McCain Used Wife’s Jet for Little Cost

Have fun ****ing your granddaughter.

I'll let your imagination fill in the blank.

Back for a moment....the kid who bit the dust will be okay just some bruising,contusions,maye a broken arm...on the way to the er...he did say 'thanks .gramps' this old has been lifed him outta the ditch onto the stetcher..

as for the above comment...all I can say is seek help are one sick puppie!

I'm outta here for the rest of the day...the competition will be ending soon...and one last sweep is needed...then it is on to 'party time' event end!
Because of my utter and complete apathy regarding any of your opinions about me.

In all serious though, when someone proves that they are unworthy of being engaged in serious debate I will usually do something like this.

He doesn't even understand his own political philosophy, much less the realities of the political landscape, so it would hardly be worth my time to address his points as if he did.

I don't think I said zip about my opinion of you.
I don't think I said zip about my opinion of you.

Because of my utter and complete apathy regarding any of your opinions about me.

Plural you, dear.

My point is that I certainly wouldn't digress into an attack like that surrounded by people I know in my real life, but since I don't know any of you and am not accountable to you I have no problem bashing ignorance in ways that would be too harsh for real life.

I come here for substantive debates about issues, and BB does nothing to further that goal so I see no need to humor him by pretending that his ideas are worthy of debate.
Last edited:
April 27, 2008
McCain Used Wife’s Jet for Little Cost

Given Senator John McCain’s signature stance on campaign finance reform, it was not surprising that he backed legislation last year requiring presidential candidates to pay the actual cost of flying on corporate jets. The law, which requires campaigns to pay charter rates when using such jets rather than cheaper first-class fares, was intended to reduce the influence of lobbyists and create a level financial playing field.

But over a seven-month period beginning last summer, Mr. McCain’s cash-short campaign gave itself an advantage by using a corporate jet owned by a company headed by his wife, Cindy McCain, according to public records. For five of those months, the plane was used almost exclusively for campaign-related purposes, those records show.

Mr. McCain’s campaign paid a total of $241,149 for the use of that plane from last August through February, records show. That amount is approximately the cost of chartering a similar jet for a month or two, according to industry estimates.

The senator was able to fly so inexpensively because the law specifically exempts aircraft owned by a candidate or his family or by a privately held company they control. The Federal Election Commission adopted rules in December to close the loophole — rules that would have required substantial payments by candidates using family-owned planes — but the agency soon lost the requisite number of commissioners needed to complete the rule making.

His wife has a JET, and Obama is the elitist? What a crock of shit.
What a crock of shit.

Yep that pretty much sums up the republican party of recent years.
A dem opponent of Mitch McConnel has about 2 million total so far in his campaign coffers. He wrote himself a check for a mill of it and the republicans were calling him elitist. These are the guys backing mitch with 13 mill or so in his campaign war chest.

Need to put exlax in the food at the republican convention and the republicans would just vanish.
What a crock of shit.

Yep that pretty much sums up the republican party of recent years.
A dem opponent of Mitch McConnel has about 2 million total so far in his campaign coffers. He wrote himself a check for a mill of it and the republicans were calling him elitist. These are the guys backing mitch with 13 mill or so in his campaign war chest.

Need to put exlax in the food at the republican convention and the republicans would just vanish.

Its classic conservative projection. Republican chickenhawks send other people's kids to die in a war based on lies, and they call their liberal opponents "anti-troops"
Epi, I know you just want me for yourself since you have seen my photo.

Jealousy is a horrible thing.
I am afraid Sean will be after me now.