McCain is fully a Bush man

The oscars do not add prestige to a political candidate. Arafat won a Nobel prize so those are quite obviously a joke.

I am not saying Gore has NO experience, I am saying he has no chance against Hillary.

Please show me where to look at his congressional voting record. Demonstrate for me what legislation he wrote. I'll give him a small amount of credit for the bill you mentioned regarding the internet as it certainly helped smooth the transition, but that transition was going to occur regardless. What else did he do?

I'll give you a brief outline ...

ore as a Senator and US House of Representative ...

Congressional service
When Congressman Joe L. Evins announced his retirement after 30 years, Gore quit law school in March 1976 to run for the United States House of Representatives, in Tennessee's fourth district. Gore defeated Stanley Rogers in the Democratic primary, then ran unopposed in the general election and was elected to his first Congressional post. He was re-elected three times, in 1978, 1980, and 1982. In 1984, Gore successfully ran for a seat in the United States Senate, which had been vacated by Republican Majority Leader Howard Baker. Gore served as a Senator from Tennessee until 1993, when he became Vice President.

While in Congress, Gore was a member of the following committees: Armed Services (Defense Industry and Technology Projection Forces and Regional Defense; Strategic Forces and Nuclear Deterrence); Commerce, Science and Transportation (Communications; Consumer; Science, Technology and Space- chairman 1992; Surface Transportation; National Ocean Policy Study); Joint Committee on Printing; Joint Economic Committee; and Rules and Administration.

In the late 1980s, Gore introduced the Gore Bill, which was later passed as the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. The bill was one of the most important pieces of legislation directly affecting the expansion of the internet.


In 1977, Gore voted for the Hyde Amendment to prevent Federal funding of abortion.[citation needed] Due to votes such as this one, Gore'sCongressional voting record through the late 1980's was rated by the National Right to Life Committee as 84% anti-abortion.[citation needed] Gore also at one point opposed a provision allowing exceptions in the case of rape.[9] In a letter to a constituent from 1984-07-18, then-Congressman Gore wrote

"It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong. I hope that some day we will see the current outrageously large number of abortions drop sharply. Let me assure you that I share your belief that innocent human life must be protected. In my opinion, it is wrong to spend federal funds for what is arguably the taking of a human life…."[10]

Gore did not start consistently voting pro-choice until 1988. [11] Gore explained the purported contradiction by distinguishing his view on federalfunding of institutions performing abortions from his view on the legality of abortion, "I voted to restrict federal funding of abortions[, but] I've always supported Roe v. Wade. I've always supported keeping abortions legal..."[11

One of Gore's major accomplishments as Vice President was the National Performance Review[19], which pointed out waste, fraud, and other abuse in the federal government and stressed the need for cutting the size of the bureaucracy and the number of regulations. His book later helped guide President Clinton when he down-sized the federal government.[20]

Since 1998, Gore heavily promoted a NASA satellite that would provide a constant view of Earth, marking the first time such an image would have been made since The Blue Marble photo from the 1972 Apollo 17 mission. The "Triana" satellite would have been permanently mounted in the L1 Lagrangian Point, 1.5 million km away. [21] The finished satellite was not launched due to opposition from the Republican congress.

Gore on Gun Control

I will not do anything to affect the rights of hunters or sportsmen. I think that homeowners have to be respected in their right to have a gun if they wish to. The problem I see is that there are too many guns getting into the hands of children and criminals and people who for whatever reason, really should not be able to get guns.
I think these assault weapons are a problem.
So I favor closing the gun-show loophole. In fact, I cast the tie-breaking vote to close it.
I think we ought to restore the three-day waiting period under the Brady Law.
We should toughen the enforcement of gun laws so that the ones that are already on the books can be enforced much more effectively. Some of the restrictions that have been placed by the Congress in the last few years, I think have been unfortunate.
I think that we ought to make all schools gun free. Have a gun-free zone around every school in this country.
And child safety trigger locks on a mandatory basis and others.

On Education

I see a day where there are no failing schools; where the classrooms are small enough so the teacher can spend one-on-one time with each student. That means recruiting teachers. It means hiring bonuses to get 100,000 new teachers in the next four years. It means helping with interest-free bonding authority, so that we can build new schools and modernize classrooms. I want to give every middle class family a $10,000 deduction for college tuition to send their kids to college. If a school is failing, we work with the states to give them the authority and resources to close down that school and reopen it with a new principal, a new faculty.

Source: (X-ref Bush) St. Louis debate Oct 17, 2000

Make $10,000 of college tuition tax deductible annually
Big corporations get a tax write off for education or training for their high-paid executives. But for hard-working, middle-class families, you don’t get enough help to afford your kids’ college tuition. Al Gore understands middle-class families need help: $10,000 of college tuition tax deductible every year to help middle-class families send their kids to college. “We need help for middle-class families to pay college tuition. I’m for a lifelong commitment to education,” Gore says.

Doesnt sound like a raging liberal to me ....
Superfreak: I am not saying Gore has NO experience, I am saying he has no chance against Hillary. Please show me where to look at his congressional voting record. Demonstrate for me what legislation he wrote.

Gore is more accomplished, than the Shrub would ever dream to be.

”Al Gore and the Internet”

By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf – Fathers of the Internet

Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

No one person or even small group of persons exclusively "invented" the
Internet….But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.

…there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore's initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.

As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the
improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship. Though easily forgotten, now, at the time this was an unproven and controversial concept.

As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate
what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an "Interagency Network." Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush's administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This "Gore Act" supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.

As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. He served as the major administration proponent for continued investment in advanced computing and networking and private sector initiatives such as Net Day…. Gore
provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.

The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of the value of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world.
Doesnt sound like a raging liberal to me ....

Me neither, Gore could be a guy I could actually feel some support for, perhaps.

You can pick and choose texts from the bible and make god out to be evil....
And anyone talk radio and pundits speak of , seem to be either satanic or godly, not much in between.
And no I don't listen to talk radio any more than I have to, but some that I visit have had their brains sucked out by that hate filled ranting.
So I guess what I am trying to say in my rambling is that politicians in the middle get it from both sides.

So do we middle of the road citizen voters :D
Superfreak: I am not saying Gore has NO experience, I am saying he has no chance against Hillary. Please show me where to look at his congressional voting record. Demonstrate for me what legislation he wrote.

Gore is more accomplished, than the Shrub would ever dream to be.

The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of the value of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world.

One of the things I still remember from 1988 Democrat National Convention was a speech Gore made. He was talking about the future ... I remember when he made his speech at the convention.. now this was back in 88 .. he talked of all the schools being linked together so our Children can use Computers to communicate across the country and trade knowledge...
He talked of Clean Energy and a reduction in the amount pollutants we send in the atmosphere and he also talked of reducing the dependence on foreign oil and at the same time creating new energy industry.

The guy was way before his time.... I think there will come a time when the internal combustion engine withers on the vine of obscurity replaced mainly by hydro fuel cell ...and wind mill farms and solar panals become a common sight... Al Gore will be considered the Teddy Roosevelt of this generation.. the Man who dared to buck the system.
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One of the things I still remember from 1988 Democrat National Convention was a speech Gore made. He was talking about the future ... I remember when he made his speech at the convention.. now this was back in 88 .. he talked of all the schools being linked together so our Children can use Computers to communicate across the country and trade knowledge...
He talked of Clean Energy and a reduction in the amount pollutants we send in the atmosphere and he also talked of reducing the dependence on foreign oil and at the same time creating new energy industry.

The guy was way before his time.... I think there will come a time when the internal combustion engine withers on the vine of obscurity replaced mainly by hydro fuel cell ...and wind mill farms and solar panals become a common sight... Al Gore will be considered the Teddy Roosevelt of this generation.. the Man who dared to buck the system.

Well said. I concur.

Gore was WAY out in front of everybody else in government on some of the most important issues of the last 20 years: climate change, the internet, and the Iraq war.
"Gore is more accomplished, than the Shrub would ever dream to be. "

Ya know... it just doesn't matter cause Gore is not running against Bush. He is running against Hillary... and he does not stand a chance against HER.

And PLEASE everyone can stop posting the quotes on how his bill helped ease the transition of the internet to the public. I conceded that point a long time ago.


1) name another bill he wrote that has been passed.

2) quit posting that he was on committees... it doesn't matter. When you are in Congress you are on committees. It doesn't mean he DID anything of value there.
"Al Gore will be considered the Teddy Roosevelt of this generation.. the Man who dared to buck the system."

That ends this conversation. You obviously have been smoking too much crack. Comparing GORE to T.R.??? Please. He will NEVER be in the same category. Not that many are.

Tell me what Gore has done that compares?