McCain & Romney?

Romney has economic credentials and has staked out some extremely conservative positions on immigration and fiscal policy, but he has two notable pieces of baggage:

His Mormonism, which proved to be a bigger hindrance than I originally expected, and his perceived phoniness was also a spoiler for him.

is there any evidence, major polls etc illustrating that the one of the big reasons people didn't vote for him was his religious beliefs?
is there any evidence, major polls etc illustrating that the one of the big reasons people didn't vote for him was his religious beliefs?
I remember reading one that said that 25% said that they wouldn't vote for him because he is a Mormon.
Actually it was worse than I thought.

1/3 of Republicans and 54% of those polled said they would definitely not vote for him.

This article mentions nothing about the reason they wouldn't vote for him was because he was mormon, which is what I was discussing.

The article is also very old, nearly a year, back when he didn't have much name recognition and the reasons that they may have not voted for him at the time could have been simply that they did not know him, preferred someone that was more well known, or a host of other reasons.
It ranges from about 25% up to 47% in certain demographics.

Among white evangelical Protestants, just 46% have a positive impression of Mormons, while 39% have an unfavorable opinion.

Furthermore, the group of Americans most likely to say they value religiosity in a president - white evangelical Protestants - is also the group most apt to be bothered by his religion. More than one-in-three evangelical Republicans (36%) expressed reservations about voting for a Mormon, a level of opposition much higher than that seen among the electorate overall.

These worries are directly linked to how Americans view Romney. The August Pew poll found that Romney's favorability rating was much lower (54%) among those who say they would be less likely to vote for a Mormon than among those without such reservations (81%).

December 2007
This article mentions nothing about the reason they wouldn't vote for him was because he was mormon, which is what I was discussing.

The article is also very old, nearly a year, back when he didn't have much name recognition and the reasons that they may have not voted for him at the time could have been simply that they did not know him, preferred someone that was more well known, or a host of other reasons.
Again, I believe, during the time I read an article about a poll stating that 25% would not vote for him because he was a mormon.
Of course, Blackflag is not an Evangelical Republican, and he is the most repulsed by Mitt's Mormonism that I can think of...
My Brother in law isn't either and he also believed that Mitt's religion was a sign of serious problems in decision making skills.
I find it hilarious that Romney is perceived to be the most religious candidate out of those listed.

I think he is probably the least religious candidate of either party.

The August Pew poll found that 46% of the public says that Mitt Romney is very religious. This is comparable to the percentage saying that George W. Bush is very religious and is much greater than for any other presidential candidate in the race for either party's nomination.

But Romney's perceived religiosity is not an unambiguous benefit to his candidacy, since many Americans are reluctant to vote for a Mormon for president. Though Mormonism is viewed as far less of a liability for a presidential candidate than not believing in God or being a Muslim, more people do express reservations about voting for a Mormon (25%) than about supporting a candidate who is an evangelical Christian (16%), a Jew (11%) or a Catholic (7%).
McCain should be the easiest candidate since Goldwater to beat.

He's hitched his star to the most unpopular president in American history and a failed war that Americans don't support .. and he doesn't know shit about the economy and said so.

Yet somehow, the democrats will fuck it up.
McCain should be the easiest candidate since Goldwater to beat.

He's hitched his star to the most unpopular president in American history and a failed war that Americans don't support .. and he doesn't know shit about the economy and said so.

Yet somehow, the democrats will fuck it up.

And what I consider to be an equally if not more important factor is that the conservative base does not particularly like McCain.

2004 proved that Republicans can win even when the public is against Iraq and concerned about the economy so long as they turn out the conservative base.

This year they still face the obstacles of an unpopular war and unstable economy, and they won't be able to use their trump card with a nominee who doesn't inspire their base to turn out.
And what I consider to be an equally if not more important factor is that the conservative base does not particularly like McCain.

2004 proved that Republicans can win even when the public is against Iraq and concerned about the economy so long as they turn out the conservative base.

This year they still face the obstacles of an unpopular war and unstable economy, and they won't be able to use their trump card with a nominee who doesn't inspire their base to turn out.

Quite true .. but then again .. democrats can't be trsuted not to fuck up even this should be easy opportunity.
McCain should be the easiest candidate since Goldwater to beat.

He's hitched his star to the most unpopular president in American history and a failed war that Americans don't support .. and he doesn't know shit about the economy and said so.

Yet somehow, the democrats will fuck it up.
It's possible, but really it is their election to lose.
He's is currently occupied, Colin Powell would be a unstoppable, But I could vote McCain / Romney.
Powell libs the ticket up. I think that actually loses votes. Plus he's not so hot on the war since he "resigned". Condie can't either cause that makes the ticket look too much like the War Hero and the Lesbian, which is what it would be, and Republicans are NOT voting for a woman that has never been married and lives with another woman in a house with both their names on the mortgage and a line of credit together. That was just for those of you that want to jump up and down and tell me she's not a lick'em low lover.