McCain is fully a Bush man


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McCain Courting Christian Conservatives
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Feb 14, 8:00 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - To forgive is divine. To forget may be asking too much of religious conservatives when it comes to Sen. John McCain.

The Republican presidential hopeful is working hard to repair relations with conservative Christian activists, whose support could be critical to winning the GOP nomination. But they remain skeptical that he sincerely shares their values.

While McCain has managed to pry open some of the doors that slammed shut in his rift with the right during his bid for the presidency in 2000, conservatives' list of grievances against the Arizona senator is substantial:

_They are dubious about his opposition to a federal amendment to ban gay marriage. McCain opposes same-sex marriage, but says it should be regulated by the states.

_They still resent passages in the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, which Christian broadcasters say limit what they can tell voters before elections.

_And they question the sincerity of his overtures. McCain condemned evangelist leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "agents of intolerance" during his 2000 run.

Following in Bush's steps...I have to wonder about the guys intelligence.
I have to wonder about your intelligence.. because the Christian Vote is important as any demographic in the Country. Especially in the Republican Primary... If McCain had thought about this in 1999... we may not have had Bush to kick around.
McCain is following right along in Bush's footsteps , which pleases me, it guarantees he will not win.
McCain bowed to the great Bush in 99 and still is.
We will see. McCain is an odd duck, for years the supporters of Bush have been calling him Satan Incarnate, and now suddenly he is a "Bushite" extraordinaire according to the opposition. It is interesting to watch.

What will be really entertaining is if he gets the GOP nod watching Rush Limbaugh backtrack on all the hell he has given McCain over the past six years for not being a walk the line Bushie Supporter...
Yes it will be interesting to watch Damo.
He was not a bushie till he bowed to bush after bush slammed him in 99.
Now since then his support of the war and the "surge", pursuing the religious righties, etc......
Yes it will be interesting to watch Damo.
He was not a bushie till he bowed to bush after bush slammed him in 99.
Now since then his support of the war and the "surge", pursuing the religious righties, etc......
Saying wait and see is not "support". That is election spin.

Saying, "This will work and I fully recommend doing it!" is support, saying, "Well, let's wait and see." is simply being result oriented. Moqtada al Sadr ran in fear to Iran, I wonder who else will simply leave because of the new push in Baghdad.
They will be back Damo, they will be back. Unlike when sadam was in control, the iranians have influential freinds in Iraq now.
They will be back Damo, they will be back. Unlike when sadam was in control, the iranians have influential freinds in Iraq now.
One of the theories is that many of the Moqtada sort will be leaving temporarily, believing that Bush won't be able to keep troops there much longer and that they can use the US to get rid of their enemies while just biding time to return after Bush is forced to remove the troops...

Iraq has already ordered his return, this too is going to be interesting to watch.
McCain wins.... hands down. Unless Clark is the Dem candidate.

Not if Gore jumps in... and I will be willing to bet you on this. I still hold to my theory that Gore is going to jump in.. his campaign team has been holding meetings and he has been silent unlike in 2002 when he asked them stop.
klaatu.... Gore stands little chance of getting to the general election. Hillary would bitch slap his ass back to oblivion if he jumps in. That said, I hope he does indeed jump in the Dem primary. It would be entertaining to watch him and Hillary go at it.

IF, (and I think this is a big if) he were to make it past Hillary, I still think McCain gets by Gore. Closer. But still a McCain win.
klaatu.... Gore stands little chance of getting to the general election. Hillary would bitch slap his ass back to oblivion if he jumps in. That said, I hope he does indeed jump in the Dem primary. It would be entertaining to watch him and Hillary go at it.

IF, (and I think this is a big if) he were to make it past Hillary, I still think McCain gets by Gore. Closer. But still a McCain win.

You are sniffing glue... and you are not looking at the dynamics of a Gore candidacy today .... He is the perfect candidate.... he was on the correct side of the Iraq cluster fuck.., his work with Climate Change has been extraordinary.., he has more experience than all other Democrat candidates combined, he has a well balanced voting record when he was a Senator and Congressman.. cntrary to Republican Mythology...he was very moderate and eve Conservative on some issues.., he is more popular today than he has ever been, and to top it off...he is going to win two Oscars and a Nobel Peace Prize! If you dont think this will resonate with the Voters... you are living on another planet.
s-freak, if the election were held next month, Gore would beat McCain. McCain's been wrong on all the important issues, and Gore has been right. Results matter. And the public is fed up with the Bush/McCain war.

Draft Al Gore:
You are sniffing glue... and you are not looking at the dynamics of a Gore candidacy today .... He is the perfect candidate.... he was on the correct side of the Iraq cluster fuck.., his work with Climate Change has been extraordinary.., he has more experience than all other Democrat candidates combined, he has a well balanced voting record when he was a Senator and Congressman.. cntrary to Republican Mythology...he was very moderate and eve Conservative on some issues.., he is more popular today than he has ever been, and to top it off...he is going to win two Oscars and a Nobel Peace Prize! If you dont think this will resonate with the Voters... you are living on another planet.

If you think the majority of this country gives a shit about the friggin Oscars then you are smoking crack. As for the Nobel Prize... Arafat won one.... that should tell you how ridiculous that award process is.

He is a hypocrit on the environment and that will most certainly be used against him. He stance on Iraq is ONE issue. Today it is much bigger than I believe it will be during the next election.

The Clinton machine is up and running and they will mow him and all others down on the way to the Dem nomination.
People pay more attention to american Idle than to the war.
Ask them the general incharge of Iraq's name. Ask them who the panelists on American Idle are....
Cypress, I agree. If the election were held next month, Iraq would be the primary issue as it was last November. The Rep candidate would get smoked, regardless of who the Rep was. But the election is NOT in two months. It is almost two years away.

Two years of a Dem led Congress. Two years of non-stop Hillary speaking engagements. The Clinton machine is rolling and the polls show that she would destroy Gore. Gore has no chance of getting the Dem nod. Hillary is the candidate.... deal with it. :)