McCain has always said Bush's handling of the war sucked that would include the idiotic "Mission Accomplished" crap, I can't see how this is a "flip".

Seriously, pick something that he actually flipped on. This one is dumb.

Bad attempt to figure out my psychology on this. I was more making a statement about how Obama is the subject of a severe double-standard in the media now, which I think is indisputable.

Your 2nd point is false. See: my first post, with McCain's first comment, which directly contradicts your 2nd point.
Bad attempt to figure out my psychology on this. I was more making a statement about how Obama is the subject of a severe double-standard in the media now, which I think is indisputable.

Your 2nd point is false. See: my first post, with McCain's first comment, which directly contradicts your 2nd point.
I wasn't "figuring out your psychology" I made a joke at your expense. If you don't want the two associated, posting about them together is a bad idea.

I forget you are robot boy and can't figure those things out.
I wasn't "figuring out your psychology" I made a joke at your expense.

I forget you are robot boy and can't figure those things out.

That was some joke, you really made a fool out of him!

You shouldn't be allowed to use that cutting wit of yours against other, more averagely witted posters. It puts them at an unfair disadvantagge.
That was some joke, you really made a fool out of him!

You shouldn't be allowed to use that cutting wit of yours against other, more averagely witted posters. It puts them at an unfair disadvantagge.
Please, Lorax consistently speaks on how he has no sense of humor.

Don't try to pretend that he is magically and suddenly having the capacity to understand such things. And you can't really talk either. BAC, Oncelor, and you. The three "What? That was a joke? You didn't really think that he meant it that way?" posters...