McCain flips on "Mission Accomplished"

"Where are the quotes where he said it was all fantastic at that time?

Doesn't "flipping" require they take a position different to what they stated before? He said that the way the war was handled sucked for a long time. "

This is "dry wit?"

Are you saying that you don't really feel this way, and that you do in fact think it was a flip flop?

That's the main point I was addressing, you fool.
The dry wit part was the "why you be wanting to associate McCain and Obama" part...

Don't participate. People who don't understand sarcasm do not need to talk about it.

It isn't a "LOL" type of joke. I'm not doing a comedy routine, I was poking at your frustration over Obama's recent drop in numbers, and playing how often people will associate the candidates they dislike together (Hint: look for "McSameHill").

I've hijacked the thread temporarily to speak on the nuances of dry wit. Since you are incapable of understanding it, by your own admittance, please don't participate. ;) <-this winky shows that I am being sarcastic here, it is your thread and it isn't about what Jarod and I are conversing on, I understand your urge to get it back on topic. But wait until after the conversation is over...
The dry wit part was the "why you be wanting to associate McCain and Obama" part...

Don't participate. People who don't understand sarcasm do not need to talk about it.

It isn't a "LOL" type of joke. I'm not doing a comedy routine.

I've hijacked the thread temporarily to speak on the nuances of dry wit. Since you are incapable of understanding it, by your own admittance, please don't participate. ;) <-this winky shows that I am being sarcastic here, it is your thread and it isn't about what Jarod and I are conversing on, I understand your urge to get it back on topic. But wait until after the conversation is over...

No offense, but you are fucking retarded, dude. The main point I keep arguing is your contention that McCain didn't flip flop, which apparently, you meant, and was not "dry wit."

And you keep coming back with "you don't understand dry wit." Why not try addressing the fact that this is a classic flip flop, and that you were wrong on that.

No offense, but you are fucking retarded, dude. The main point I keep arguing is your contention that McCain didn't flip flop, which apparently, you meant, and was not "dry wit."

And you keep coming back with "you don't understand dry wit." Why not try addressing the fact that this is a classic flip flop, and that you were wrong on that.

Once again, we aren't speaking on your main point any longer. Note, please read earlier in the thread. You will see I conceded that point, then we progressed the conversation to here.

Ad homming me isn't working here, you are the one who can't get into the conversation.

See, Jarod? This is what I was talking about! I even make it obvious with winkys and notes explaining the winky...
It's like that Simpson's episode, the dude is trying to get Homer to answer to his new name when he is in the protection program. He's even down to, "I say <insert the name here> and I'll step on your foot then you just nod, okay?" because he gets so frustrated.
Simpsons is funny. You are not; you are merely obtuse & predictable.
Again, if it isn't "LOL type" they miss it... Thanks for being the evidence I needed to prove the point.

I should write a book called "Nuance Lost"...

Now we can return to the regularly scheduled topic, (the one I bypassed, and missed, in my attempt to see what happened when the immovable object met the irresistible force.)

McCain, Flipper extraordinaire, saying what we all know to be true. It was a bad idea to do the banner that he had previously explained the meaning of the moment of in some interview.

Explaining what it means (at the moment) is the same thing as supporting it.. as we all know. Even though he was saying the war was handled craptacularly and with great suckage, since he used the explanation of the moment it must mean that he thinks it was a good idea to bannerize aircraft carriers.

Thankfully he is now capable of seeing the error of his ways and has stopped trying to explain the meaning (of the moment) to point out more of the suckage.
Where are the quotes where he said it was all fantastic at that time?

Doesn't "flipping" require they take a position different to what they stated before? He said that the way the war was handled sucked for a long time.

While I understand the need to attempt to associate McCain to Obama right now, I find it odd you would select this to do it on. It isn't a "flip".

Use the border, that's a flip. Use the tax breaks, that's a flip.

June 11, 2003:

NEIL CAVUTO: ... Senator -- after a conflict means after the conflict, and many argue the conflict isn't over.
JOHN MCCAIN: Well, then why was there a banner that said 'mission accomplished' on the aircraft carrier? ... the conflict -- the major conflict is over, the regime change has been accomplished...

"all fantastic" is not an alleged quote. Try not constructing strawman arguments.
June 11, 2003:

NEIL CAVUTO: ... Senator -- after a conflict means after the conflict, and many argue the conflict isn't over.
JOHN MCCAIN: Well, then why was there a banner that said 'mission accomplished' on the aircraft carrier? ... the conflict -- the major conflict is over, the regime change has been accomplished...

"all fantastic" is not an alleged quote. Try not constructing strawman arguments.
Catch up first. I admitted to missing the explanation of the meaning of the moment on the banner, then we got into a side conversation. Now we are back to the original context.

Read the post directly above yours here.
Man, if Obama had done this, they'd have to set up a separate news network with the sole purpose of 24x7 coverage on it:

I forget, what's FoxNews do?