McCain is fully a Bush man

Why is it up to the Dems to rescue you from the disaster of bush?

What happened to personal responsibility.

There was a GOP primary and nomination in 2004. I didn't here one single republican make a peep, about supporting a primary challenger to Bush. A conservative more to your liking. I heard nothing but dead silence.

I take it from the total dead silence that all republicans approved of bush's performance and leadership.


Once again I agree with you... we Conservatives fucked up...

Probably the major reason I have become disenchanted with the current Republicans that are in power and have gravitated to the Technocrat types like Albert Gore, Mark Warner and on the Pub Side...Chuck Hagel...
s-freak, if the election were held next month, Gore would beat McCain. McCain's been wrong on all the important issues, and Gore has been right. Results matter. And the public is fed up with the Bush/McCain war.

Draft Al Gore:
Amen... I'll ask all my Superchristian friends to pray to their God for this one. Please! PLease! Nominate Gore!
Why is it up to the Dems to rescue you from the disaster of bush?

What happened to personal responsibility.

There was a GOP primary and nomination in 2004. I didn't here one single republican make a peep, about supporting a primary challenger to Bush. A conservative more to your liking. I heard nothing but dead silence.

I take it from the total dead silence that all republicans approved of bush's performance and leadership.

I know for a fact that I wished for a challenger...
The oscars do not add prestige to a political candidate. Arafat won a Nobel prize so those are quite obviously a joke.

I am not saying Gore has NO experience, I am saying he has no chance against Hillary.

Please show me where to look at his congressional voting record. Demonstrate for me what legislation he wrote. I'll give him a small amount of credit for the bill you mentioned regarding the internet as it certainly helped smooth the transition, but that transition was going to occur regardless. What else did he do?
"Why is it up to the Dems to rescue you from the disaster of bush?

What happened to personal responsibility."

Yeah, like the Reps would have the stones to unseat a sitting President of their own party in a time of war. I wish they would have, but they didn't. That doesn't take away from the fact that the Dems put up Kerry.

"There was a GOP primary and nomination in 2004. I didn't here one single republican make a peep, about supporting a primary challenger to Bush. A conservative more to your liking. I heard nothing but dead silence. "

See above.

"I take it from the total dead silence that all republicans approved of bush's performance and leadership. "

Well, I certainly cannot speak for all republicans... but I would guess it has to do with the above. When the choice is Bush or Kerry running the country, I still would take Bush.
"Ohh I will vote anyway, different state so they don't cancel out.
Electorial college remember."

Yes, I am quite aware of the electoral college. That trick works on the po' trailer dems... I guess u jus two sufisticated.
"Nevertheless, all Americans should acknowledge that Iraq does indeed pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf region, and we should be about the business of organizing an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power. Now, let's be clear, there's no international law that can prevent the United States from taking action to protect our vital interests when it is manifestly clear that there is a choice to be made between law and our survival. Indeed, international law itself recognizes that such choices stay within the purview of all nations. I believe, however, that such a choice is not presented in the case of Iraq. Indeed, should we decide to proceed, our action can be justified within the framework of international law rather than requiring us to go outside the framework of international law. In fact, even though a new United Nations resolution might be helpful in the effort to forge an international consensus, I think it's abundantly clear that the existing U.N. resolutions passed 11 years ago are completely sufficient from a legal standpoint so long as it is clear that Saddam Hussein is in breach of the agreements made at the conclusion of the Persian Gulf War."

"Iraq could easily pose a far greater danger to the United States than we presently face from Saddam. Here's why I say that; we know that he has stored away secret supplies of biological weapons and chemical weapons throughout his country. "

Seeeeeeee.... Gore was against the TIMING of the war... he said it was legal... AND he believed Saddam had WMDs.... Gore sucks too! Gore sucks too!

The above two quotes are from....


Al Gore - September 23, 2002

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Al Gore
Former U.S. Vice President

Answers to Written Questions from the Floor:

Q: With the current Republican chorus all singing the same pro-war tune, why hasn't the Democratic Party seized the opportunity to lead our nation to a more peaceful national agenda?

A: I think that there is a realistic view on the part of both political parties that Saddam Hussein does represent a threat to the peace and stability of the Persian Gulf region and the Middle East and that, given time, he could come to pose an imminent threat to us.

from the same site....
"But Gore is not even running for president !!!!
Why waste bandwith on dissing him ?"

Two reasons

1) because we were discussing outcomes SHOULD he decide to run

2) cause I really really don't like him :cool:
"Algoreaphobia is a cureable affliction, but most cons enjoy the effects of the disease and avoid treatment."

My friend, it is not a FEAR of Gore... it is a dislike/distrust of the man. There is a big difference.
Thanks for the wiki url... but because klaatu said I was too unfamiliar with Gore, I already had gone there.... which is where I found the link to the article I posted. :)

your partisan hatred for Gore - a man who is Bush's superior in every way - is showing through.

You're selectively quoting Gore's 2002 speech. He made it quite clear that a rush to war and a unilateral invasion and occupation of iraq would be a foolish thing to do.

BTW: your also relying on partisan rightwing hack sites to exaggerate the zinc pollution on gore's property.

Gore was right on Iraq. your President and you were wrong. Just deal with it man.
Algoreaphobia can be caused by cranial-anal-itis as well.
all bushites are know to suffer from this disease.
"your partisan hatred for Gore - a man who is Bush's superior in every way - is showing through. "

I wouldn't call it partisan, because it is not due to his party. I would also change hate to extreme dislike (cause it sounds better). The rest is a matter of opinion.

"You're selectively quoting Gore's 2002 speech. He made it quite clear that a rush to war and a unilateral invasion and occupation of iraq would be a foolish thing to do. "

Yes, he made quite clear that the TIMING was not good and that we should build a coalition if we could. He also made it clear that the war was LEGAL and that he thought Saddam had WMDs. He also made clear that he believed Saddam needed to be removed. He differed obviously in the timing and method.... but not in the need for the outcome.

"BTW: your also relying on partisan rightwing hack sites to exaggerate the zinc pollution on gore's property. "

BTW.... it is more the pollution caused by the processing plants than the actual mining itself that I find hypocritical. No matter what the site, that fact still holds true.

Gore was right on Iraq. your President and you were wrong. Just deal with it man.
"Algoreaphobia can be caused by cranial-anal-itis as well."

and again... it is most certainly not a fear of the man.... it is a lack of trust with a couple scoops of dislike tossed in for flavor.
Then there is chronic hillaryitis which is a related disease...
It manifests itself in unreasonable uncontrollable outbursts at the mention of her name...
Medical science is currently linking it to Tourettes Syndrome.
"Then there is chronic hillaryitis which is a related disease...
It manifests itself in unreasonable uncontrollable outbursts at the mention of her name...
Medical science is currently linking it to Tourettes Syndrome."

Now THAT I may indeed have been infected with ;)